Here’s some cool tips on how to get the best out of MidJourney along with some nice MidJourney ”Cheat Codes”

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Hey do you want to learn how to use mid Journey to create really cool images Like this or like these or like this or This or maybe some video game inspired Images like these or these or these ones Maybe you’re looking to do infographic Type images like these or cool Watercolor images like this or maybe Posters like this you can create images Like these you could get creative like This and this or create totally unique Styles like this I’m going to show you How to do all of these images and More In today’s Ultimate Guide to Mid Journey Prompting I hope you enjoy it let’s dig In I have used mid Journey quite a bit And messed with all sorts of different Styles and prompts and done a lot of Experimenting and figured out a lot of Different ways to actually leverage the Tool to get all sorts of different art Styles so the first thing you’re going To want to do is you’re going to want to Go to and you’re going to Want to join the beta now when you join The beta it’s going to actually open up Discord so you do need to have a Discord Account if you don’t already have a Discord account it is completely free Just go to download the free Tool so once you have Discord click on Join the beta it will open up Discord And it will put you inside of the Discord room you can go into one of

These newcomer rooms one of these newbie Rooms and generate your prompts right in Here you could look at what other people Are generating get some inspiration but What I like to do is I like to open up The mid-journey bot and just have my own Individual bot where I am doing my Prompts kind of in private so over on The right you can see this list of users If you don’t see this list of users Click this little member list button up In the top and it will show the list of Users and somewhere towards the top You’ll see mid-journey bot if you right Click on mid-turny bot and then click on Message it’ll actually open mid-journey In a bot view here so let’s go ahead and Go full screen with this now once you’re Inside of mid Journey you’re going to Want to tweak some settings by default These settings aren’t perfect so what You want to do is you want to type slash And then settings and it’ll open up a Little settings window here where you Can tweak some settings you want to make Sure you’re using mid Journey version Four mid Journey version four in my Opinion gives you the best quality Images you have different quality Settings here I personally just leave it On the base quality and I’m really happy With the images it comes out with the Main thing you’re going to want to set In here is where it says remix mode

You’re going to want to make sure you Have mid Journey 4 selected and remix Mode by default these aren’t selected by Default you’ll typically see mid Journey Version 3 and you’ll see mid remix mode As off make sure you select mid Journey Version 4 and turn remix mode on and That just lets you do some extra cool Stuff with mid Journey that you won’t be Able to do just by default if you don’t Turn those settings on so make sure Those are set now to type a prompt what You’re going to do is you’re going to Type slash and then you’re going to type Imagine and then once you hit the space Bar it’s going to give you a little box To start typing your prompt anything you Can imagine you can type into this Prompt so if I want to do a wolf wearing A top hat on the beach with waves Crashing in the background now there’s Some extra little things that you could Add to the end of your prompt to get Some extra stuff out of it so if I type Dash Dash and then the letters AR that Stands for aspect ratio by default You’re going to get a one-to-one aspect Ratio it’s going to give you a square Image now I can do an aspect ratio of 3 2 and an aspect ratio of three two is Landscape mode it’s going to be a little Bit wider than it is tall or you can do Aspect ratio 2 3 which is more portrait Mode it’s going to be a little bit

Taller than it is wide I typically Either do one to one or three to two I Like to do wider images because I make a Lot of YouTube thumbnails and things Like that now the other thing you can do Is you can type Dash Dash and then put No and anything you type after the no is A negative prompt those are going to be Things you don’t want to see in the Image a disc glamor on that inside of Mid-journey version 4 at the moment the Negative prompts don’t actually work Super well so a lot of times I’ll put Negative prompts and you’ll still find The things that I tried to put as a Negative prompt showing up inside of the Image so just be aware of that the older Versions of mid-journey are a little bit Better at negative prompts but the Newest version they’re not totally Dialed in yet for the most part I Actually don’t even use negative prompts I let mid-journey just show me what it Wants to show me so let’s go ahead and Just do this one a wolf wearing a top Hat on the beach with waves crashing in The background aspect ratio three two Let’s go ahead and see what that Generates alright so it generated these Four images for me uh wolf on the beach Wearing a top hat with waves crashing in The background so let’s say I really Really like one of these images and I Want my future images to be in a similar

