The top 11 AI bots you can use to make momey online!
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These are the 11 best AI bots that you can use in your personal & business life.

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These 11 AI tools are changing the game And I have long since said being robotic Is the best way to build a business make Money and ultimately move through life Quickly however now you don’t have to You can just use these Bots to your Advantage now these AI tools can make You faster better smarter more efficient And make you a lot more money so I guess If you hate growth and results and want 2023 to be a terrible year then by all Means sure click off this video but Sticking Until the End might give you Just that one little thing that you feel Like you’re missing now later in this Video I’m going to share with you how Open AI is responding to losing over Three million dollars a day with their Free chat tool called chat GPT it’s Costing them a lot of money so make sure To smash the like button down below this Video took a long time to put together And it should go without saying I have Absolutely no bias towards any of these These aren’t sponsor this is not a Promotion for any of these this is just Based on my own research what I will Tell you to do is join synthetic Minds Free newsletter they’re the best Newsletter based on AI I’m on a bunch of Them but they give the most up-to-date Accurate current information and it’s Been very helpful for me inside of my Business as we start to integrate some

Of these tools so if figured I’d mention That because that’s where I got a lot of These ideas and first heard about these Tools link is down below it’s free Definitely worth joining first thing we Have to talk about is superhuman who Doesn’t want to become superhuman right Well I’ll tell you what I get a lot of Emails every day about two to four Hundred in the business and about 150 Personally it’s a lot now I’ve had a Very part-time personal assistant that Filters out a lot of this stuff for a Long time but now what we do is we use a Tool called superhuman which is an AI That helps you with email from Suggestions about how to write stuff What to do phrasing grammar checking you Can have an unsend option to pull it out Of someone’s inbox but primarily let’s Say that something’s not urgent you Don’t want to reply right now you’re Busy instead of having to go remember to Dig for it later you can set it so that It pops back up to the top of your inbox At a certain date and time of your Choosing so for me that saves me a ton Of time and I actually get back to Everybody it’s a nice little tool just Something small you can do to optimize Your emails even if you only get five of Them a day I would highly recommend Little tools like this number two is vid IQ and we actually use it on this video

And everything I have one of my Employees who helps with YouTube and all The social media using this tool Religiously because it helps so much now They do a lot more than just artificial Intelligence stuff but check out their AI tool vid IQ helps you come up with Titles and tags and all these ideas for YouTube videos so that you can optimize It and rank higher because whether this Video reaches 10 000 people or a hundred Thousand it makes no difference for me So I want to make sure it can reach more People because it’s no extra work now I’ve made over three hundred thousand Dollars in ad revenue from this channel Alone and while it’s not the reason I do YouTube it’s definitely a nice little Side income there’s a reason why Mr B Spends over five to ten thousand dollars A thumbnail just make sure you get the Right image and it’s good and how many Thumbnails per episode around three yeah Yeah so like uh so thirty thousand and Thumbnail because it’s so important you Need the perfect title and the perfect Thumbnail if you want someone to click So you take your idea and run it through Vid IQ they’re gonna spitball you a Bunch of different titles you can see What ranks higher and if you want even More ideas take the those titles and put Them into chat GPT go search up give me 20 more YouTube titles for this video

And then in quotations you put that Title name and then you can go back to Vid IQ and see how well those ranks to Find the perfect one so that’s an easy Way to use vid IQ and it’s helping a lot Of creators right now and chat GPT like We just mentioned is the second one Everyone’s heard about this by now it’s An interactive tool that can answer most Questions and help you with a lot of Stuff from automatically writing email To helping with schoolwork essays Questions all of that stuff but what Some people don’t realize is the total Diversity of this tool makes it so Powerful that’s why there’s been over a Hundred different small AI tools that Are spun off of chat GPT from instant Language translation this can find you Recipes immediately it can debug code if You’re a developer all of this stuff Immediately in one place you can look up The recipe on Google right you can find All this stuff but never before all in One place and is a tool that you can Build off of if you want to go build Another company and that’s how open AI Plans to make money off that tool Because they’re losing a lot of money Which we’re going to talk about in a few Minutes absolutely crazy that’s the play Where they can make money is by letting All these people license their tool and Now I’m not condoning this but if you’re

