Are you curious to see how world leaders looked as babies? Thanks to AI technology, we now have a fascinating glimpse of what some of the most influential people in the world were like in their early years. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most notable figures and explore the intriguing similarities and differences between their baby photos. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an unconventional journey back in time!


Welcome to this review of the video titled “World leaders as babies, according to AI” created by ChatGPT ai. In this article, we are going to discuss various aspects of this video, including its content, style, and presentation. Let’s dive in!

First Impressions:

Upon watching the video, one cannot help but be amazed at the level of detail and accuracy with which ChatGPT ai has portrayed world leaders as babies. The video is a creative take on how these global icons might have looked like when they were infants. The visuals are engaging, and the content is entertaining, making it an enjoyable watch.

Content and Style:

The video’s content is unique and explores a topic that is not commonly addressed. ChatGPT ai has done an excellent job of coming up with this intriguing concept and executing it well. The style of writing is conversational and written in the second person, making the viewer feel like they are being addressed directly.

The text is creative, using colloquialisms and idioms that give it a friendly tone. Further, the article is well-structured, with clear headings and sub-headings that help the viewer navigate through the content easily. The use of transitional phrases ensures that the text flows smoothly, avoiding any abrupt changes in topic.


The visuals are one of the highlights of the video. The animation is polished and detailed, with each baby portrayal being recognizable as a particular world leader. The use of vibrant colors and facial expressions adds to the charm of the content, engaging the viewer more.

Bullet Points:

  • The content is engaging, entertaining, and unique.
  • The writing style is conversational and written in the second person.
  • The article is well-structured with clear headings and sub-headings.
  • Visuals are one of the highlights of the video, with well-animated and detailed portrayals of world leaders as babies.


In conclusion, ChatGPT ai has done an excellent job with this video. The content is creative, the style is engaging, and the visuals are entertaining. The video is a great example of how AI can be used creatively to explore topics that may seem unconventional. Overall, we highly recommend watching this video, and we believe it is worthy of your time.


Q1: Is the video appropriate for all audiences?

A1: Yes, the video is appropriate for all audiences as it is harmless and creatively explores a unique topic.

Q2: Is the video politically biased in any way?

A2: No, the video does not show any form of political bias. It is a creative take on how world leaders might have looked at infancy.

Q3: Is the video’s content backed by research?

A3: The video’s content is creative and not backed by any research.

Q4: Are there any negative aspects of the video?

A4: No, there are no negative aspects of the video as it is a harmless and creative take on a unique topic.

Q5: Is the video worthy of one’s time?

A5: Yes, absolutely. The video is entertaining, engaging, and creatively explores a unique topic that will make one smile.