ChatGPT has made most people aware how AI has vast opportunities to create new income streams and ways to make money in 2023 and beyond.

OpenAI is not just one of the largest AI organisations now, but also one of the most widely known, with Chat GPT being at the forefront of this. In this video I explore how ChatGPT and how OpenAI and AI in general will create new ways of earning money now and in the future.

Video Summary:
1. ChatGPT and AI job opportunities
2. Larger Freelancing and consulting field
3. New developer and programming roles
4. Integrating into existing jobs to save time
5. Create AI products and AI services or SaaS
6. Educational AI content
7. Ask ChatGPT how to make money!

⭐ OpenAI Template – Starter Kit ⭐

New – ChatGPT Starter Kit

ChatGPT Discord Bot

This is just now as the space has opened up. I wanted to show more realistic approaches to AI income since most on YouTube right now are just low level examples of ChatGPT writing out a blog!

#openai #chatgpt #income

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Chat GPT as well as the AI Tech coming Out of openai is very popular right now In the next few years there is going to Be a surge in the number of different Ways you can start making money from AI Tech in this video I thought I’d cover a Few of the ways that you can start doing So right now as well as some of the Things you should prepare for in the Future if you want to start making a lot Of money in this field let’s have a look The first way to make money with chatgpt Is probably the simplest and the safest It’s to get a job in AI or more so in Using chat GPT or openai for your Company or another company this is Because AI will be a growing field Especially in the next few years as more And more people are aware of what AI can Do there’s going to be a rise in job Opportunities by many different Companies across the board in this field So learning about how to use open AI or AI in general maybe scaling up on the Ways that you can implement it will be The best thing that you can do to start Creating some opportunities for yourself As a general example I think AI Consulting will be a big job opportunity In the upcoming future this is because a Lot of companies don’t know what AI can And can’t do right now for them and They’re looking for implementing AI into Their products and services this is

Where someone who understands how open AI Works how the GPT models work and can Come in and instruct those companies Will be very beneficial especially in The short term the other type of job is For those who are developers who are Implementing products from openai or Even other AI platforms there will be a Lot more job opportunities for people Who know python where you can create an API to interface with openai and start Building some really cool applications The next way you can make money is by Simply Saving Time a lot of people that Currently do things like copywriting or Marketing proposals or even creating Template files all things that are text Based can use AI services to save their Time by having AI assist to do this now By this I I don’t mean to have chat GPD Write out entire articles for you while It can do this I think AI generated Content will be punished by SEO in the Future but using it to supplement Day-to-day actions is definitely Something that I think it fits in quite Well this means that if for example your Own places like Fiverr or a freelancer And you’re trying to do a lot of manual Labor like this you could make your job A lot easier and time is money at the End of the day so if you’re saving that You’ll be making more money the next way You can use AI to start making money is

To remove tedious tasks that users are Often doing and I think there’s a Perfect example for this I saw vs code Have GitHub co-pilot which writes out Code for you using open AIS models I’ve Seen plugins which use GPT to write out An email for you so you don’t have to Manually write that out yourself and This brings me to my next example which Is to build your own products and Services around open AI there is a Number of ways to do this and I did this Myself when I sponsored myself and put Together a starter kit so people can use Openai and its models to build their own Business I even also put together a chat GPT as a local development environment That you can have on your own machine And I even built it for Discord so People can Implement chat GPT and its Open AI models to start interacting with Community members all of these are just Some of the products I’ve put together In just a few weeks and yet there are Many many more possibilities the other Type is to also build course content Around this which means that there’s Going to be a lot of Need For Education In the future whether that’s udemy Courses or even just your own YouTube Tutorials I created my own tutorial on a Second Channel I have which only has a Thousand subscribers it was about AI art And web design and how you can combine

Them together using mid-journey to make Some beautiful looking websites that Video and that channel is now at 50 000 Subscribers and it shows how not just a Chat GPT is a popular subject right now But AI in general in many fields can do Quite well so my advice to you is that If you’ve always been thinking of doing A YouTube channel and you want to see How AI can play a big part into the Niche you’re in AI topics are going to Be seeing a rise in the next few months As more people are becoming more aware Of the kind of things it can do and they Want to learn more about it and finally The most important way to make money With things like cha GPT is to Simply Ask chatgpt how to do so whether you’re An accountant or for example a Copywriter or even a YouTuber like Myself you could ask chatgpt how to Write out these ideas and even write out The scripts for the videos themselves so Maybe I’m not actually saying this maybe This whole video has been chat GPT

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