Style well what I can do is let’s say I Like image number three here well you’ve Got these buttons here the U stands for Upscale so if I press upscale three it’s Going to make a larger version of this Third one so this is image one image two Image three image four so upscale three Is going to give me another version of This and so here’s the upscaled version Of my wolf in a top hat now let’s say I Like this one up in the top left but I Want it to be tweaked a little bit well If I hit this V1 it will actually give Me an extra prompt here this is part of The remix mode so if you didn’t turn Remix on this prompt won’t happen but it Actually allows me to tweak this Settings a little bit so let’s say I Don’t want him to be wearing a suit I Can add the negative prompt no suit it May or may not work like I said Sometimes the negative prompts don’t Work very well but now what it’s going To do is it’s going to give me some Additional variations with my new Information added to the prompt so I’ll Go ahead and do submit and let’s see What that generates for us so it looks Like it gave us some pretty funky Results when I try to do no suit it put A bow tie on this one it disfigured the Head of this this one so as you can see Sometimes the negative prompts don’t Work very well let’s come back up here

Let’s do another variation of number one Here let’s just leave it the same it’ll Generate more variations of number one Without my negative prompts and here we Go here’s four more variations of that First image that we made you can see it Kind of has some different variations of The cliffs in the background some Different variations of the little suit That they’re wearing a little slight Variations of the waves and the hat and So now I could kind of dial it in more Of what I want so let’s look at this one Again I really liked this image this is A good image it’s a very realistic Looking Wolf the waves look great in the Background it’s a nice top hat he’s not Wearing a suit or anything I want to Make more images that look similar to This style well what I want to do is I Want to use the same C the same sort of Random generated number that was going On behind the scenes to get this image I Want to use that same seed for future Images so that it has a similar looking Style every single time so the way I Would do that is if I click up on the Right up by this add reaction and I Click this little envelope button what It’ll do is it’ll actually send me Another message up here in the mid Journey bot and it’ll tell me what the Seed is that generated this image so now What I can do is let’s make another

Prompt I’m going to go ahead and copy This seed to my clipboard and I’m going To go imagine a wolf in a top hat Walking through the woods with creepy Trees in the background and then we want To go aspect ratio three two again and Then I want to go dash dash seed and Then I’ll paste that seed number in and It’s going to use that same seed for This one and theoretically I’m going to Get a very similar sort of style of Image using that same seed so let’s go Ahead and see what this generates and Here we go so this one up on the top Left is using the same seed as as the Original it’s got some little funky Proportions but you could tell it’s a Very similar style of image to this Original one here let’s go ahead and Upscale it and here we go here’s the Upscaled version now it’s got kind of Crazy long legs and he’s wearing a coat It looks a little funky and when that Happens sometimes what will work to Actually fix some of that is if we click This beta upscale redo if you click that It’s actually going to take another pass At it now it still looks a little funky It’s got this you know funky leg going On here the legs are still real long so There’s this remaster button now if I Click this remaster button let’s see What happens it actually cleaned it up a Little bit you can see the proportions

Are a little better it doesn’t have a Funky leg that’s one of the things You’re going to find with mid-journey is That you’re just going to keep on Messing with the prompts and you’re Going to keep on trying different Upscales different variations and Eventually you’re going to land on an Image that you really really like Alright so that’s really the basics of a Mid Journey that’s what you need to know To really get going with it now what I Want to do is I want to dive into some Really cool tricks to get awesome art I Get inspired by a lot of other creators And I want to share some of those with You so you can make a really really Awesome prompts so the first one that I Want to highlight is this guy here guy Parsons you can find him at guy p on Twitter but he actually does all sorts Of different prompts on his Twitter Account and then he shares what the Prompts were so I highly recommend Following him so this is somebody that I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from And I’ll show you some of my favorite Prompts that I’ve learned from guy Parsons here so the first one that I Really really like because I love this Sort of nostalgia throwback kind of Imagery the Retro imagery is this one Called synthwave and it kind of gives it These like purpley pink like retro

Images so imagine a retro wave portrait Of a wolf wearing a hoodie looking into The camera futurist dick cityscape Behind him now we’re talking got this Cityscape in the background a wolf Wearing a hoodie in the foreground very Very cool this is something that I could Use as like a profile pic on Twitter or Something like that now another prompt That I really like is the duotone prompt Where it’s just kind of two colors so Let’s go a Duo tone portrait of a wolf In the forest let’s go black and green And see what we get with the duotone Prompt and there you go check that out It’s basically a black and green just a Couple Colors Let’s try another one Imagine A flat duotone portrait of a wolf red And blue and there’s some more cool Stylistic images that you can get with That duo tone prompt now another creator That I really liked her art is this Chris castanova my favorite the one that I’ve messed with a little bit that I Really really liked is 1990s point and Click 16-bit adventure game so let’s go Ahead and add to it a wolf in a haunted House 1990s point and click 16-bit adventure Game and let’s see what this creates see I absolutely love this style it looks Like an old school retro video game 1990s point-and-click 16-bit Adventure

