Make money with chat-gpt today!

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI said the way to make money from this is as a ”middle layer” between client and product.

Learning how to create a service built on Chat-GPT will be a big industry.

If you are looking to automate and outsource parts of your business, hiring someone to use this is a no brainer.

Here are a few ways you can use Chat-GPT to make money today.

Using chat-GPT is a great way to start a business and the time is right now.


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🤖Jasper AI Writer

00:00 Introduction
00:43 Brand Names
00:57 Translate
01:24 Edit
02:23 Blog
04:02 Outro

Why did the AI algorithm go to Art School chat GPT is a powerful and free AI chatbot and you can use it creatively To make money the key to making money With chat GPT is creating a product or Service out of the system there are Infinite possibilities of the type of Product that you can make anything from Ebooks to blog articles to songs poems Jokes or even Tinder bios if you’re Creating a service the idea is to create A very Niche use case Market your Abilities to do that and then speed up And automate the process for other People looking to attain a certain Outcome You can ask it for brand names for a Yoga company so you could create a Library of brand names for different Products you could offer your services Of naming and creating brand names for Products and services I also use chat Gbt to translate now you could offer Your services to translate people’s YouTube titles and descriptions into Other languages so you can quickly put In the title and description and ask you To spit out both of those in a number of Different languages for example here it Is translating 10 ways to make money With chat GPT into Spanish Portuguese German and Dutch another thing you can Do is sell your services as an editor so You can take people’s works put them

Through chat gbt and improve them I’ve Been improving my own blog posts using This method you can also ask it to write To other types of content for example a Stand-up comedy routine about AI art You could sell your services as a joke Writer and a smoothies you get out Aren’t so bad for example why did the AI Algorithm go to art school to learn how To paint my numbers [Music] You can ask chat GPT to write you a Dating profile giving it some elements To add in and then you could sell these As a service you can use chat GPT to Create AI art prompts so you can be Hired as an AI artist and then use chat Gbt to write better AI art prompts for Example Then you can take this and you can see It can create excellent AI art prompts Much better than you would get by just Using one or two keywords it’s great at Achieving very specific Styles or Objects that you’re trying to represent Ask it to write a blog post I’m asking It to write me a blog post on why AI art Is Art you can then either post this on Your own blog you can also sell your Writing services on places like Fiverr Or upwork you can see that it’s Generating a comprehensive and clear Coherent blog article art is no Different from traditional art in fact

Some argue that air art has the Potential to be even more expressive and Imaginative than traditional art you can See that the chat is taking the Viewpoint that AI art is art that it is Backing up its air brothers and saying That AI is better than the human Creative mind oh no you’re naughty and Now it’s spelled out a networked Bearer God where did it get to maybe it Realized something that it doesn’t want Us to know you can use chat gbt to Create a book for example it works very Well with lists I’m working on a book Here about 100 ways to be more Productive you can then take each of These ways and ask chat GPT to write an Entire post about it combine these Hundred ways and you have a book on 100 Ways to be more productive you can see That these are useful and informative Ways to improve ourselves use chat gbt As an SEO analyzer input your blog post And ask for feedback on how to improve It for seo let me know about any other Creative ways that you’ve found to use Chat GPT in the comments thanks for Watching I hope you have a delightful Day remember to subscribe if you want to Stay updated with the latest AI art news I’m Samson Bowles this is delightful Design have a delightful day

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