In this video, I reveal my results of a side hustle that claims you can make $21,710 in 7 Days

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In this episode of I tried it I try and Test a side hustle that claims that you Can make 21 000 710 in just seven days what we’re Gonna do is we’re gonna take a look at This opportunity I’m gonna tell you if It’s worth it or not and then we’re Going to talk about potentially better Opportunities out there hi my name is Austin godbolt with I Create content to actually help you make Money online and not just to put money Into my own pockets and if you want to Be added to this globe simply reply or Comment down below with your city state Province country and I’ll get your PIN All right guys so a few days ago when I Was doing a little bit of research on This side hustle that claims that you Can make twenty one thousand seven Hundred and ten dollars in just seven Days I started watching the video and I Found some things a little curious let Me show you what I found now a few days Ago I tested a side hustle that claimed That you could make 5792 dollars in just one week with chat GPT and what you see on the screen right Now is a side by side side of the two Video alright so if you take a look at The screen right now these screens are The exact same screenshot okay on the Video that was uploaded two weeks ago This might be original video or it might

Be a copycat of a copycat you can see That they have a screenshot of PayPal Where they claim to make a certain Amount of money and if we look at this Video that was uploaded just four days Ago it’s the exact same screenshot it’s Highlighted at the exact same points now This could be a coincidence maybe they Don’t want to show their back office Maybe they are you know kind of private When it comes to the amount of money That they actually make so you know Whatever it is what it is but if we Scroll through here and basically with This method they claim that you can be Successful online by posting uh Jeep Chat GPT videos over on medium and quora I’ve talked about that before you can’t Actually post your affiliate links on Quora but if we look at this screenshot Side by side here you can see that the Video the new video quote unquote the New video that was uploaded just four Days ago they say that they have created A video that says 10 side hustles you Can start moment to make extra money but If we look on the right hand side the Video that was uploaded two weeks ago it Is the exact same video okay so here’s The problem when it comes to YouTube and These types of side hustles and people That you follow if you look this is the Exact same video okay Um the video on the right is seven

Minutes and 55 seconds long the video That was uploaded two weeks ago the Video that was uploaded four days ago uh Is six minutes long and it’s the exact Same video they have taken screenshot For screenshot this is not unique or Original in any way and this is why I Create these videos okay I create these Videos to help me sift through the crap Okay there this video on the left hand Side that was uploaded four days ago has 39 000 views so 39 000 people Unfortunately at least a portion of them Watch this video and thought hey this is A really good idea and I should try it When in reality unfortunately the Original the content creator that was Uploaded that upload the the second Video four days ago this is not original Thought and in fact Um the the channel here on the left hand Side this is a YouTube automation Channel and we’re going to talk about You YouTube Automation in just a second But this is why you should be careful of Who you’re following okay unfortunately 39 000 people have watched this video And think that hey this is actually Viable and if we uh roll back the tape a Little bit to the video that I uploaded A few days ago you know that you cannot Just post affiliate links on quora I did The the exact method a week ago at the I Guess at this point and my original post

Was taken down the other thing that I Want to show you is I want to show you That show you how many views I got from Following this process so I know I’m Kind of jumping around all over the Place but I don’t want to belabor the Point any longer than it has to be you a Need to be very careful about who you’re Following on YouTube b this process Doesn’t work C I don’t know what to tell you quite Honestly Um if you have never made a dime online Expecting to make 21k in seven days is Unrealistic and it’s unfair to you okay I’ve been relatively successful when it Comes to uh affiliate marketing and Making money online and I can tell you That earning 21 K is really difficult if You have a ton of experience okay so This is the video or this is the blog Post that I uploaded when I followed the Original content creators Step-by-step guide on how to use chat GPT to Um make money with affiliate marketing In the original video they say you just Go ask chat GPT to create an outline and Then fill in the outline and then go Grab your affiliate link from Digistore24 or from or from ClickBank And so I can tell you for a fact that This video that this blog post has been Up since December 30th and if we look at

My stats this blog post has zero views You can see here nobody’s viewed this And so I can tell you with fairly Certain Uh confidence that these methods aren’t Going to get you to where you want to go What gets you to where you want to go a You want to create a unique original Content B you want to make sure that you Are checking for plagiarism stealing Other people’s content you want to Create your own content be original be Unique Create unique content that is the only Way you’re going to be successful in 2023 so in summary I know this is Probably one of the shorter ones that I’ve done This method doesn’t work the video on The left hand side the one that I’m Doing the I tried it on is just a Um copycat word for word step by step of This video that you see on the right Side and that leads me to YouTube Automation I get asked all the time does YouTube automation work yes YouTube Automation works but this is the Negative side of YouTube automation what These guys do is they look and see uh Videos that are trending and they just Make the exact same video they’re going To go and they’re going to I’ll tell you Exactly what they do they go they they Get the transcript for example the the

Second video went and clicked on these Three dots they downloaded this Transcript and then they went over to a Website called quobot and they spun it That’s how they were only able to get Six minutes out of the original video Which was 7 minutes and 55 seconds can YouTube automation work yes YouTube Automation basically is where you hire a Team of people to create YouTube videos For you you need a script writer you Need a video editor a voice over actress And then a thumbnail thumbnail Creator YouTube automation can work but it The negative side of it is that people Are just basically spinning and Re-spinning YouTube videos so when you Get over to YouTube and I’ve seen some Comments like that if someone is making These outrageous claims It’s always a red flag okay and I didn’t Realize that this was going to be a shot For shot Repeat of this video on the right hand Side until I got about halfway through The video and I realized that the title Looked familiar and I realized that the Medium post actually looks familiar if We scroll through the medium post on on The left hand side looks like the exact Same medium post on the right hand side It’s it’s a shot for shot remake the Only thing that the the video on the Left hand side did better was they

Actually cropped the screen a little bit Better so you can’t see the uh post like You cannot can see on the right hand Side so guys always be careful when People are telling you to do stuff Online always make sure that you are Reading the terms of service always make Sure that you are checking it out for Yourself to make sure that it is uh if It makes sense now can you make money Online yes can you make money online With affiliate marketing yes however There are right and wrong ways to do it And these guys are going about it the Wrong way so Um I tried it it doesn’t work Now that you know that this video on the Left hand side will not work for you Click the first link in the description Or go to forward slash Start for a free online business planner That planner will help you plan and Organize your online business so that You can make more money online go to forward slash start To get started today watch this video Next because YouTube says it’s going to Help you grow your online business

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