Game I’m gonna go ahead and do a wolf in A space suit on the moon this time let’s Do an aspect ratio of three two again so We get that wider image okay so how Freaking cool is that these are these Are so good I love these so much now in That same style a video game another Creator that I really like who has some Really awesome prompts that he’s been Sharing is this guy Olivio sarriques He’s got a bunch of videos about various Mid-journey prompts that have worked Well for him and I’ve played with a lot Of the prompts that he shared as well And they are just really really freaking Cool so I’m going to share some of my Favorites of his but make sure you check Out his YouTube channel I’ll make sure I Link that up in the description as well Now this is a prompt I’ve actually used Quite a bit myself and had some fun with It’s this prompt called 32-bit isometric And it creates these little you know Angled rooms that are really cool Looking that have a retro video game Look imagine a futuristic living room With a big TV lamp some plants and an Arcade machine and then let’s go ahead And add this extra bit 32-bit isometric And see what we get out of it there we Go we got our TV we got some plants Don’t see the arcade machine in any of These but is there some really really Cool looking images another cool artsy

Creative prompt that I really like is Phantasmal iridescent a beautiful wolf Staring into the camera phantasmal Iridescent and check this out so it Gives it this kind of colorful creative Style to the images that I just really Really love another cool one is Diagrammatic drawing so let’s go imagine A diagrammatic drawing of a wolf alright So how cool are those they’re basically Wolves that are drawn into diagrams and If you really wanted to you could plug In your own text or whatever into each One of these I also really like using a Watercolor sketch so if you go imagine A watercolor sketch of a gray wolf Hunting it’s prey so cool you could Literally do anything you can imagine With this tool I love it so much finally The other style that I really like from Olivio is the stained glassed concept a Stained glass window of a wolf showing Its bangs and there we go we got a Stained glass window of a wolf pretty Damn cool now the last style that I’m Going to show you here before we get Into some even more advanced stuff with Mid-journey is one that I kind of came Across myself and it is the style of Charlie Harper who creates those posters Of national parks that you’ve probably Seen everywhere I really really like That style so let’s go imagine a National park poster of Yosemite with a

Wolf in the foreground mountains in the Background in the style of Charlie Harper and then most of his posters are You know tall poster size so let’s do it With an aspect ratio of two three look At that look at how cool those are I Love that style as well that’s one that I kind of stumbled upon because I love These posters by Charlie Harper all Right I want to move into some other Stuff that you can even do in Mid-journey that I haven’t really seen Many other people talk about yet you can Actually upload your own images and then Have it actually iterate off of the Images that you upload So let’s go ahead and upload a picture Of my face and see if I could get an Image that somewhat looks like me but in Some cool Styles so I’m going to go Ahead and upload let’s go ahead and Upload this headshot of myself here and Just throw it right here inside of Discord now if I go and right click on This and copy the link I can actually go Ahead and type imagine and then paste This URL in that it just copied this is That same image there and then I can add Some additional prompts to it so let’s Go ahead and say let’s try imagine paste That URL in go Amen with a beard loading in space with A space suit and here’s what it came up With using my face as an astronaut

Floating in space it’s not perfect You’re not going to get as close as you Would if you were to generate it in Stable diffusion and trade a whole bunch Of images on your face but that’s a Different tutorial that I’ve already Made so check that video out if you Haven’t already but mid Journey you can Get kind of close to your look now Another a cool thing that you could do With mid Journey when you have remix Mode turned on is you can actually take Two images and blend them together and See what it comes up with so let’s find Two images that we can blend together And see how it does so let’s go ahead And find an image of a wolf let’s go Ahead and grab this one here let’s just See what happens if we get like a dragon Sure let’s go ahead and grab this one Here all right so let’s go ahead and Upload those two images here so I’m Going to take this one and upload this Dragon here and then we’ll take this Wolf here and let’s upload that one so Let’s copy this wolf image copy the link Let’s go imagine I’ll paste in the image Of the wolf put a space copy the image Of the Dragon Here plug that in here and Now it’s going to try to remix the two And let’s see what happens when we do That and here’s what it came up with it Took the image of the dragon and the Wolf and tried to blend the two together

