OpenAI has unveiled its “Economic Blueprint for America,” outlining how AI can drive U.S. competitiveness, innovation, and reindustrialization. This blueprint aims to secure America’s leadership in the AI era by recommending federal AI policies, streamlined regulations, and infrastructure development. This episode breaks down OpenAI’s strategies, including proposed AI zones, educational initiatives, and collaborative global safety standards.
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Every Ai and tech company is positioning For the incoming Administration and the Latest is open AI who have just released A blueprint for America welcome back to The AI Daily Brief we are about a week Away from the transition between the Biden Administration and the second Trump Administration and there is Definitely a bunch of jockeying and Repositioning going on the information Wrote about this at the end of last week That piece they called Amazon downplays Dei meta plays up free speech as Tech Tilts right now the specific Catalyst For that was Mark Zuckerberg of meta Announcing that they would be ending Their relationship with fact Checkers And moving to a community factchecking Approach and Zuckerberg even went on Joe Rogan to defend the position after it Became controversial reinforcing the Idea that the company had faced what he Called massive institutional pressure to Basically start censoring content but in The AI space specifically there is Definitely a meta conversation starting To happen between the big labs and Incoming president Donald Trump even if He's not aware of it for long read Sunday this week one of the pieces we Read came from anthropic CEO Dario amade Who published a piece in the Wall Street Journal called Trump can keep America's AI Advantage now we paired that with a
Piece by Tyler Cowan about how the Recent Chinese model from Deep seek made Him reconsider just how effective chip Export prohibitions and other pillars of AI policy Visa China would actually be And interestingly in an interview around The release of this new piece from open AI Chris lean who runs policy at open Aai technically he's their VP for Global Affairs said that the release of that Model which was an open source model Getting near 01 performance and claimed To have been trained for just $5.5 Million was something that they had Taken notice of as well so what we got This morning was a much more Comprehensive approach to this Conversation from open aai the piece is Called AI in America open ai's economic Blueprint it runs 15 pages long and sets Out a policy agenda that expands upon Many of the ideas that have shown up in The op-ed pages over the last 6 months Or so in his forward letter Chris Lane Writes We Believe America needs to act Now to maximize ai's possibilities while Minimizing its harms AI is too powerful A technology to be led and shaped by Autocrats but that is the growing risk We face while The Economic Opportunity AI presents is too compelling to Forfeit And so of course here we have Echoes of Sam alman's piece in the Washington Post From back in July who will control the
Future of AI a democratic vision for Artificial intelligence must Prevail Over an authoritarian one Lan continues Shared Prosperity is as near and Measurable as the new jobs and growth to Come from building the needed Infrastructure soon AI will help our Children do things we can't not off is a Future in which everyone's lives can be Better than anyone's life is now and so They say the goal of this document is to Work with policy makers to make sure That that future comes to fruition and Indeed this is not just a policy appeal This is appeal to an American Vision of AI by way of historical example leaine Discusses why automobiles didn't take Root in Europe where they were invented He writes in the United Kingdom where Some of the earliest cars were Introduced the new industry's growth was Stunted by regulation the 1865 red flag Act required a flag bearer to walk ahead Of any car to warn others on on the road And wave the car aside in favor of Horsedrawn Transport How could a person Walk in front of a car without getting Run over because of another requirement That cars move no faster than 4 mph America he says took a very different Approach to the car merging private Sector vision and Innovation with public Sector Enlightenment to unlock the new Technology and its economic and
Ultimately with World War I looming National Security benefits so they say The incoming Administration has the Chance to one continue the country's Global Leadership and Innovation while Protecting National Security two make Sure we get it right on a access and Benefits from the start and three Maximize The Economic Opportunity of AI For communities across the country so What are some of the specifics section One is called competitiveness and Security and basically this says the Federal government needs to clear the Way by preempting state-by-state Regulations in order to allow the AI Industry's development of Frontier Models to quote Best ensure that they Promote US economic and National Security this is something that Alman Started talking about during sb147 and Part of the answer that openai gave as To why they didn't support that Legislation which was California Specific they write in this piece that They want the federal government to Quote develop alternatives to the Growing Patchwork of state and International regulations that risk Hindering American competitiveness such As by having the federal government Leading the development and National Security evaluations at home and Establishing a us-led International
Coalition that works towards shared Safety standards abroad they say that Quote the federal government's approach To Frontier Model Safety and Security Should streamline requirements reduce Bureaucratic obstacles to government Industry collaboration and incentivize Companies to support us competitiveness Some of the things they say the Government could do including supporting The development of standards and Safeguards helping companies access Secure infrastructure create a defined Voluntary pathway for companies that Develop llms to work with government to Define model evaluations test models and Exchange information I'm sure that Voluntary word is going to be a point of Consternation as we figure this out and Quite a point of debate and they also Flagged that the government could quote Help develop training programs to Cultivate the next generation of AI Talent in the US especially in areas of The country that have not benefited from Previous waves of innovation the next Section is about rules of the road and This is the core of open AI advocating For basically Common Sense regulations They hone in on child safety issues they Discuss deep fakes if orthogonally by Talking about how to apply Providence Data to all AI generated audiovisual Content and they say quote people should
Be empowered to personalize their AI Tools including through controls on how Their personal data is used Interestingly this piece seems to have Learned a lesson from the debate around S1047 where they focused their rules of The road section on concerns that Regulators and lawmakers have right now Including things like deep fakes and Abuse of minors as opposed to concerns That might be for the future in terms of The more existential risk type of issues The last piece of the story is what they Call infrastructure as Destiny and this Is a drum that obviously Sam Alman has Been beating very loudly for some time Now open AI writes we believe that Building enough infrastructure is not Just vital for ensuring that AI around The world is based on us rather than China-based technology it's an Unmissable opportunity to catalyze a Reindustrialization of the United States Successful Nations turn resources into Competitive advantages in the the AI era Chips data energy and talent are the Resources that will underpin continued Us leadership and as with the mass Production of the automobile marshalling These resources will create widespread Economic Opportunity and reinforce our Global competitiveness basically they Say that there is a win-win a two for One available to us here that to win the
AI race we have to build out the Infrastructure and that to build out the Infrastructure we necessarily have to Create tens of thousands of skilled Trade jobs they note that quote today Demand for comput and energy far Outstrips the available Supply while an Estimated 17 75 billion in global funds Is waited to be invested in AI Infrastructure they have a warning if The US doesn't move fast to channel These resources into projects that Support Democratic AI ecosystems around The world the funds will flow to Projects backed and shaped by the CCP now they share tons of ideas which Read basically like thought starters and Things that individual politicians could Pick up on and really run with for Example AI economic zones that quote Significantly speed up the permitting Process for building AI infrastructure Like new solar arrays wind farms and Nuclear reactors they call for Nationwide AI education strategy and Quote dramatically increased federal Spending on Power and data transmission And streamlined approval for new lines So this is clearly just an opening Salvo What's interesting to me about it is the Fact that it so clearly represents the Sense that this is a moment of Opportunity and an important inflection Point open AI is backing this up by
Hosting a gathering in Washington DC on January 30th to quote preview the state Of AI advancement and how it can drive Economic growth there are so many Different organizations and interests That are hoping for much out of Trump's First 100 days I be very interested to See if and where AI hits on that agenda If at all there's certainly going to be Plenty of discourse towards that Direction and I will cover it here as it Becomes important for now that's going To do it for today's AI Daily Brief Until next time peace