Explore the best AI tools video available for free, including Lumen5, Pictory, Synthesia, and Stable Diffusion. Watch to learn how SIDUS HEROES is using video AI in their work and how these AI video generators and tools for video editing can help you create stunning content!

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Hello again and we are continuing our AI Series of videos and today’s topic is AI Video generators and AI video editing Well we have lots of things to cover so Let’s cut to the Chase and see what’s in This video so you’ll see how you can Create a top quality video with zero Knowledge of video editing how to get a Sustainable animation in stable Diffusion and in terms of crypto let’s See how the game 5 sector uses AI video Editing in their works well of course in Our well-known example of cities Heroes So this one will be intense so get ready We’re starting off [Music] Okay so first you should understand that AI video generators are entirely Connected with a IR generators so one Simply cannot live without the other Well lucky for you we have a detailed Guide on the best eir generators so be Sure to check it out okay so we’ve done Some research and found just dozens of AIS for working with video and well it Is impossible to cover them all so that Is why we’ve chosen the four best in our Opinion and they are not the same in Terms of features so one is good for Video making another creates animated Avatars and so on but these are the AIS We like the most so our first stop is Lumen pie Lumina 5 is an AI powered video creation

Platform that turns your blog posts or Articles into captivating storyboard Videos Lumina 5’s algorithms analyze Your text and suggest relevant images Video clips and animation that match the Content this means you can’t create Engaging videos without spending hours Just searching for Content or designing Visuals so whether you are creating Marketing videos educational content or Social media posts Lumen 5’s Customizable templates and themes will Help you create videos that are as Unique as you are the platform offers Just a wide range of customization Options so you can add your own music or Voiceover edit the text and select Different images and video clips you can Also add your own branding elements to The video like your logo or company Colors make sure video reflects your Brand’s identity lumen5 is also designed To optimize your videos for different Platforms such as social media or Websites so you can choose different Aspect ratios and resolutions to ensure That your video looks great no matter Where it’s viewed and most importantly You don’t have to be a video editing Expert to use Lumen 5. the platform is User friendly and super intuitive with a Drag in drop interface that makes it Easy to create professional looking Videos in no time another great thing

About lumen5 is that you can try it out Just for free although your videos will Have their Watermark well you get what You’re paying for rights Okay my next choice for this video is Pick 3 a video creation platform that Turns your written content into stunning Videos well pretty similar to what Lumen5 does Pick 3 uses natural language Processing algorithms to analyze your Written content and suggest visuals or Videos that match the tone and theme of Your text on top of that you can even Analyze your videos and convert speech To text pictures templates include Pre-designed graphics and animation that Are same with your text making it easy To create professional looking videos Without any design skills well you can Also customize the colors fonts and Transitions to match your Brand’s Identity also just add your own music or Voiceovers or choose from pictures Library of royalty-free audio tracks Well overall the platform is quite Simple has large Library so it will take Just minutes before delivering Professional results that help you grow Your audience and build your brand the Platform also supports a wide range of Video formats including 16×9 9 by 16 in One by one so you can create videos Optimized for different platforms such As social media or websites Pick 3

Offers a free trial with three video Projects each of up to 10 minutes long Which is I think enough to understand Whether you like the platform or not Okay I think many of you have heard About Synthesia the video creation Platform that allows you to create Natural looking AI avatars or Talking Heads or your digital twins well Remember those videos about Santa Greetings well that’s Synthesia Synthesia.io is really helpful when Creating customized content for your how To’s guides marketing and educational Purposes videos and much more with its Deep cartoon Edge AI Tech and learning Algorithms synthesia.io can analyze your Text and create videos that match your Content Stone style and message the Platform offers a wide range of Customization options including the Ability to choose from a library of Human-like avatars you can also Customize your script and select for a Variety of backgrounds in animations Also add music or voiceovers to your Video this all means that you can create Highly engaging personalized videos that Resonate with your target audience while Just saving hours of precious time and Money synthesia.io supports wide range Of video formats including 16×9 9×60 and One by one well pretty much the same as The previous ones and yeah free demo is

Included the only available plan will Cost you 30 dollars per month and if you Are a corporate client you can get Special conditions Okay I know that we have already talked About stable diffusion in our top AI Tools for Our Generation videos which I Strongly recommend watching but this AI Has even wider capabilities It uses deep learning algorithms to Enhance your video content or generate Brand new animations so yeah we all know That stable diffusion can generate cool Art but it also can bring this art to Life for this you will need a PC version Plus an add-on called D4 but let me get This straight you won’t get a classic Video instead AI generates a sequence of Images that can be edited into proper Video to understand how it all works Well we gotta learn some terms first and The first one is called Latin space Latin space is a mathematical Representation of data it has been Transformed from its original form into A lower dimensional space this Transformation is often done using a Neural network which Maps the high Dimensional data onto a lower Dimensional space while preserving ring Is much of the original information as Possible this term itself Layton refers To the fact that this lower dimensional Space is not directly observable but

Rather inferred from the original data All in all Lots in space is a powerful Tool in machine learning and AI that Allows for manipulation and enhancement Of data using machine learning Algorithms well plus it’s often used in Techniques such as generative modeling In style transfer in artificial Intelligence Latin space refers to a Mathematical space that Maps what the Neural network has learned from training Images so for example once it has been Trained it understands all images of Trees as existing in a specific area in All images of birds in another the seed In stable diffusion is a randomly Generated value that serves as the Starting point for the generation of a New video it determines the initial Values in the Latin space representation Of the video which affects the content And style of the generated video so by Changing the seed value it is possible To generate a wide variety of videos With different content and style while Still maintaining some degree of Consistency across multiple generated Videos well thank God you already know What prompt is but if not well in short It is an instruction for the AI so the More specific it is the more accurate Your result will be you see just by Changing one detail in the prompt but Keeping the same C we can get a stable

Result and it will also face different Parameters like sampling steps strength And Etc which all directly affect the Images you get actually let’s make it This way if Detail guide on stable diffusion D Forum Let me know in the comment section below Okay well here I’ll just add that you Can do both generate unique videos from Your text or use images or videos to add Visual effects while keeping the raw Material without changes and now let’s See if there are any connections between Game 5 projects and video Ai and as Always let’s do it on the serious Heroes Example Well did you know that cities hero CEO Don Commando is an AI generated Avatar Well yeah it is in mind-blowing fact and Our shocked knowing this Well I’m just kidding here okay Jokes Aside but actually see this heroes team Shared some details on how they use aib Or generators and editors so their CEO Dan comenco stated that the team lacks Topaz lab Solutions as they helped a lot With image in video upscaling well Enhancing raw materials into high Quality content just in a few clicks Well to me that sounds promising another Option that seems possible to me is the Cutscene creation although we haven’t Seen that in Butler or Xena yet but we Could in the future and of course

Solutions like Lumen 5 or Pick 3 can Help a lot with video editing after Offline events but that’s only my guess Here okay as you can see AIS are again Simplifying one’s complicated things and You don’t even have to be a video Editing expert to make high quality Content the same fair with art is AI Control you like anything even the Masterpiece well just go check out our Previous guide about AI art generators In your life won’t be the same well of Course there is a lot more info on how AI works but it will take another half An hour to explain it at all so if you Like to know more about stable diffusion Or any other AI I welcome you to the Comments below as always thanks for Watching we’re not done with AI topic so Stay tuned for our next video on the Most common AI use cases in crypto and The projects which may benefit from this Integration so see ya

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