In this quick video, I combine the powers of ChatGPT with the brilliance of MidJourney so that you can reliably create winning formulas that give you consistent results inside of MidJourney. This is a quick power-tip that will forever change how you use MidJourney. Enjoy. 🙂

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#MidJourney #ChatGPT #aiart

In this super quick video I’m going to Show you a tip to combine chat GPT with Mid-journey and get really cool results Check it out so in the past when I’ve Used mid-journey to write prompts for me I would type something like write a Generative art prompt to create a Picture of a lion and you notice it Would just write this long paragraph That’s not really how we write prompts In Min Journey so instead we can kind of Train chat GPT to write prompts the way We want them to so let’s come up here And create a new chat and here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to train it on How I want my mid Journey prompt to be Formed so I’m going to say here is a Mid-journey prompt formula and then I’ll Go ahead and put the formula here’s one Formula I’ve been experimenting with Image we’re prompting five descriptive Keywords camera type camera lens type Type of day style of photograph type of Film a lot of these things really made a Big impact on getting the image to just Look ultra realistic so I don’t want it To generate anything for me yet so I Want to just ask chat GPT if it Understands and is kind of training it Into the chat for now so I’m going to Say please respond with yes if you Understand the formula yes I understand The formula okay so now chat GPT is Trained so we can say write me five

Mid-journey prompts for urban Photography sure here are five Mid-journey prompts for urban Photography and you can see that it Follows the exact formula that we just Plugged in image of a bustling City Street vibrant energetic diverse chaotic Gritty DSLR wide angle lens late Afternoon street photography black and White film now it left some of the Parentheses in which I don’t really Think will hurt the prompting but I’m Not totally sure so let’s just go ahead And tell chatgpt to remove the Parentheses please rewrite the same five Prompts but without the parentheses Certainly here’s the same five prompts And then it went ahead and it wrote Those same five prompts but without the Parentheses so now let’s go ahead and Copy these prompts that it gave us and See what what we get so now if I type Imagine paste in that same prompt there Image of a bustling City street vibrant Energetic diverse chaotic gritty DSLR Wide angle lens late afternoon street Photography black and white film and Then I’m just going to go ahead and add An aspect ratio of 16 9 to it and here’s What we get out of it a city street Black and white photo bustling gritty All of the stuff it said let’s grab our Next prompt here image of a modern Skyscraper Sleek impressive imposing

Reflective futuristic mirrorless camera Telephoto lens blue hour architectural Photography color film and here’s what That generated so that’s what blue hour Looks like image of a graffiti covered Wall edgy colorful rebellious expressive Urban film camera prime lens midday Documentary photography slide film and Here’s the result of that image of a Crowded subway station busy crap diverse Fast-paced underground smartphone camera Fisheye lens Rush Hour candid Photography digital let’s make this an Aspect ratio of 916 since it’s a Smartphone camera and there we go we got A fisheye lens view of a subway station During rush hour I mean looks pretty Convincing to me and then our last one Image of a street performer entertaining Engaging Lively artistic compact camera Portrait lens golden hour performance Photography Color Film there we go There’s our street performers during Golden hour and that’s just what I get When I say urban photography if I was to Type right five mid-journey prompt for Classic car images let’s see what it Comes up with and it also remembered the Context from last time where it didn’t Put the parentheses this time image of a Classic convertible car cruising down The street retro stylus vintage Glamorous powerful DSLR telephoto lens Sunset Automotive photography color film

And Bam look at those so cool and that’s Just one formula that we gave it right Here let’s go ahead and create a new Chat and say here is a mid-journey Prompt formula subject of image in this Style of let’s put name of a cartoon Let’s put five adjectives and then let’s Put verb that subject is performing and Now let’s just say please respond with Yes if you understand the formula all Right so now that formula is trained Into chat GPT right five mid-journey Prompts about famous athletes and look At that Michael Jordan in the style of Looney Tunes soaring Unstoppable Fierce Determined dunking Serena Williams in The style of SpongeBob SquarePants Smashing agile powerful focused serving Usain Bolt in the style of Tom and Jerry Sprinting Lightning Fast competitive Animated winning Simone biles and the Style of the Powerpuff Girls flipping Graceful Fearless strong tumbling Cristiano Ronaldo and the style of The Simpsons scoring charismatic skilled Energetic celebrating and here’s Michael Jordan in the style of Looney Tunes Serena Williams is the style of SpongeBob SquarePants I guess Usain Bolt In the style of Tom and Jerry three and Simone biles in the style of Powerpuff Girls that one looks pretty accurate to Me and there you go a quick tip for the Day to combine chat GPT with mid-journey

And let chat GPT do a lot of the work For you tell it the formula you want you Can use some of the formulas for my Video about making ultra realistic Images with mid-journey plug them into Chat GPT and then have it spit out as Many images as you want following the Exact same formula over and over again And see what kind of Creative Images you Come up with could also act as kind of Like a second brain for prompt ideas for You if you like nerd not about this kind Of stuff with me head on over to and join our free Newsletter every single Friday I send You the five coolest tools that I come Across every week three interesting news Articles three cool YouTube videos and One cool way to make money using AI it’s Really the tldr of the AI space and I Send it every single Friday and you can Join the list for free over at thank you so much for Tuning into this video I really Appreciate you taking the time to watch My videos and to like them and to Comment and to subscribe to the channel And all the stuff that you guys have Been doing it’s been really awesome to See the growth of this Channel and I Cannot thank you enough and if you Haven’t already please click subscribe And give this video a thumbs up giving It a thumbs up we’ll ensure that you see

More like it inside of your YouTube feed Alright thanks again really appreciate You guys see you in the next one bye [Music] Thank you

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