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0:00 – Humata ()
2:56 – Paper Brain ()
5:52 – Explain Paper ()
8:03 – PapersGPT ()
10:09 – Teach Anything ()
12:06 – Experai ()



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There is currently an academic arms race In the AI space and there are tons of Different kind of companies and Individuals who are trying to make AI Tools for academics research and just For anyone that wants really complicated Information distilled down into nice Little bite-sized pieces Yum Yum Yum so Let’s have a look at the best of them The first one is this one the humata Humata humata dot AI however you wish to Say it ask AI anything about your file So let’s just log in Did I log in yes there we are I already Signed up for ease so here welcome to Humata please click here or drag or drop A PDF to get started so let’s have a Quick look at uploading some of my Papers my past papers that I am so very Very proud of Um and here we are let’s go to this one A multi-layered approach to polyflurine Water-based organic photovoltaics there We are one of my first ever papers from My PhD let’s ask it some questions so Ask about this document um what did they Find out Not my uh most uh eloquent questions but A question nonetheless let’s find out What happens Dot dot dot Still dot dot dot Anytime any moment now any moment we’re Gonna get away from the dot dot dot

They’re animated nicely if nothing else Oh here we are good okay they found out That the power conversion efficiency and Quantum Eternal fissions uh at external Quantum efficiency values for the Devices fabricated from blah blah blah Signify those previously reported they Also found that the PC and eqe evalues Comparable to those of that blend of Icing significantly greater than those Presented previously for well okay look It’s quite complicated in it I mean it’s Done a good job it’s really kind of Presented it in a very Academic Way so Let’s try another question Um uh what are the main applications of This paper Let’s see what it has dot dot dot I’m Sure we’re in for a wait what should we Have a cup of tea I’ve got an empty Water glass we can just wait around a Bit I guess okay we’re back Okay it’s okay it’s okay I guess okay They’ve actually not mentioned look in The abstract down here this work offers Insights for the development of Printable photovolta devices I’ve not Seen printable now we have to be very Careful don’t we because here it didn’t Mention anything about printable solar Cells so we have to read the abstract we Cannot rely on this tool at least to Give us everything we need to know Um okay let’s go on to the next one

Paper brain paper brain is another one Exploring your study papers Study papers nonetheless let’s carry on Has never been easier let’s start Reading okay that’s a look we got you Covered so uh What am I what am I looking for research Papers I sure am I’m sure am let’s look For Photovoltaic devices Oh I’ve destroyed that spelling uh let’s Have a look for organic Photovoltaic devices let’s have a little Look let’s see what it’s got for me Come on loading we got load and all Right we’ve got some we’ve got some That’s good let’s just go to this top One why not let’s just continue reading This Um detecting triplet States in Optoelectronic converter photovoltaic Materials and devices okay good yeah uh It it’s fine I guess I mean it has given Me organic photovoltaic devices let’s Try this one uh viewers PDF Okay here we are it’s loading the PDF Nice Um let’s try to ask it some questions Once it’s loaded this is my internet is It just my internet that’s this slow Okay Um energy level diagram so let’s have a Look what what uh the main con Clusions

Okay what are the main conclusions sorry Laughs You had one job you had one job I don’t Think that’s a difficult question okay Um Okay what what is this paper about Okay okay You can’t you can’t do that let’s let’s See if it’s better with one that I Upload all right let’s upload upload Some some files uh let’s go to plainer Silver nanowire and carbon nanotube Let’s try Wow brilliant you’ve you’ve done it Again Paperbrain dot study Um okay so here we’ve got this uh this Is one of my papers about using silver Nanowise and carbon nanotubes as Transparent electrodes look how many Authors are on there there’s ridiculous Some of them did nothing anyway Um what what is this paper about come on You you gotta You Gotta Give me Something okay we’ve got a little ding Dong thing going on a little circular Whatever Um Let’s okay Waiting waiting again I don’t mind waiting as long as it gives Me the answer I don’t mind waiting Sorry I don’t understand really All right I’m done with you sorry paper

Brain let’s try another one this one’s Called explain paper so here we can Highlight confusing text and get an Explanation great let’s try that let’s Get ourselves one of my papers let’s try Uh Pathway to high throughput low-cost Indian free transparent electrodes what A beautiful title highlight text and Have an AI explain it I will I will just Do that let’s have a look let’s try to Find something a little bit annoying Let’s go to experimental let’s have a Look Um let’s go here Sheet resistant okay I don’t understand What sheet resistance means so let’s Let’s highlight that sheet resistance Measurements were performed using the Four point probe technique okay fine I Mean it’s like a very simple kind of Like uh response but I guess it could Help you it could help you oh look at That beautiful diagram I did that in Word by the way uh trying to beat that In any of your fancy uh uh design Software let’s try roll to roll com r2r Does that understand r2r compatible is It’s roll to roll Good okay so it’s actually extended Expanded the abbreviations which is very Helpful okay this is this is good this Is good explainpaper.com I’m liking it I’m liking it all right let’s carry on Oh look at these beautiful conductive

AFM those took hours those dude anyway Enough about me uh Ramen okay what the Hell is RAM and microscopy let’s have a Look let’s see what this is so highlight Is it going to give me Something useful Yeah okay fine once again little bit ask A follow-up question yes do that [Music] I visualize visualize it I want to know Exactly what it looks like I could go to Google okay RAM and microscopy is a technique that Uses like to escape a site oh excited Molecules in the same and In the sample and measure the scattered Light I’m getting excited calm down Stapes this allows researchers to Identify different components such as That okay it it helps so it you can Delve deeper which I like let’s go on to The next one I found this one uh this is Just like a dude who is making things so Thank you very much uh Jesse uh sang This is where he just puts projects Brilliant so let’s just try out some of His projects then this one type any Topic and then you can ask about it Using this bit here which is great so Let’s just see if you can actually do That hey let’s uh go in and let’s type In uh I’m fed up of my research let’s Have a look highly reflective mirrors Highly reflective mirrors here we are

