Today we look at what happens if you pull random ingredients together and let ChatGPT form a recipe!

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Hello and welcome back to the channel Today we’re going to Deep dive into Ai And to see if perhaps it can help our Normal home Cooks in the kitchen by Combining ingredients that might Otherwise be tricky to put together yeah So we’re going to take artificial Intelligence app chat GPT which has been Blowing up across the internet and we’re Going to put a series of ingredients Into it and see if it can come up with a Recipe that might be better than one That we would come up with so rather Than relying on a bunch of ingredients That we know are going to work we’re Going to leave this up to fate by Choosing ingredients out of these Glasses pick one from each a protein a Vegetable a sauce and a miscellaneous Ingredient Protein is minced beef Vegetable is lettuce okay lettuce and Beef yeah yeah yeah fish sauce and our Miscellaneous is Dark chocolate oh no Right here we go Dark chocolate lettuce cups with the Fish sauce dressing Using a few other ingredients in the Store cupboard as well except it’s now Written you a seven step method with Full weights and measures for a recipe Oh I don’t know it’s still a bit odd to Me all right let’s get ingredients

[Music] Do we need to do some prepping first we Need to do some prepping first so I Think what will be interesting here is To see how much of the thinking it’s Been able to do for you in terms of the Prep the method the weights and Measurements the seasoning the cooking Times and temperatures see how close it Can get to what perhaps a chef would do Automatically when given those Ingredients the only thing about what it Tells you about the ingredients and how They want them prepared is it kind of Force you do this up front when it Actually might be time in the recipe to Do this during a step I know that we Write our recipes with starting from Full ingredients You process them as you go that’s how You cook at home yeah exactly and so it Really winds me up whenever I look at Any other recipes and do it the other Way this software trolls through Something like eight million documents Uh articles websites and uses that data So if the majority of recipes are geared Up to prep ingredients first that’s Probably where it’ll end up so at the Moment you haven’t even got to step one No no we’re just we’re just creating Good boys yeah one yellow onion sliced Sliced look at those slices what’s wrong Quarters

Why is Barry So step one in the large Skillet over Medium heat heat the sesame oil add the Garlic and ginger and cook until Fragrant about a minute okay yep bearing In mind this is going to use the American terms and Imperial already it Knows that you have to use the fish Sauce so it’s chosen an oil that might Also be associated with that part of the World haven’t read the entire recipe but The ingredients look like look sensible It’s just a chocolate that’s just I’m Looking at how they’re going to squeeze It in add the minced beef to the skillet And cook break it up into small pieces Until browned and cooked through about Eight minutes seasoned with salt and Pepper how much minced beef Buzz One pound so what we’re now seeing is Normal home Cooks deal with Imperial so What’s how many how many ounces in a Pound oh come on pub quiz trivia I don’t Know I don’t even know that there you go Got it one pound of minced beef going in So interestingly what it’s done is based It on obviously Imperial so we are Looking at U.S measurements and it’s Asked for a pound Um which not ideal if you’re buying UK Packet sizes because we’d have typically 500 grams which is why you’ve now got Some left over you can probably throw That in in the spirit of things we

Probably wouldn’t want to leave that Tiny amount left because it would be Wasted do you want a spare meatball Flavor Throw it in Meanwhile in a small bowl whisk together Fish sauce rice vinegar and sugar until The sugar has dissolved whisk to Combined once the beef is cooked is it Cooked pretty much add the chopped dark Chocolate to the skillet and stir until Melted and fully Incorporated this is The bit Jay dark chocolate in nicely Spiced Rich sauces mole style is great Never really had chocolate from sort of The Southeast Asian influence of flavors But that’s the challenge we gave it fish Sauce and chocolate so once it’s melted And fully Incorporated to assemble the Lettuce cups place two lettuce leaves on Each plate spoon the beef and chocolate Mixture into the center of each lettuce Leaf not very cuppy are they no we could Have got kapio lettuce with any bit of Software it requires inputs and it’s Only going to be as good as the inputs You give it so when we put in lettuce it Presumes this lettuce could be cup Jamie It’s not looking great this right okay Now Chuck on your behave In the onions we’re just going in with Raw onion we’ll get to that right If you’re enjoying this there are some Small things you can do that make a big

