At Davos, Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei shared bold predictions about AGI arriving by 2027. Discussions spanned enterprise AI’s evolution, virtual collaborators, and the potential need for a global economic reorganization. With AI advancements accelerating, this episode unpacks key insights from the Wall Street Journal interview and broader implications for the future of work, global competition, and societal adaptation.

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Welcome back to the AI Daily Brief there Has been a lot of chatter and Conversation recently around AGI and Super intelligence and the rate of Change and how everything is speeding up And of course right now the annual World Economic Forum at Davos is happening Which if nothing else is a good chance To see how many leading figures from the Business and political world think about The world in this moment earlier this Week the Wall Street Journal had a Conversation with anthropic CEO Dario Amade it was a wide range conversation That included both some nuggets about Where anthropic was and where they were Headed as well as some questions about These larger issues for this episode We're going to dig into some of the most Interesting comments from that Conversation and how they're being Perceived now to kick off let's talk About some of the little details we got From the conversation that were more on The business side for Claude interviewer Joanna Stern desperately tried to pull Out some information around when new Models would be coming out with little Success one of the features she asked About was web access which Dario said Would be coming quote relatively soon he Also discussed a two-way voice mode that Would quote come eventually Interestingly when Stern asked amade

About photo and video generation he said That they were explicitly not on the Road map effectively he said that Anthropic did not see those as crucial Features for Enterprise users that Instead those were features focused on Consumers and that quote the majority of Our business is Enterprise focused so Often Enterprise focused things get Prioritized first this makes sense when You look at the market share change of Anthropic relative to their competitors When it comes comes to llms in the Enterprise whereas between 2023 and 2024 Open AI saw a 16% decrease in their Market share in the Enterprise anthropic Saw a doubling of their market share From 12% to 24% now it's interesting That they are being so explicit that They do not see photo and video Generation is key for Enterprise but This also may just be reflective of the Fact that even a well financed startup Like anthropic can't go after everything All at once now the thing that Stern and The Wall Street Journal were maybe most Interested in was whether anthropic Would be releasing a more advanced model Some time in the coming months his Answer was yes and the only time scale He would give was within the next 6 Months when it came to questions of Anthropics tight usage limits which has Been a frequent complaint on Twitter he

Basically said that they're working hard To address resource constraints but that Right now getting access to compute Involves waiting lists and it's really Just a tricky difficult thing he also Said that Revenue had grown 10x over the Last year to close to a billion dollars And that that's not slowing down the Next conversation was one about agents Dario took the chance to try to reframe The conversation a little bit he Referred to anthropics forthcoming Agents as quote virtual collaborators Saying the thing we have in mind is a Model that is able to do anything on a Computer screen that a virtual human Could do and you talk to it and give it A task maybe it's a task it does over a Day you say we're going to implement a Product feature and it writes code tests Deploys that code talking to co-workers Writing slacks sending emails just like A human the model goes off and does a Bunch of things and checks in with you Once in a while now I understand why People who have been in this space for a Long time sometimes bristle at the Overuse and over hype around the term Agents I also think that this is just Frankly a losing argument agents to People right now mean AI that does stuff For me without me they're not Considering degrees of autonomy and Technical nuance and I think trying to

Get people to use a different set of Terms or a more Nuance set of terms is Just a losing battle in any case even The virtual collaborators version of Agents in am's estimation could imply Job replacement which was something he Was asked about as well Dario noted that Every time machines end up automating % Of a certain time of work human workers Are able to leverage the most crucial 10% for huge efficiency gains he also Discussed the difference between Deploying Enterprise AI in a replacement Mode versus a complimentary mode amade Referenced research that suggested Complimentary AI deployment leads to Greater productivity gains and this of Course leads to that language of virtual Collaborator I've talked about this a Lot before and I will continue to talk About it I think it is inevitable that Corporations are going to be looking and Asking how agents can replace entire Categories of tasks which could impact Jobs but but I also think that there's Going to be significant social pressure In a new forming of norms that's going To put a lot of pressure on those Companies to think in this sort of Complimentary way rather than in pure Replacement terms then the interview got Into the big questions amade said that He still believes that AGI will arrive By 2027 or slightly after that just 2

Years from now and thinking about the Sociological implications he Acknowledged that AGI is likely to Require a reorganization of the economy He said the only good thing about it is That we'll all be in the same boat I'm Actually afraid of the world where 30% Of human labor becomes fully a automated By AI That's going to cause this Incredible class war between the groups That have been replaced and those that Haven't if we're all in the same boat It's not going to be easy but I actually Feel better about it we're going to have To sit down and recognize that we've Reached the point as a technological Civilization that there's huge abundance And huge economic value but the idea That the way to distribute that value is For humans to produce economic labor is Invalidated another thing that you Probably heard me speak about quite a Bit is the idea of a renegotiation of The social contract and this is just Further evidence and a different Articulation of exactly that idea in a Separate interview also at Davos he said I've never been more confident that We're close to powerful AI systems what I've seen inside anthropic and out of That over the last few months led me to Believe that we're on track for human Level systems that surpass humans in Every task within 2 to 3 years this is

Nothing new but it's important to repeat Because it brings up questions as Johnny Miller here asks sincere question how if At all are you considering adjusting Your life trajectory based on this punch Bow technology reporter Ben Brody writes However much this is hype however long The timeline actually ends up being this Is by far the most disruptive thing on The horizon of our lives and I say that As a reporter in Trump's DC now I won't Get too much into it but he was also Asked about the new Administration and Effectively he deflected saying that Anthropic is a policy actor but not a Political actor and making it clear that The types of issues that they care about Are things like the race with China Although he acknowledges that it's Really tricky he said having a lead on China which is becoming increasingly Difficult gives us the buffer to take Care of the risk of our own models if we Have that lead we're in this Catch 22 Where if you slow down 3 months to Mitigate the risk of our our own models Then China will overtake us we don't Want to end up in that situation in the First place you might remember that he Recently co-authored an article in the Wall Street Journal called Trump can Keep America's AI advantage that's all About the need to continue to support And even expand the export controls that

Went into effect under Biden all in all I share this interview because it is Once again a leader of one of the Frontier labs in the best position to Actually know saying that we are just a Couple years out from a massive Structural shift in our economy the time To start thinking about those Implications and preparing is if not Yesterday then certainly today and I'm Glad to be a part of your journey to do Just that for now that is going to do it For today's AI Daily Brief till next Time peace