OpenAI’s long-awaited video generation model, Sora, has reportedly leaked, sparking debates across the AI community. This video explores the model’s capabilities, its potential impact on video creation, and the controversy surrounding OpenAI’s approach with early testers. How does Sora compare to advancements from competitors like Luma and Pika Labs?

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Open ai's much anticipated video Generation model Sora has just Apparently leaked welcome back to the AI Daily Brief we have a spicy one today as The internet is exploding with the Report that open ai's Sora video Generation model has just been leaked Now Sora is probably the most Anticipated AI product that we've heard About this year that we haven't gotten Yet all the way back at the very Beginning of the year open aai blew People away with what was possible when They demoed Sora for many it transformed Their sense of what AI video could do And it really did feel like video was Going to have its mid-journey or stable Diffusion moment and become a big part Of the texture of 2024 and that is sort of what happened But it wasn't led by open aai and it Wasn't led by Sora P Labs came out with A new version of their model which was Much more advanced Luma lab's dream Machine became a popular option for Artist and creators and runway in Addition to releasing a new version of Their model also started forming Partnerships with big Hollywood Studios Like Lionsgate and what made that extra Interesting is that even as open AI Sora Got delayed there was a sense that maybe It was because they wanted to roll it Out first to Hollywood to have this be a

Product that came in through traditional Entertainment industry rather than as a Bottoms Up stort of service now there Are a ton of reasons why an advanced Video model might not get released it's An extremely expensive proposition for One and there are a lot of safety Concerns when it comes to deep fakes and The use of AI generated video for Nefarious purposes but still most people Have spent the back half of this year Wondering where is Sora well now we have apparently access To it via a model that was uploaded to Hugging face you can generate a video in The pr puppet Sora space which is at the Moment of recording having a seriously Hard time presumably being crushed under The weight of people hitting it but the Group has also published an open letter The letter reads dear corporate AI Overlords we received access to Sor with The promise to be early testers red Teamers and creative Partners however we Believe instead we are being lured into Artwashing to tell the world that Sora Is a useful tool for artists artists are Not your unpaid R&D we are not your free Bug testers PR puppets training data Validation tokens Etc hundreds of Artists provide unpaid labor through bug Testing feedback and experimental work For the program for a $150 billion Valued company while hundreds of

Contribute for free a select few will be Chosen through a competition to have Their Sora created film screened Offering minimal compensation which Pales in comparison to the substantial PR and marketing value open AI receives Denormalize billion doll brands Exploiting artists for unpaid R&D and PR Furthermore every output needs to be Approved by the open AI team before Sharing this Early Access program Appears to be less about creative Expression and critique and more about PR and advertisement corporate Artwashing detected we are releasing This tool to give everyone an Opportunity to experiment with what Around 300 artists were offered a free And unlimited access to this tool we are Not against the use of AI technology as A tool for the Arts if we were we Probably wouldn't have been invited to This program what we don't agree with is How this artist program has been rolled Out and how the tool is shaping up ahead Of a possible public release we are Sharing this to the world in the hopes That open AI becomes more open more Artist friendly and supports the Arts Beyond PR stunts as you might imagine Immediately first everyone tried to Figure out whether it was real or not Debor blaho writes why I think it's real This is using the open AI Sora AP I

Endpoint to generate and download videos With hard-coded request headers and Cookies from the hugging face space Environment config chubby on Twitter Writes confirmed open AI Sora really has Been leaked however on the other side AI Warper writes I mean if it's just an API Request directly to open AI it gets shut Down in tus 10 seconds if it doesn't It's BS the other big discussion of Course is what the artist wrote there's A little bit of a sense of yeah duh of Course open AI is behaving like this Mike Butcher quoted Tech crunch writing They claim that open AI is pressuring Sora's early testers ining red teamers And creative Partners to spin a positive Narrative around Sora and failing to Fairly compensate them for their work Butcher added who would have thought Open AI would do that dot dot dot of Course the other discussion is people Sharing what they've generated and the Video quality does seem high although at First glance it's a little harder to Tell how much better this is than other Options that are out there given how Much the rest of the video generation Space seems to have caught up I tried to Create a video of a turkey getting up Off a table and running away but alas The site was too crushed anyway this is Certainly something that I'm I'm going To keep watching and I will report back

Tomorrow on whether this is confirmed as An actual leak or if it's just a big PR Stunt ironically a leak came on the day Where Luma AI released a massive update To their dream machine video model Platform the end to-end upgrade includes A new interface a new mobile app and a New image generation Foundation model Called Luma Photon to get a sense of how Many people have been excited about this Space Luma says they have over 25 Million registered users since they Launched in June 2024 CEO Amit Jane said We built dream machine as a visual Thought partner powered by a whole new Image model called Luma Photon it's Creative intelligent and designed for The people who build our world designers Creators in fashion media and Entertainment the model also has Improved functionality with natural Language and can also draw from Reference images Jane said unlike prompt Engineering where you have to carefully Craft specific commands dream machine Lets you talk to it like you're talking To a person this conversational Interface makes editing and creating Intuitive with dream machine you can Give it reference images colors Structures or textures and it will Intelligently combine and iterate until You get exactly what you want Luma also Says that they've cracked consistent

Characters which is going to be Essential for creating longer content Pieces that have a coherent through line So maybe taking together the story of This Plus open AI is that the video Generation space is very much in full Swing like I said a spicy one today but For now that is going to do it for the AI Daily Brief until next time peace