Why OpenAI’s $2000/Month Model Isn’t Crazy” As I delve into the realm of AI and its potential impact on our future, the idea of OpenAI’s $2000/month model may seem extravagant at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, I believe there are compelling reasons why this pricing strategy may not be as outlandish as it appears.

Why OpenAI’s $2000/Month Model Isn’t Crazy


As an AI enthusiast, I’ve been following the recent buzz surrounding OpenAI’s decision to potentially introduce a $2,000/month subscription plan for their advanced AI models like Orion and Strawberry. Many have raised eyebrows at this unprecedented move, questioning the feasibility and rationale behind such a hefty price tag. However, I believe that there are valid reasons why OpenAI’s $2,000/month model isn’t as crazy as it may seem at first glance.

AI Independence vs. Co-intelligence

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the pricing strategy for advanced AI models like Orion and Strawberry could potentially shift the role of AI from co-intelligence, where it collaborates with human operators, to an independent worker capable of generating insights and solutions autonomously.

OpenAI’s Milestones and Fundraising Success

OpenAI recently celebrated a successful fundraising round, achieving significant enterprise milestones. This financial backing has positioned the company as a major player in the AI industry, with plans to offer cutting-edge models like Strawberry and Orion to a premium market segment.

AI Daily Brief and Venice Pro Promotions

AI Daily Brief, known for providing valuable insights on crucial AI news, is offering exclusive content for subscribers interested in the latest industry discussions. Furthermore, Venice Pro has announced a 20% discount for AI Daily Brief listeners concerned about privacy and censorship issues.

Addressing Rumors and Valuation Concerns

OpenAI has swiftly debunked rumors about a purported 100x more powerful GPT model, clarifying that GPT Next serves as a placeholder for future model advancements. The company’s recent fundraising round reportedly valued OpenAI at over $100 billion, with speculations hinting at a valuation exceeding $120 billion, spearheaded by key figures like Josh Kushner.

Subscription Prices and Enterprise Offerings

With a growing base of 1 million paid users for their enterprise offerings, OpenAI aims to introduce subscription prices of up to $2,000/month for advanced models such as Orion and Strawberry. These premium offerings are tailored for businesses and researchers seeking unparalleled AI capabilities.


In conclusion, the notion of OpenAI’s $2,000/month model for advanced AI models like Orion and Strawberry may initially appear extravagant. Still, considering the company’s industry standing, technological advancements, and market demand, it becomes evident that this pricing strategy aligns with the premium value proposition OpenAI aims to deliver to its discerning clientele.


  1. What justifies the $2,000/month subscription plan for OpenAI’s advanced models like Orion and Strawberry?
  2. How does OpenAI’s pricing strategy impact the role of AI in the industry?
  3. What are the unique features of AI Daily Brief that set it apart from other AI news sources?
  4. Why is there speculation about OpenAI’s valuation exceeding $120 billion?
  5. How will OpenAI address potential concerns and backlash regarding the $2,000/month subscription plan for its advanced AI models?