Make money with Ai. Make money with ChatGPT.
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Are you a tech-savvy guy looking to make some serious cash? Look no further than AI! That’s right, you heard me, artificial intelligence is the way of the future and it’s not just for big corporations anymore. You can Make Money With Ai too!

First things first, let’s talk about one of the most popular AI services out there: ChatGPT. Have you heard of it? It’s a powerful language model that can be used for everything from content creation to customer service. And the best part? It can Make Money with ChatGPT. By using ChatGPT to create unique and engaging content, you can attract more visitors to your website and ultimately increase your revenue.

But that’s not the only way to Make Money With Ai. There are plenty of other Best Ai Business Ideas that can bring in the dough. For example, using AI to analyze data can help you make better business decisions, leading to increased sales and higher profits. Or, you can use AI art to create unique and visually stunning pieces that can be sold online, You can learn How to Make Money With Ai Art.

And let’s not forget the ever-popular Make Money Online game. With the help of AI, you can create online businesses that run on autopilot, giving you the freedom to focus on other things (like lounging on the beach with a fruity drink). The Best Way to Make Money Online could be with the help of AI.

So, what’s the best way to Make Money Online With AI, you ask? Well, it depends on your interests and skills. But one thing’s for sure: the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a content creator, data analyst, or artist, there’s a way to use AI to make money.

In conclusion, AI is the future of making money. From ChatGPT to Make Money to How to Make Money With Ai Art, the opportunities are endless. So, don’t be left behind, get in on the AI game and start making some serious cash. You’ll be sipping piña coladas on the beach in no time!

0:00 Intro
0:20 Make your first $1000
1:05 spot the easter egg
1:11 4 things you must know
1:40 Ai’s opportunity paradox (people have it wrong)
2:08 Huck money 1
2:30 A completely different way to think
2:55 The NEW business model
3:14 Huck money 2
3:18 Huck money 3
3:23 What NOT to do
4:10 They turned a free service into $10,000,000+
4:32 Huck money 4
5:11 10 more business ideas
5:33 How to make MORE with Ai businesses
5:49 Huck money 5
6:10 Only do this if you’re serious
6:30 Million dollar Ai business idea
7:30 How it makes money
7:50 Genius way to make money with Ai
8:45 How to make money step by step with Ai
9:44 A distinguished gentleman
9:55 Get customers for your Ai business
10:35 The write way to make money with Ai
11:19 Ai content business step by step
12:00 By far the best site
12:20 How to get the best jobs to make money with Ai services
13:08 A special way to make money
13:30 How to make money with Ai art
14:23 These are begging to make money
14:50 How to make even more
15:08 Would you rather?
15:30 I struck gold with this idea
16:05 Think about this!

Schedule one-on-one business consulting with me here:

*I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Some of the above links may be affiliate links*

You can use AI to make money online We’re going to cover the very best ideas But that’s not the cool part there’s a Particular way to think about AI that Supercharges your ability to create Business ideas and Powerful AI tools That equip you with new money making Abilities meaning you can make your First thousand dollars today before you Get swallowed by the competition before Everyone understands this stuff there Are sites where you can sell your Prompts to others is a Site where people figure out how to do Something really well with AI and sell That key for two to five bucks I was Trying it the other day and bought this One how to make perfect portraits and Then of course I used it to make a Gigachad version of myself but people Are selling props for all kinds of cool Stuff product photos video game assets Even a dream girl generator you look Lonely Or for services that can directly make Money there’s prompts for business name Generators Fitness coaches even Web Design Concepts and this stuff is all so New that you can quite literally buy one Of these prompts tweak it to make it Even better and just list it for sale Again sell 200 of them and you just made Your first thousand dollars later in This video I’m going to show you a

