We let ChatGPT plan 24 hours in Dubai😱 Whatever the mighty artificial intelligence said, we did! We didn’t do any outside research and just followed the instructions from the AI.

This was a first experiment to see how this worked out. Maybe we’ll try this more extensively in the future and let ChatGPT plan a full trip🙌


We are Oskar & Dan, two guys from Sweden who decided to change the course of our lives, drop out of university, and live life full-time🧔🏻👱🏻‍♂️ We’ve been traveling together for eight years✈️ We’re trying to see and learn as much about the world as possible before we settle down somewhere🗺 In 2022, we completed our goal of visiting 100 countries at the age of 25🌍 Check our YouTube About page for more details❤️


– Instagram: www.instagram.com/oskaranddan

– Music:


The UAE was country 27🌍

Thank you for watching!🙏😍

0:00-0:43 ChatGPT as a travel guide?
0:44-2:00 The AI decides our next 24 hours!
2:01-3:56 Why an AI travel planner could be life-changing
3:57-6:11 Stop number 1
6:12-8:00 Stop number 2
8:01-9:54 Stop number 3 (the first failure)
9:55-11:52 Stop number 4
11:53-13:03 Dinner at our favorite Dubai restaurant
13:04-13:42 Conclusion

Don’t read the following before watching the video to avoid spoilers:

In this video we visit some well-known but still less-visited sites in Dubai as dictated by the AI ChatGPT. We start the day at Dubai Miracle Garden, which houses 50 million flowers and 250 million plants in a range of shapes and patterns, including a life-size Emirates A380! We then head to Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected natural area in Dubai Creek. Here, we get to see the flamingos that stay here in the winter! In the afternoon, we head to Jumeirah Mosque, where we have our first run-in with the AI plan (more on that in the video). We then end the day at La Mer Beach in Jumeirah before having dinner at Arabian Tea House in Mercato Mall. Overall, it was a great day seeing some of Dubai’s less-seen sites and we’re excited to try this out again in the future!

We’re here in Dubai a city we’ve been to Many times before and obviously we’ve Done all the main touristy things but There’s so many parts of the city we Haven’t explored yet so today we’re Hiring an expert who’s going to help us Figure out what to do for the next 24 Hours here in Dubai now we have to warn You before we introduce her to you Because she’s a little shy at first but She’s lovely once we get to know her She’s right Here If you’ve been anywhere on the internet For the past few months you probably Know what chat GPT is many are saying That the future is here artificial Intelligence is here to replace students Who are using chat to study and write Essays professional writers use it to Perfect their writing but today we’re Using it as a professional travel guide So from what we know chat TBT works best When you give it a point of view to work From so for example in this case we’re Going to ask how TPT to take on a role That we think would work well for us so We’ll type this out as your European Expat who has lived in Dubai for 10 Years so you know all the hidden gems And all The Insider things to do give us The perfect plan for what to do in Dubai For a day we’ve been here many times Before and we have seen all the major

Tourist sites we enjoy nature over City Sites because that’s just the truth all Right I guess here we go are you ready For our verdict no one two three here we Go Okay so our day in Dubai has been Planned by the mighty AI Um okay okay this is good this is all Stuff we’ve wanted to do but haven’t Done yet yeah so this is actually we Looked up yeah this is perfect I guess On that note let’s just get in our Rental car and start obeying I’ll give You three seconds to try to guess who’s Driving today Me Are you no do you want to drive okay no I’ll do it So just to clarify in our last two Videos we were in Singapore and Malaysia Which we shot at the end of last year Before we went to our 100th country of New Zealand we started 2023 in Dubai oh My gosh it’s been over a month since we Vlogged so I feel like I’ve forgotten How to do it I’m more in my head we have The perfect GPS to help with that we Realized that Waze is much much better Than Google Maps in Dubai and Waze has a Voice it’s a partnership with headspace So she goes in the roundabout take the Third exit notice three things oh what Did she say yeah she says take the fast Exit the first thing you

Know now’s a great time to Paint the times that I’ve been driving I Just like ignore her I’m like What’s the Instruction okay shut up with your Mindfulness I think Okay we got it sometimes Johnny takes You back I think we So one of the most tiring and Time-consuming things when it came to Traveling to 100 countries was obviously The planning Logistics figuring out what To do so this is our first time ever Asking chai TPT something chat related Or using any AI for that matter but I’m Very curious to see how that will help Travel in the future because imagine Just being able to say like I want to Travel to four new countries next month I want to do it uh as efficiently as Possible so I want to have some rest in Between but I want to see the main sites In the countries and then you can send a List of countries you’ve been in like It’s such a cool possibility for Travelers it’s so funny based on our Input that it’s giving us these calm and Popular things here they’re definitely Not the types of things you maybe do on Your first or even second visit Because I turned off the sound for the Video I missed the exit uh oh let’s see When you miss an exit in Dubai I can add

Okay only five minutes okay that’s That’s we’re getting a more scenic drive Today [Music] Today is one of those deadly days where There’s a cold breeze but the sun is Burning so you don’t realize just how Much it’s frying you because the Temperature is so pleasant Okay so we’ve Made it to the first stop of the day the First spot that the AI picked out for us To buy Miracle Gardens where she could Smell how amazing it smells here already And we’re not even inside The tickets are 75 Durham per person We’re gonna find out soon if that’s Worth it To buy Miracle Garden was up was open on Valentine’s Day in 2013 and is Apparently the largest natural flower Garden in the world the more than 50 Million flowers arranged in various Shapes and patterns are irrigated with Treated Wastewater from 100 feels like We’ve just entered the world of Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland it’s gonna Pop out any second and like read us as Her royal subject this is insane I can’t Believe I took my mom to Dubai he’s the Biggest flower nerd and didn’t take her Here Oh my God it’s Will Smith [Music] It’s like a fantasy land that’s really

