Welcome to our blog post! Today, we would like to bring your attention to the most widely used AI platforms in the industry. Ranging from highly sophisticated algorithms to groundbreaking machine learning techniques, these platforms have revolutionized various sectors across the globe. Join us as we delve into the world of AI and discover the limitless potential that these platforms have to offer.


In this article, we will be reviewing a video created by The AI Breakdown, titled “These Are The Most Used AI Platforms.” The AI Breakdown is a reputable source for artificial intelligence (AI) news and insights. This particular video explores the most popular AI platforms of 2023. Join us as we delve into the world of AI and discover the dominant players and categories in this rapidly evolving field.

Heading 1: The Dominance of ChatGPT

One of the most prominent AI platforms in 2023 is ChatGPT. This cutting-edge platform has gained immense popularity and serves as the go-to choice for a wide range of AI-related tasks. Whether it’s generating natural language, answering questions, or engaging in conversation, ChatGPT has proven to be remarkably proficient. With a user-friendly interface and remarkable capabilities, it comes as no surprise that ChatGPT has become the dominant force in the AI landscape.

Heading 2: AI Platforms in Education

Apart from the general AI category, specific platforms have emerged as favorites in the education sector. Character AI and Brainly are two examples of such platforms. Character AI utilizes AI technology to create interactive virtual characters that enhance the learning experience. On the other hand, Brainly, a popular platform among students, harnesses the power of AI to provide real-time answers and solutions to academic queries. Both of these platforms have revolutionized education and illustrate the potential of AI in this domain.

Heading 3: The Popularity of ChatGPT

With over 1.7 billion monthly web visits, ChatGPT continues to dominate the AI landscape. This staggering number demonstrates the platform’s widespread usage and popularity. Users are drawn to the platform’s ability to engage in meaningful conversations and generate contextually relevant responses. The user-friendly interface and its remarkable capabilities have propelled ChatGPT to new heights, solidifying its position as an industry leader.

Heading 4: Concentration of AI Tool Usage

While there are numerous AI platforms available, usage is significantly concentrated among a few winners. ChatGPT’s overwhelming popularity is a prime example of this phenomenon. This concentration creates a gap between the dominant platforms and the lesser-known alternatives, further establishing the notion of winners and losers in the AI industry. As AI becomes an integral part of various domains, the power wielded by these dominant platforms raises concerns over potential monopolistic practices.

Heading 5: The Influence of AI in Writing and Editing

AI platforms have made significant strides in the realm of writing and editing. In fact, these tasks comprise 9% of AI usage. With advanced language models and sophisticated algorithms, AI has proven to be a valuable tool for content creators and editors. The ability to offer suggestions, correct grammatical errors, and enhance the overall quality of written content has transformed the writing process. AI’s growing presence in this field is indicative of its immense potential in various industries.

Heading 6: Widely Used Categories

Apart from writing and editing, education and social/chatting categories also witness extensive usage of AI platforms. These categories highlight the versatility of AI, with applications ranging from enhancing learning experiences to powering chatbots and social media platforms. The widespread adoption of AI in these categories further strengthens its integration into our daily lives.

Heading 7: The Vast Array of AI Platforms

In an era where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, it is important to note that there are more than 60 AI platforms with over 1 million monthly visits. This indicates the multitude of choices available to users seeking AI solutions. Each platform offers unique features and capabilities, catering to diverse needs and preferences. As AI continues to advance, this number is expected to grow, providing users with an even wider array of options.


The world of AI is rapidly expanding, with platforms like ChatGPT, Character AI, and Brainly leading the charge. ChatGPT’s dominance in the AI landscape is evident from its staggering number of monthly web visits. Meanwhile, the education sector has witnessed the rise of platforms like Character AI and Brainly, revolutionizing how students learn. As AI usage increases, it is essential to address concerns regarding monopolistic practices and ensure fair competition in the industry. With more than 60 AI platforms catering to diverse needs, a new generation is growing up with AI tools at their disposal, leveraging the vast possibilities AI has to offer.


  1. What makes ChatGPT the dominant platform in AI?
  2. Which AI platforms are popular in the education category?
  3. How many monthly visits does ChatGPT receive?
  4. Are there concerns about concentration of AI tool usage?
  5. How many AI platforms have over 1 million monthly visits?