Difference to us like the video Subscribe if you aren’t click the Notification Bell and select all Thanks in terms of cupping you filled The cups but we have to use all of that It gave us a very precise measurement Right this is just going to be mint Remove trust me I’m good at this bit Remove all intelligence The beauty here is there’s a normal home Cook you’ve opened up your fridge and Cupboards you found four ingredients That you want to use up you’ve plugged It in and you’ve let the software do the Rest it’s now quite painful to cook Using that information and not apply the Chef logic right I’ve now done what I Would consider to be Jamie Jamie there’s Leftovers keep going oh God Still got a whole onion and a whole Pepper to put on yet Top is the sliced red bell pepper and Onion the onions completely raw yeah What raw onions can be fine as long as It’s sliced nice and thinly To be fair to Jamie it doesn’t specify How thinly to slice it and to be fair to The software we quite often finish a Dish with a little bit of raw onion it Gives it a real acidity and crunch and Pepperiness we wouldn’t use a whole Onion in that instance it’s normally Maybe a quarter where we’ve used three Quarters in the rest of the recipe

Of onion I was worried when it started To spit out that precise ingredients List and method that we might be out of A job in the future and despite the fact There is some Kickback on AI technology And software and not everyone is is Comfortable in the way it it trolls Information and repurposes it I’m Feeling more comfortable now and you’ve Not tasted it yet okay now we have to Drizzle of the fish sauce dressing and Then add your fresh coriander which is Just says chopped and it’s optional and Doesn’t tell you how much right well Let’s see if we can get some Sexes of it And then we’ll have a taste Oh let’s see what it actually tastes Like cheers [Music] With that dressing The flavor combo is actually really good I actually really like that and the raw Onion although there’s a lot of it adds To that freshness it needs to be there But in smaller quantities I was worried About the chocolate but the sweet fish Sauce actually balances things out That’s not that bad yeah Certainly I think if I was cooking the Dish I’d have wanted to cook out the Peppers and onions a bit more maybe keep A third back to that raw onion that is a Nice touch and perhaps the ratio of Lettuce cups to beef is slightly off but

As a concept an idea it’s pretty good What it’s done really nicely is inspire A new dish based on the inputs so far The inspiration is tick Execute Execute question a couple of question Marks yeah the good thing about the Software is don’t just have to put in One input and then follow along you can Ask it other questions so perhaps ask it How many this is going to serve how long It’s going to take and what equipment we Need just so you know it took you just Under half an hour this recipe should Take about 20 to 25 minutes to prepare And cook this includes the time it takes To Brown the minced beef melt the dark Chocolate and prepare the fish sauce Dressing what equipment do I need for This recipe you will need the following Equipment a large Skillet or Wok for Cooking the beef and chocolate yes a Small bowl for mixing the fish sauce Dressing sure a cutting board and knife For chopping the dark chocolate garlic Ginger red bell pepper yellow onion and Cilantro optional measuring spoons for Measuring out the ingredients and Serving plates for the lettuce cups Didn’t mention The Grater to Greater the Um garlic ginger I didn’t mention a Whisk it used it said whisk but did it I Said the verb to whisk I presumed it Meant the actual utensil as well okay

Okay this recipe will serve four people As a main dish or eight people as an Appetizer I think that’s a that’s a Really decent effort for a computer yeah Yeah should we try one more yes let’s Get this really test it if you like this Kind of thing then you’ll love our Sidekick app inputs from chefs are used To generate multiple inspiring meals From just one shopping list smartly Using up every ingredient you buy Cook your first meals for free to try it Out today [Music] Same game different categories based on What we had in the fridge this time Protein a selection of dairy options Oils and miscellaneous our protein is Crab Oh okay interesting yep Dairy blue Cheese Just need to pick that one Our oil is Sesame oil so we use Sesame in the last Recipe although it wasn’t the input yep Digestive biscuits Blue cheese and crab dip with digestive Biscuit crust and sesame oil and what This is a pudding do you remember we had A lot of pimento cheese and beer cheese Dip in Kentucky which often had Sweetened crackers I wonder if it’s a Bit like that but with a blue cheese Element so we’re just gonna we’ve got a