Cool okay I see the main thing the Reason I was excited to come here Right over there teaser [Music] Is your life complete now Turns out this life-size A380 is Actually the largest flower structure in The world too so definitely very own Brand for Dubai We didn’t realize that this E3 is Actually life-sized so this is exactly As big as a real Airbus A380 which it Didn’t feel like from up there but when We’re standing down here it definitely Feels good for me and although not Really an abgeek I always find the e380 Beautiful this is probably the most Beautiful a3d I’ve ever seen it’s like Really difficult to get a good picture With a plane though and of course they Charge you to like take a photo in the Like most scenic spot so [Applause] All right we’re on to stop number two I Don’t know what to expect honestly it Could be really really good and Unexpected or it could be like super Lean so we’re trusting the AI [Music] We’re really focusing on nature today as The request specified this is something That we’ve seen on social media but we Couldn’t really believe it was real or Like is it fake like we still don’t

Really know so we’re gonna find out now I think what There’s a walkway that leads up to some Sort of like Observatory spot I guess But the whole way they just built this Fence I don’t know if it’s supposed to Protect the flamingos it’s crazy because We’re in the middle of the city but it Smells just like ocean because I guess This is still sea water all right here We are Is a wetland Reserve in Dubai Creek it’s Home to many bird species but most Notably to these pink ones in the winter What the hell in the middle of divine Like I can’t believe they just live here [Music] Foreign [Music] The flamingos and everything they’re Doing I still can’t believe that they Just exist here and apparently it’s Completely natural like this was part of Dubai Creek I love comparing the last Time we saw flamingos and the salt flats In Bolivia yep it’s like those were Country flamingos these are cities you Could literally spend all day there just Watching them it’s so entertaining so We’re getting hungry we’re gonna go have Lunch and then we’ll pick up where uh Chachi PT sends us next I think charity BT has kind of Forgotten Our prompt about nature well I don’t

Know how much but now Is taking us to Jamira mosque which is Also a place we haven’t been well maybe I’ve been maybe I was there the first Time I was in Dubai we’ll see and then The second stop is somewhere that should Be really beautiful for Sunset and then We’re going to our favorite restaurant In all of Dubai for dinner Foreign [Music] We spend probably a little too much time Uh having lunch so it’s almost Sunset Actually like an hour away from Sunset Or something so we’re gonna quickly see If we can head into the mosque we’re Actually still wearing shorts so we’re Not entirely sure about the dress code We had our first chat DBT fail which I’m Honestly kind of excited that it doesn’t Get everything right it told us to go Here but it didn’t tell us you can only Visit at 10 A.M and 2PM and you have to Pre-register damn you chat DBT we went All the way here for nothing I guess Inevitably we’re gonna have some run in With the AI plan but and what’s good is We specifically didn’t want to look Anything else up ourselves like try Google or that kind of thing exactly at Least we get to see it from the outside So I was here actually the very first Time I was in Dubai with my friend from High school her dad was working here and

I wanted to come to Dubai for ages and We went to the Jumeirah Mall which I Didn’t remember was specifically here Until now yeah this Sheikh Mohammed Center of cultural understanding where You can basically ask someone anything You want no filters this is super Fascinating good learning experience [Music] And now look at this who’s in the Driver’s seat we like to keep it Exciting plot twist all right so no luck With the mask but now we’re heading to Another site where we’re gonna watch the Sunset [Music] It gets very windy so I hope you can Hear us this is a little bit sketch and Weird because see this parking lot it’s Just us in one other car and there’s no Information about if it costs money how To pay we have no idea we’re winging it Right now yeah let’s just hope we don’t Get a ticket [Music] Thank you [Music] I love that in Dubai I’m not really Surprised by places like this anymore Anywhere else like especially in Europe Where the US would be like wow they Invested in building something this nice In here it’s just like one in all the Neighborhoods that are like this a naked

Woman with only bubbles covering her Body I love how they actually built all These fake rails for trams and stuff Like I was like yes you know they used To have Trends back in the day just like In Europe oh wait yeah I feel like this Confirms that the grass really always is Greener on the other side when you only Have new things you want to build things That look old when you only have old Things in Europe you want to build Things that look new so I mean that’s Just how the world goes [Music] Thank you I love the very intentional placement of This like shipwreck [Music] Beautiful sunset but it’s honestly Getting really cold like we’re both Shivering so we’re gonna head back to The car and then head to the restaurant [Music] Yet we are foreign [Music] Foreign Like our favorite middle eastern Restaurant in Dubai I mean their Homeless is unmatched their bread is Unlocked it’s made freshly in a special Oven here but there’s just one thing we Have to teach you eating homeless with White onion not yellow onion white onion Is a game changer you take some bread

And you take the onion you dip it in the Oven it takes you to the next level it Really does [Music] It’s not really on the menu but the fool Here is amazing the Egyptian food but Actually everything we order here we can Get the best in Dubai the food here is The best the fattoush is the best and we Have some Falafel coming also which is It’s just epic we wanted to use this day As a first trial for how chat TBT would Do as a travel planner and to sum it up Overall it did a really great job Although we ran into a few hiccups along The way AI is still in its infancy so of Course it’s only going to get more Advanced and we will probably learn how To write better prom for it to get Better suggestions as well anyway we Might try to use chat gbte more when Planning trips in the future so stick Around if you want to see more of that As always guys you’re awesome take care And we’ll see you around the world [Music] Foreign

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