In school and you need to write a paper Or a short story or something like that Use chat GPT Now there’s a teacher who posted on Reddit saying that a student cheated but They have no proof they talked about This like d Plus student was never very Good took a test outside the class and Just did insanely well in a very short Amount of time now I’m not for someone Cheating but I am all for Education Reform I think the education system is Completely screwed up so it’s fun to see Something like this just just jostling Things around right and if you really Want to be a little edgy and crazy with It you can just have things rewarded Through quill bot which is the third Thing we’re going to talk about this Rephrases stuff whether it’s an email or An essay that can help hypothetically With plagiarism right wink wink a lot of This stuff that can help make the Process easier whether it’s School Whether it’s work quill bot is a really Cool platform as well It ultimately just Helps you say something in a different Way it reformats it so first of all Immediately gets rid of the plagiarism Issue but helps you say it better and Now I don’t use these two tools like Chatgpt and quill bot and then just send Something out I put my own Flair on it I Like to edit stuff it’s never been

Perfect but man oh man it does lead in The right direction when you guided them Write me an email newsletter for people Interested in dog products you your Valued subscribers we hope this email Finds you well first we’ve recently Restocked our best-selling dog beds ooh Fun little update so now I’m gonna go Ahead and copy this we’re gonna drop This over on the dock now we’re going to Take this middle bit here we’re going to Drop it over in quill bot and rephrase This I want it to sound a little bit Better cool that’s definitely better Let’s copy that put that over here Replace it and let’s add a little joke Here that does not mean you can eat them Yourself don’t do that boom so now we Got something a little bit more spiced Up here sorry that only took me about 30 Seconds now let’s see if we can actually Make money with this email all right This is my friend John his company Settler systems does about 1.6 million Dollars a month through email John what Would you pay me for an email like this If I was to start writing for your Company something simple like this I Would say about thirty dollars an hour Or if we were paying you per email Probably about 15 bucks per email the Copy isn’t super complex it’s very uh Light but it’s also easy to understand Overall I think that if you were just

Doing one-off freelance work for a Company somewhere between thirty Thousand dollars a month or less as an E-commerce store or owner this could be Something that would be interesting for You the next tool we’re going to talk About is Tome if you are looking to Build a presentation which I build a lot Of this is an automatic generator of the Text the ideas the titles the headlines And the images it combines two tools Chat GPT and Dolly so that it can Automatically make all of this content For you you just give it a prompt so if You’re trying to make a presentation for School a business thing for me I do a Lot of real estate stuff presentations Talking to investors I even do Presentations for YouTube when I have a Lot of points I want to get across and You got to make it look nice it takes a Lot of time Tome automates that entire Process for you and of course you can go Back edit it change it up a little bit But it’s a very quick process the next One is called wingman and no no no not That type of wingman this AI tool is a Wingman not for picking up girls but for Sales costs if you’re a business owner Or a salesperson it’s going to be able To listen in on calls and give you Real-time suggestions on your screen During the call when they say hey the Price is too high it’s going to give you

An exact suggestion of what to say based On how the conversation has gone it can Listen to that and understand tone Finality what they’re saying the Objections and over time you get to Record hey this sale was made this one Didn’t work right so they understand That conversion rate and actually learn What works for you and over time it Becomes better and better so if you have A customer facing sales team you can Give them this tool to use or if you’re An ambitious sales person you want to Make more money use a tool like this to Help you close more deals so no more Stuttering when you get stuck and this Will be a big boost in revenue from Potential lost income now thanks to AI Smaller businesses like mine who don’t Have the budget to spend a million or Two million a year on just support they Can get that same or almost the same Level of help through a company called Zendesk support again it sounds like I’m Really excited about this is because I Am but none of these are sponsored I Have no bias towards any of these I just Love AI it’s really cool when your Customers are happy everything else Works better your payment processing History is better your referrals are Better word of mouth your branding your Social media comments everything happens Better it serves everybody in the