Now you can even add some additional Prompts to it so let’s go ahead and Imagine our wolf image here with our Dragon image here and let’s add this Phantasmal iridescent prompt that we Were messing with earlier and add aspect Ratio three two and now we’re talking Now we got some crazy looking wolf Dragon colorful hybrid images that are Really creative and artistic now there’s One last little trick that I want to Show you that is probably my favorite Thing to do out of all of mid-journey And I learned it from this guy future Tech pilot he’s got this video that I’ll Link to below called the ultimate cheat Code in mid journey and this is just Awesome this is where you generate a Cool image and then you blend another Prompt with that image to get these Really cool artistic designs that have Never been seen before this is what I Like to do so let’s let’s try this Imagine a dripping colorful paint Splatter on canvas let’s go ahead and Start with that prompt and it’ll give us This sort of abstract splatter art and We get some images that look like like This I’d say I really like this bottom Left one I think that’s kind of cool Let’s blend that with another image so First off let’s go ahead and upscale Number three here that’s this one and There you go we’ve got a cool upscaled

Splatter paint on canvas so let’s go Ahead and copy this link and let’s blend It with something else let’s go imagine And then we’ll paste this link in here And let’s go a portrait of a wolf Staring into the camera and what it’s Going to try to do is it’s going to take That splatter and make a cool sort of Artistic art with the wolf and the paint Splatter and check that out it kind of Blended the art splatter with the wolf But it does really really cool with People’s faces as well so let’s go ahead And copy this link again and let’s go Imagine and I’ll paste that whole image In there let’s just add Deadpool to the End and see what it comes up with so Check those out look at this one that’s So cool all right let’s do another sort Of background here let’s go imagine blue And green abstract art painting with Straight clean lines All right so this is what it came up With I really like this one on the Bottom left so let’s go ahead and Upscale number three all right so I’m Gonna go ahead and copy this link here And then let’s go imagine let’s use that Link there and I’m gonna do the Joker Staring into the camera with a creepy Smile painting on canvas so check that Out look how creepy that is those are so Awesome and there you go that is my Ultimate Guide to prompting in

Mid-journey this is a lot of the stuff I’ve experimented with there’s a lot of Creators out there that are a lot better Than me at this and if you’re looking For more inspiration for cool prompts Here’s some cool resources to check out So the first one is the subreddit for Mid Journey on Reddit you can see some Of the top images that people have Created with mid-journey in here so Check out this one Star Wars except Everyone is a baby let’s click into this And check it out found the prompt here It says photo of a baby character inside Look location wearing blank clothes 35 Millimeter depth of field lots of detail Ultra photo reel dash dash Q2 that’s a Quality setting and V4 and that’s how They got a lot of these prompts here the Next resource that you can use is Actually chat GPT it will actually write Some pretty cool prompts right in image Prompt for generative art to create a Colorful Stylistic wolf alright so it says a Majestic wolf with piercing blue eyes Stand Atop A Mountain surrounded by a Vibrant Sunset its Furs a mix of fiery Reds oranges and yellows with streaks of Deep purples and blues the wolf’s body Is adorned with intricate patterns and Designs giving it a unique and stylized Appearance as it howls to the moon the Colors of the sky seem to swirl and

Dance around it creating a beautiful Dynamic scene so let’s go ahead and copy This whole prompt here and let’s see What it gives us jump into mid Journey Type imagine paste our entire prompt There let’s see what it gives us all Right so check these out this is from The Prompt that I copied and pasted the Chatgpt wrote for me so chat GPT is Actually pretty damn awesome at creating Prompts that you can then plug into mid Journey as well and then the last Resource is of course now there’s some cool Prompting guides that you can find here On Future tools and the easiest way to Get to them is if you come over and Click on inspiration so it filters it Down to just inspiration stuff and then Just search for mid-journey And then you’ll see It’ll filter it down To the tools that are mid-journey Prompts so there’s this one here which Is a hundred different AI prompts let’s Take a peek at it you can see it’s a Trello board that has prompts for chat Gbt stable diffusion mid Journey Dolly And then if I jump back here again There’s also this prompt base here which Is a database of Dolly gpt3 mid-journey And stable diffusion prompts that you Can use and that my friends is my Ultimate Guide to Mid Journey prompting If you haven’t already make sure you

Check out where I curate All of the coolest AI tools it’s updated Every single day it has every tool you Can imagine for almost anything you can Imagine and it is really cool you’re Gonna love it that’s at Thank you so much for tuning in I’ll see You guys in the next video [Music] Thank you

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