Prompt that you could make one hundred Thousand dollars from but to understand That we first need to cover ai’s Opportunity Paradox and why it’s the Reverse of what you think the way AI Businesses actually work if you think This way ideas will come a whole lot Easier what drastically improves AI Businesses there’s one skill that you Need to improve here and it’s a complete Game Changer and finally four AI Business ideas that you can start right Now this way you’ll have something you Can work on today even if you don’t have A ton of sellable skills or an Incredibly creative new idea so let’s Dive In AI first achieved Fame when it started Dominating Grand Masters in chess games Now it’s creating essays coding solving Math problems even writing your apology Letters this probably makes you think One thing ai’s going to take our jobs And with that the future looks Completely uncertain it looks scary but That’s totally wrong Not the jobs part AI is gonna take our Jobs like most of them maybe I should Host the show however it’s also going to Open a ton of doors for you to create Businesses people can’t wait to just Throw money at instead of being limited To whatever your skill set is you’re Soon going to be limited to whatever you

Can get the AI to do and it can do a Whole lot code apps and it can create Images right you name it AI can do it Yeah AI is probably going to take your Skill set and throw it in the trash but It’s also going to unlock a Mastery of Thousands of other skills that you’ve Never spent a second practicing that’s The Paradox and this requires this deep Fundamental change in the way that you Think this was difficult for me at first There was weeks where I was like I don’t I don’t want to deal with that stuff it Seems too freaky and now I’m like head First dived in and I am stoked about it When it comes to business you need to Understand one important thing people Will pay you money to solve problems for Them even if the those are problems they Can solve themselves this is what I call Value through convenience in order to Make money with any business you must Provide value on top of that it’s become Too easy to just start a business There’s so much competition now the only Way to truly be successful is by also Being convenient if you’re offering Something valuable and convenient people Will go out of their way to Huck money At you that’s what we want here we want People to feel like they need to just Take a lot of cash and throw it at you Perfect example of what not to do my Local supermarket locks up all their

Deodorant for some reason I don’t know I Haven’t looked into it and because of That I would have to wait for someone to Come and open this block case if I ever Wanted to buy a stick so I just smell Really bad Kidding I hope I’m kidding but I just Ordered deodorant online even though It’s more expensive than the store Because convenience another example my First big business made millions of Dollars but it sold a service that Anyone with two legs can do it’s a Moving company anyone can pack up Furniture and move it themselves but it Sucks to do so it’s easier to just pay a Couple Burly dudes to go ahead and do it For you that is value through Convenience this value through Convenience factor is the key to making Real money in any business especially With AI it’s already proving to be true Lenza this is a company that turns your Selfies into cool avatars using AI that Made tens of millions of dollars in About a week doing this and they did This even though their product fun Variations of your photos is something Anyone can do for free using AI tools Like mid-journey they got rich because Cause they simply made that process Easier you didn’t have to learn how to Use this sometimes clunky AI image Generators you simply just need to

Download the app on your phone hook ten Dollars at them and you’re done you’re Satisfied you’ve got your photos I Believe that this is a glimpse into the Future the people who make AI driven Businesses will be selling products or Services just about anyone can access Using AI but people will pay those Companies to do it instead because they Make it easier for you this is the way You need to think about AI businesses How can I take a useful or entertaining AI feature and package that into a super Easy and convenient service I’ll give Some answers in a second but AI provides The power you just have to connect it to Customers in a creative easy way by the Way I could only fit so many business Ideas into one video so I put a free pdf In the description with 10 more ideas That you can start today grabbing that Will also sign you up for my AI Notification service that I just Launched new ideas and Concepts and AI Are coming out all the time because of That I created this little service I’m Just is testing it out where I’ll send You the latest AI news and updates right As it comes out [Music] This is value through convenience how do You actually improve them I think this Is going to almost entirely come down to User experience just think about it if

There was two apps like lensa both Offering the exact same service you’d go For whichever one felt better to use Which looked cooler which was easier to Purchase easier to Huck money at them Remember no one buys the locked up Deodorant this at least in my opinion is What’s going to distinguish AI Businesses they have to offer increased Convenience for the customer and they Have to do so through a platform that Feels great for the customer to use so Get thinking what comes to mind here the More you play with AI the more you’ll Come up with after this video I Extremely recommend sitting down for an Hour with a notebook and just writing Down every single AI business idea that Comes to mind even the dumb ideas pour It all out put that on a piece of paper Most ideas are going to suck but like One or two of them are going to be good There’s going to be going to be Something there I did that the other day I was sitting there writing down ideas And I was like boom got it AI gift Service right now chat EBT will give you Solid gift ideas if you tell it about The person you’re buying gifts for but There’s a problem there to get a truly Good response you have to know a bit About prompt engineering and if you’re Unfamiliar with that term it’s Essentially the science of how to talk