Dip you’ve not asked it for a dinner or A meal or a dessert you just asked for Recipe so there’s the recipe can you Give me UK measurements there’s a recipe Using UK measurements excellent we’ll Get you some ingredients and we’ll see How this one turns out [Music] Okay so preheat the oven to 180 and Grease a 23 centimeter High dish is that About first it’s about that It’s about 12 inches I think Yeah 23. boom 23. wow that’s a solid nine Inches all right grease it go go and Then I’ll do this bit in a medium Bowl Mix the other blue cheese crumbly Mayonnaise sour cream heavy cream sesame Oil again this is now a recipe that Hasn’t considered the packet size is Your buying ingredients in which is Where so much food waste happens as a Result of recipes not geared up to Thinking about how you buy ingredients Right you mix that together I need to Scale so for my digestives 215 grams of Digestives You’re making your buttery biscuit base Or topping into the bottom and up the Sides oh so yeah we are making we’re Making cheesecake yeah you’ve got cheese A fishy cheesecake fishy cheesecake Because the blue cheese this is turned Ever so slightly green it’s a really

Interesting mix I would never in a Million years thought of doing that I Still don’t quite understand how it’s All going to turn out press that down Into the tin and push up the sides so Once the biscuits in pour the blue Cheese in Crab mixer into the crust bake For 25 to 30 minutes The Filling is hot and bubbly now the Blue cheese will obviously melt a bit More I’m gonna loosen isn’t it rather Than thicker well it’s still technically A dip so I don’t really know what the Base is it’s an odd it’s an odd one Into the oven I was confident until it Was all in the pie thing knowing the Ingredients I’m not against the blue Cheese and crab and sesame dip Especially when it’s baked and I can Imagine pulling it out and serving it With some Char grilled sourdough bread To dip in or some coup de tear I think That would be really nice it is odd to Put it into a biscuit crust but then we Put those ingredients in and said you Have to do something digestive biscuits So You know I don’t think as a chef I would Have put those together but that’s the Thing we challenged it with oh Jamie it Feels like it’s soufflaid it looks like It’s risen but it hasn’t I think what It’s done is taken two excellent things And in its AI intelligence presume

They’ll work together a hot blue cheese And crab dip and cheese and a cheesecake Which would need to Now set before being Sliced for sure it just says sprinkle The sesame seeds and serve hot with Additional digestive biscuits if desired Enjoy [Music] It holds together with a crust it Definitely has split below the surface Oh my goodness so you’ve got a lot Cheers Cheers [Music] It smells a lot more blue the first Taste is crab and you’re left with blue Cheese and the sweetness of the Digestive biscuit just tops it off that Is not great but I can see what it’s Trying to do I’m not a blue cheese fan I’m reliable the sweetness is helping me But actually making it a worse dish yeah Horrible actually no stuff here no we Deliberately picked four words that were Quite random I would love to see what it Did if you put in eggs chorizo pepper And cheese you know more common Ingredients we all have that normals Might need help with we did throw some Curveballs out there and as a chef I’m Not sure what I would do with those four Ingredients no to make a better option AI is very smart but the smartest thing It should have said is don’t bother Those ingredients were never really

Going to work I would love and perhaps It’s a future exploration to see what Would happen if you opened your normal Fridges at home and picked out some Ingredients to play with I think it’s Great when your mind blank and you’ve Got nothing you need somewhere to start An inspiration so over to you guys Comment down below how do you think that Little experiment two recipes went and Maybe make suggestions of how we could Use AI in the future This is definitely not the end of AI is It there’s a lot more testing to do it’s Just the beginning [Music]

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