Are you curious to know about Kaja Kallas and her important message on AI regulation at the second day of EUCO? In this blog post, we will dive into her insightful perspective and uncover the significance of her stance on this crucial matter. So, keep reading and let Kaja Kallas inspire you with her vision of a well-regulated AI future.

Kaja Kallas-My message on AI regulation on the second day of EUCO


In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to drive innovation and transform economies. However, with this great power comes the need for responsible regulation to ensure the ethical and appropriate use of AI. In this article, we will review the video created by ChatGPT ai, where Kaja Kallas shared her message on AI regulation on the second day of the European Council meeting (EUCO).

Europe should focus on seizing the opportunities of AI, rather than just the risks.

In her message, Kaja Kallas emphasizes the importance of Europe focusing on seizing the opportunities presented by AI rather than solely fixating on the risks it may bring. While it is crucial to address the concerns and potential risks associated with AI, it is equally essential to recognize its potential to drive economic growth and innovation.

Estonia has over 100 use cases of AI improving public services.

Kallas highlights the significant progress Estonia has made in leveraging AI to improve public services. With over 100 successful use cases, Estonia has demonstrated the transformative power of AI in streamlining administrative processes and enhancing citizen experience. From e-governance to digital ID cards, Estonia has embraced AI to deliver efficient and user-friendly public services.

Economic security and the use of innovative technologies like AI will be discussed.

During the second day of the European Council meeting, the discussions centered around economic security and the role of innovative technologies like AI in shaping the future economy. The utilization of AI presents immense potential for driving economic growth, but it also necessitates robust regulations to prevent misuse and protect individual privacy.

European Parliament is mainly concerned with the risks of AI innovation.

Kallas acknowledges that the European Parliament has primarily focused on the risks associated with AI innovation. This caution arises from concerns related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and potential biases in AI algorithms. While these risks are undoubtedly important to address, it is equally vital to strike a balance between innovation and considering the potential advantages of AI.

Estonia has successfully used AI in multiple administrative cases.

Drawing from Estonia’s experience, Kallas emphasizes the successful implementation of AI in multiple administrative cases. This demonstrates that by combining technological advancements with effective regulations, it is possible to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks. Estonia’s example serves as an inspiration for other European countries to explore the possibilities that AI can offer in improving public services.

Balancing innovation with considering risks is crucial.

Kallas highlights the crucial importance of striking a balance between promoting innovation and addressing the risks associated with AI. While it is essential to encourage technological advancements, it is equally crucial to establish regulations that ensure ethical and responsible AI deployment. By doing so, European nations can harness the full potential of AI while safeguarding the interests of their citizens.

We cannot think about all the risks, but we should deal with them along the way.

Recognizing that it is impossible to predict and address all the risks associated with AI in one go, Kallas suggests dealing with them along the way. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to have a flexible and adaptive regulatory framework that can address emerging challenges and concerns. This iterative approach enables policymakers to learn from real-world experiences and refine regulations accordingly.

Rules should be designed with the incumbent market in mind.

When contemplating regulatory frameworks for AI, Kallas emphasizes the importance of designing rules with the incumbent market in mind. Regulations should support the growth of existing businesses and industries while fostering an environment conducive to innovation and technological advancements. By considering the needs of the incumbent market, regulations can strike the right balance between fostering competition and protecting the interests of established players.

Rules should not be made for anyone else but the incumbent.

Kallas further emphasizes that rules should not be made for anyone else but the incumbent market. Policymakers must avoid creating regulations that are overly burdensome for new entrants or startups. By focusing on creating a level playing field and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and competition, regulations can effectively balance the interests of all stakeholders involved.


In her message on AI regulation during the European Council meeting, Kaja Kallas advocates for a balanced approach that focuses on seizing the opportunities presented by AI while addressing the associated risks. Drawing from Estonia’s success in utilizing AI to improve public services, Kallas highlights the transformative potential of AI when combined with responsible regulations. By striking a balance between innovation and risk mitigation, policymakers can shape a future where AI contributes to economic growth, efficiency, and improved citizen experience.


  1. What are some use cases of AI in Estonia’s public services?
    Estonia has implemented AI in various administrative cases, such as e-governance and digital ID cards, to improve efficiency and deliver more user-friendly public services.

  2. What were the main topics discussed during the European Council meeting?
    The European Council meeting focused on economic security and the role of innovative technologies like AI in shaping the future economy.

  3. Why is it important for Europe to focus on seizing the opportunities of AI?
    While addressing the risks associated with AI is crucial, focusing on seizing the opportunities allows Europe to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and remain competitive globally.

  4. What should be considered when designing regulatory rules for AI?
    Regulatory rules should be designed with the incumbent market in mind, striking a balance between supporting existing businesses and fostering an environment conducive to innovation and competition.

  5. How can we deal with the risks associated with AI?
    Kaja Kallas suggests dealing with the risks along the way, with a flexible and adaptive regulatory framework that can evolve based on real-world experiences and emerging challenges.