To AI to get what you actually want and Speaking of that this is my third video In my free four-part series where Together we’re exploring the insane Possibilities of AI in my first video I Broke down the most important skill in AI prompt engineering get good at that The AI world is yours but back to the Business idea there is an opportunity Here where an AI model could be trained Specifically to be the best at gift Ideas you just make it super simple for People to fill in information on a form Just like this asking questions about The person you’re buying a gift for age Interest General stuff they would then Submit that form and your AI model would Do all the back end prompt engineering For them to provide perfect gift ideas And here’s the kicker this is why this Idea is great the gift service would be Connected to a site like Amazon where All the recommended products actually Have affiliate links so you would get Commission on anything the user buys From your AI recommendations this would Take a little bit of building but There’s definitely something there which Brings me to some of the ideas that you Can get started today Here’s a super easy AI business a genius Branding service with AI you can produce Branded content at the click of a button It’s insanely easy and guess what

Thousands of business owners want Branded content and they don’t know These tools exist or maybe they do but They don’t want to figure out how to use Them this is where you can add value Find branding jobs locally or on Freelance platforms like upwork create Value by truly listening to what the Customer wants this is where you’re Going to add value then fulfill the jobs Using AI here’s exactly how to start Find some businesses near you that have Terrible branding it shouldn’t be hard a Lot of local businesses have terrible Branding for example I visited a martial Arts store the other day that sucked it Was literally called something like Martial arts shop it had no logo I had AI recreate what it looked like this so You can picture excuse the spelling but There’s no excuse for not having a cool Logo let’s see what AI can do we’ll use Chat GPT to come up with some names for The business for the sake of the example Let’s be super specific chat gbt can you Generate write 20 names for a martial Arts store that sells MMA boxing Muay Thai and kickboxing gear two words Max All right here we go I’m gonna go with MMA Mania now let’s design a logo hit up Mid journey and put in some prompts Let’s go with the prompt high-end Premium nostalgic logo of uh MMA Combat Sports store featured on 99designs

99designs is a logo site with great Stuff so we’re going to tell the AI to Use that site as inspiration and here’s The result now I don’t love these plus the one on the Top left has some questionable Vibes That’s probably bad for business so Let’s tweak it we’re going to add Minimalist to The Prompt all right these Are much better I like the top left now We just have to give it a bit of Photoshop treatment and boom there we go A fully functional logo I mean it’s not 100 perfect but it’s like 90 of the way There and that took me less than five Minutes to do and from here you can edit It further or use sites like brand Mark Or Flair for more specialized tools now Once you have the names and logos drop An email to the business near you Offering your services for free Seriously for free all you want in Return is a simple testimonial even get Chachi Beach to write the email write me A short Punchy email pitching my Rebrand Services to a martial arts store there You go do this three to five times in Your local area building up a portfolio And testimonials then post on sites like Upwork and reach out to other local Businesses saying hey I just helped out MMA Mania down the street with their Logos here’s what they have to say about Me and my awesome service would you be

Interested in the consultation by chance Send that to 500 businesses and Congratulations you now have way more Work than you know to do with Here’s another business idea an author Wrote a children’s book completely with AI seriously there’s a way to make Writing super profitable here and by the Way just wait until you hear my final Idea you’re going to want to send me Money it’s such a good idea but there Are AI tools like Tome that produce Entire pitch decks in minutes or copy AI Which produces all kinds of different Writing now I talked to a few Experienced writers to see how they felt About all this AI stuff and the Consensus seems to be that right now There’s an opportunity to produce AI Content that perfectly serves Medium-paying jobs find jobs budgeted Around 100 to 150 bucks talk to the Client find out what they really want And over deliver especially on the Customer service the process is simple Use AI tools like copy AI Tome or chat GPT to produce what they want in minutes Then manually tailor that to the Client’s needs you will still have to do A little bit of work on it yourself to Avoid any AI search engine detectors Which is starting to get bigger and Bigger but if you want want to do a good Job you’re probably doing this for your