Let’s see what it has to say about heart This was one of my last postdoc Positions and I wasn’t really into the The field but maybe using this I can Sort of like bubble up some excitement Again let’s have a little bit of a look So it gets 10 most relevant papers love That and Then it says it is feeding and indexing All of the uh stuff and now sadly the Limits are Oh okay sadly we’ve hit the limits of Open API please try again let’s just try The one of his ones let’s try AI Transformers and let’s see what happens Okay it’s free but of course you have to Use your own API Key because otherwise you can use his And it doesn’t work so here AI Transformers I don’t even know what that Is I don’t even know what AI Transformers is so here you can see that You can index all documents and then Successfully index all papers ready to Answer questions okay well what is AI Transformers The future of AI Is patience AI Transformers are technology Applications that potential we’ve got Citations or you can click on the Citations that’s nice that’s nice I like That okay you could use this tool if you Just wanted a quick snapshot of a

Particular field good for literature Reviews Um and just be careful because it is Free this guy’s providing it for free so If you go on there you may face an issue With the API thing not a problem put Your own API key in and you can use it But Um yeah okay let’s move on there’s Another one you can use I don’t know about you but sometimes I Uh just get confused and I just need a Simple explanation of something so here Are a couple of options for you the First one is teach anything.com or teach Dash anything.com and I like this Because you can ask a question select Your language select difficulty and ask It so there’s this thing in solar cells I’ve never never really quite understood And that’s up conversion so let’s have a Look to see what’s going on so okay Let’s have a look let’s see what it says In in in English easy up conversion is a Process where light energy is changed Into a higher energy form for example You can have a flashlight it will light Up a room but if you have a solar cell It can take the same light energy and Turn into electricity with Okay not great not great up conversion One word let’s try the one word version You’ve got a special type so you can Take that low energy and turn it a

Higher energy form that can be used to Power okay so it’s let’s let’s try Profession profession professional I I Assume that means let’s try this the Answer is of conversion in photovoltaic Process in which two or more lower Energy photons are converted okay so for A PhD level University level person the Professional levels far more useful Um and you can obviously understand it Because I assume easy is meant for a Child or someone who is very very drunk So here I like it how Do you become Famous on YouTube Professional I’m a professional Print requires unique engaging and high Quality content that resonates with the Viewers Additionally you must use Effective marketing and promotional Tactics in order to build and gain Recognition Uh like like And subscribe and hit the Bell notification All right the last one that I think you Should know about is Expiry Experi experi they’re running out of Names they are running out of names for These AI tools we’ve used them all so This is expert AI so it’s about using AI As an expert that you can ask questions To so good if you’re researching a new Area or you don’t quite understand

What’s going on in your own life maybe Um here we are what experts are you Looking for I am looking for Um a solar cell expert let’s see what They have to offer start chatting Calling expert I hope I’m not annoying a Real person I’m led to believe this is AI all right hi I’m Dr solar hello Dr Solar a solar cell expert passionate About renewable well nice to meet you Let’s let’s just say nice to meet you Nice to meet you Are they a nice person are they a nice To meet you too I’m excited to learn More all right just want to get to the Point all right no worries doesn’t want Small talk like a real academic no Problem let’s get into it so uh I want To know what do I want to know about Solar cells no what Are the different Types of research Solar cells that’s I don’t even know That’s a proper question but let’s uh Let’s let’s see what it comes up with Come on Expert there are several types Of solar cells that can be used to Research these include monocrystalline Polycrystalline thin film okay give me a Thin film I’m not quite sure thin Film oh I’m not even in the box there we Are Thin film uh solar cells uh what types Are there question mark not even a

Proper oh Let’s get you signed up Okay Okay we’re back good we didn’t have to Do anything crazy we’re back thin film Solar cells comes in various blah blah You can kind of sort of like start Asking questions as if you were sat down With your supervisor but once again you Have to take all of this with a grain of Salt don’t you Um and here I feel like it’s great if You’re entering a new field you can kind Of feel around the edges a little bit And work out what is good for you what Works what doesn’t and kind of start Delving a little bit deeper so uh yeah There we are expert AI if you need a Little explanation of something I think It’s great okay Um thank you That will be all you’re welcome if you Have any other questions about solar Cells or their components don’t hesitate To reach out I’m always happy to help That is very nice so there we have it There are the new free academic tools That I think you should be aware of at Least some of them work better than Others and every time I use AI I have to Be careful not to just take what they Say as gospel and I do need to you know Read the abstract of the paper I do need To delve a little deeper but it’s a

Great tool and can help you when you’re Just not sure where to start and you Just need to start somewhere so have a Look at these tools see if they can fit Into your kind of like research process Let me know in the comments which ones Uh really help you and if there’s others You’d like for me to look at so Um that said now there’s more ways you Can interact with me a real person not AI first way is head over and sign up to My newsletter that says Andrewstableton.com Newsletter the link is in the Description and when you sign up you’ll Get five emails over about two weeks From the podcast I’ve been on how to Write the perfect abstract and more Exclusive content available for free so Go sign up and head over and check out Academiainsider.com as my my project Where I’ve got my two ebooks the Ultimate academic writing toolkit PhD Survival Guide my Insider Forum a Blog That’s grown out as well that is all About making sure Academia works for you So I’ll see you over there all right Then I’ll see you in the next video

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