Marketplace everybody wins right so Zendesk gives you a live chat option Where initially you’re talking with a Bot and based on what you say it can Give prompts because you’re going to Pre-determine what that is based on the Responses it can try to guide you Towards a help center article that’s Already there this is going to remove 80 Or 90 percent of your support tickets And if zendesk can’t figure out what the Customer’s problem is then it might Prompt them to connect to a live agent That you may have or it prompts them to Submit a ticket but that’s going to Remove such a big front-end piece of all The nonsensical little support inquiries That could be answered by a video that You already have or a little support Article an FAQ something like that which We use inside of our business to remove So many customer questions that are just Mundane and repetitive so this massively Decreases the need for a real human in There this is a prime example of ways That humans are being replaced in Certain regards you don’t need that on The front end only on the more unique Type support inquiries now hold up Before I show you four of the craziest Ones yet we have to talk about open AI So openai launched a 100 million dollar Startup fund where they’re going to Invest in no more than 10 artificial

Intelligence companies and tools now They already have massive market share With their company chat GPT which has Been losing a reported three million Dollars a day that’s how expensive the Processing is for all these servers now So far they’ve publicly shared for the Companies they’ve invested in to script Harvey mem and speak these are likely to Become some of the biggest AI companies Openai has such a big user base they can Reach so much people and they have Basically unlimited funding from Venture Capitalists who want to get a piece of AI it’s the hot thing in Tech now Hopefully this starts bringing them some Returns in 2023 because right about now They are burning through investor Capital but grabbing market share which Is very important now chat fuel is Another form of customers messaging with A bot that removes the need for a human Just like companies like drift or Manychat which I’ve used for years you Can have a customer send you the word Marketing and it immediately adds them To a list over here and it automatically Sends them a free training video that Then pushes them further down your sales Process I have done millions of dollars In sales through my business in gross Revenue using a tool like this it is so So powerful and of the marketers that Were surveyed over 60 percent said that

Some sort of automated marketing and Communication with the customer is one Of the most important things in their Marketing process it saves so much time And that’s a prime example of a tool That’s going to make you a lot more Money if you have a business now talking About money HootSuite is the next one We’re going to talk about and they have Raised almost 300 million dollars Snagging up so much market share but They’re a really cool tool that I’ve Used in my business right now using HootSuite I am growing about 5 000 Followers a day reaching about 800 000 People per day on social media that’s 20 Million people a month actually a little More crazy so they allow you to schedule Posts on platforms that don’t even have That feature integrated organically you Can schedule posts and it starts to Learn over time the performance of it What content you should post so it makes Recommendations it tells you when to Post to get the best engagement and Automated learning tool for your social Media again just like vid IQ it helps You boost the social media there’s no Difference in terms of your content that Reaches 5000 or 10 10 000 people so you Might as well have it reach more so That’s very beneficial just like speak An AI company that helps you learn Another language one of the largest

Language learning companies called Duolingo skyrocketed over six billion Dollars in value in just a couple of Short years that’s how big the language Business is but never before have you Been able to do that through artificial Intelligence that can help you with Everything from pronunciation to grammar And you can do it all automatically Instantly learning a language even Faster and in fact this is a tool I am Starting to use myself I’ve been trying To learn a little more Spanish I used to Be fluent in French so I’m trying to get That back right I’m trying to get it all back right and I want to do that faster and whether you Get a legal document from a court Because of a speeding ticket or you’re Getting sued in business or like me Suing somebody else I’ve been in a Lawsuit for three years all this stuff Happens in life at some point you will Need legal help AI tool called Legal Robot so cool and it’s actually watch Out lawyers probably going to reduce Your billable hours you can upload any Legal document to Legal robot bot and It’s going to analyze it and explain it To you in simple terms you know all that Legal jargon they give you yeah it’s Going to speak to you like a human and It’s going to analyze that immediately And accurately so if you run into any

Trouble just use legal robot no more Pulling out your hair trying to figure Out what the hell does this legal Document mean which we’ve all been there We’ve all been there so there you have It 11 incredible AI tools that can Change your life whether it’s personally Or professionally super super great so Make sure to follow synthetic Minds Newsletter I’ll leave it linked down Below that’s where you get the fastest Most up-to-date information it’s Something that I use and I put a lot of Research into this video so I’d greatly Appreciate if you just smash a like And Subscribe to the channel down below and With that being said I’ll see you in Next week’s video peace

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