Clients already so it’s not really a big Deal the ai’s role is simply to Significantly cut down on the amount of Leg work that you have to do but you’re Still going to craft that to what the Client actually wants that’s a customer Service part that’s where you’re adding Value you can easily find dozens of jobs Like this allowing you to generate Hundreds or even thousands of dollars a Day and completely change your financial Situation again I recommend posting your Ads and your portfolio on upwork it’s by Far the best site for this stuff I’ve Heard so many people there it’s so much Better than other freelancer sites that I’ve used I’ll have their sign up page Link in the description but the most Important part is do this today it’s Still early with this AI stuff but you Don’t want to fall behind that’s the Risk now here’s a huge life hack on Upwork you can search for specific Writing jobs and tailor your AI prompts To those jobs I did this recently with The Boron letters this is a book on Sales copy it’s a really good book and I Like the strategy here and I wanted a Sales email that used strategies Specifically from that book here’s the Format I use for the prompt write me a 200 word sales letter using principles From the Boron letters targeted to Business owners on why they should buy X

Product with Y details and the result Was dead on This ability is so sellable like I don’t Know if you can tell my excitement Behind all the opportunities here but This is insane just make sure you check Everything for quality and meet the Clients needs and suddenly you just Become a one-man agency With tailored prompt engineering you can Use sites like dolly or mid-journey to Produce high quality sellable art But anyone can do that what makes this Idea special well enter Etsy and Analytics where you’ll match AI Creativity to actual Market insights Start by opening up Etsy and search for Print out posters find a poster that’s Popular and recreate that into a similar Poster here’s a good one now let’s try To recreate some boho butterflies I’m Actually just going to copy the Description from the one for sale and Use that as the prompt and see what it Gets us all right these are cool but it Seems to be getting tripped up by the Word girl so I’m going to remove that And see what we get let it load and There we go we’re getting much closer This is all about testing and tweaking Until you have something you like you’ll Find that with all of these Image Creators now this is where things get Really interesting take your ability to

Recreate this stuff and combine it with Allora this allows you to see what’s Selling on Etsy so you can refine your AI Creations to perfectly match what Consumers are currently buying you can Also go a step further and try Experimenting with plant-based to create Completely original posters from new art Styles epic knit art and pop art Portraits are styles that are just Begging to be made into posters even Better buyers print out these posters Themselves meaning you don’t have to Worry about any Logistics other than Supplying these high quality AI art Images the person selling the butterfly Poster has 4 200 Sales at around 10 Bucks a pop that’s 42 000 this could Easily make you two to five hundred Bucks a day now if you want to take this A step further you can connect your Store to a service like Prodigy this Gives you the power to charge even more And send these printouts directly as Posters to your customers Congrats you just became an AI poster Entrepreneur Ask yourself which one of these Foods Would you rather eat I think I know the Answer unless you’re one of those people Who say food is always best at the most Run-down restaurants those people aside Here’s an idea that I could see making Hundreds of thousands of dollars email

Me if you’re interested in partnering Here I’m going to use AI to upgrade menu Photos at zero work to the restaurant I Honestly think I struck gold with this Idea let me show you exactly how to do It I’m going to search Chinese food near Me go on Yelp let’s go with this one Okay go to the review photos and find a Dish General Tao’s chicken will now copy That link go over to mid-journey paste In the link add a prompt add some Additional context and boom look at that A super professional menu photo using Their actual food as reference you could Sell entire menu makeovers earn Thousands and these restaurants would Instantly see more sales but that’s just One idea chances are you have an even Better suited idea to your individual Knowledge how can you leverage your Powers and provide a convenient service To your customers once you crack that You might just become the next AI Millionaire till then subscribe I will Destroy humans

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