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There’s a lot of hype around artificial Intelligence but most people don’t know How to make money with it so I’m going To give you the newest best eight ways To make a ton of money using AI even if You have no experience no money and I’m Going to show you a bunch of tools that Nobody’s even talking about yet so Before we do that we have a cool Giveaway all you got to do is like Subscribe and comment down below I’m Gonna pick one person and send them a Hundred dollars I’m gonna send another Hundred dollars to somebody who comments To somebody else’s comment let’s spread Some good vibes this year and let’s jump Into the video number one is content Creator ideas I know this one works Because I pay somebody twenty two Hundred dollars a month to bounce ideas Around back and forth now they do a lot Of things and most of their job is Actually handled by Ai and I encourage Them to use it however I want somebody To help me with YouTube video ideas with Specific title variations how do those Ranks tags thumbnails handling our Thumbnail people going through that Entire process being able to bounce Ideas back and forth for all platforms And all my different companies social Medias there’s a lot of value to that And I know this guy is making a lot of Money because I’m not his only client

Right I’m paying him twenty five Thousand dollars a year to assist with This and what you can do is use these Two major platforms that are AI based That can help you do this service number One is vid IQ if you’re working with a YouTuber in any way this is a fantastic One we pay 49 a month for it but this Helps with title ideas and seeing how They rank is it a title that’s going to Rank higher which means the video will Probably do better or lower we want to Know those things we also want to know What keywords are going to work the best For only 50 bucks it’s a great resource And I don’t want to go spend all the Time digging through that finding what Works best so I have somebody that does It for me right it’s great the second Tool he uses is chat GPT this is more so For different title variation ideas and Different ways to say different things If we’re trying to write a description For something this is a great tool we Can use and it’s absolutely free at Least for now so as a Creator massively Valuable to me I pay for it and now how Could you go make a lot of money with it Well if you messaged a hundred different Creators in different industries that You know you could help well what you do Is send them a very personal message Offered to work for them for free Collaborate bounce out ideas around

Really help their content for 30 days After that you can say hey I need 1500 a Month or two thousand a month start Negotiations on that it’s pretty easy to Make a thousand to two thousand a month These creators make pretty good money From their content and it’s definitely Something that they would want help with If you’re bringing results and remember If you ever want to be overpaid for what You’re doing you’re gonna first have to Be underpaid most people just aren’t Willing to do that number two builds Right off the social media point and That is a Twitter Ghost Writer this is Cool and I know a lot of people are Searching for it because I can’t even Find somebody we’ve been searching for Two months they’re very in demand for Good ones This is somebody who knows your content Well knows how you speak to your Audience and they write all of your Tweets for you they completely handle The social media and they do all Interactions it removes a ton of time Off your plate and you can put out more Content because it’s their sole Focus Now on average Twitter ghost writers are Making about two to three thousand Dollars a month but there are ones that Are making ten to fifteen thousand by Having multiple clients so it just Depends on how many tweets you’re

Sending out who you’re working with and How much money they’re willing to pay You based on the results that are being Delivered so here’s the tools that can Help you do this even if you don’t know Anything about Twitter number one chat GPT General ideas is another Really good resource tweet Hunter is Something we’ve used for a long time on Twitter helps you automate the posts Everything like that but the specific One you’ll want to use here is writer Dot me okay this is a very unique Platform it helps with a lot of Different services but for General Writing ideas copy and building off of Content that you already have it’s going To help you do that automatically Generated through AI now how do you Actually get clients for this again just Like you would with the social media Thing I would reach out with a couple Examples do work in advance here’s five Tweets that I wrote for you give them Content ideas and over deliver offer to Work for free and say Hey I want to get You another 17 000 followers this month Like pick a high performance number that Would impress them if you hit it and Then go actually do it you’re gonna Overwork and be underpaid for a period Of time until you land that job and I Would highly recommend a minimum Retainer of one thousand dollars a month

For doing two to five tweets a day That’s minimum and try to tie yourself To the performance my employees I spend Probably an extra 60 to 70 000 a year Between a few employees as bonuses for Performance they are tied to metrics and As a business owner I would much rather Have people on my team be tied to Performance than just a flat rate that Way they have better incentive and I Think it really pushes them to to just Do better with the content number three Is emails and copywriting this is Already massively disrupted I have a Friend who does 1.6 million dollars a Month with his business writing emails How much you guys doing right now a Month through email what number can I Say uh I would say about 1.6 million Casual buddy And he’s actually very worried about AI He’s trying to figure out a way to Integrate it so that he doesn’t get left Behind because he thinks his business Might become obsolete but check this out Email marketing website copywriting Sales copywriting newsletters ghost Writing and YouTube descriptions which Could totally help with the content Creator side of things if you land that Gig these are all things you can do Using writer as another great resource To do all of those things anything that Has text involved now you might edit it

Add a little Pizzazz right but it’s Going to do most of the work now I know I gave you a long list of services but I Highly encourage you to pick one Remember what they say the riches are in The niches again my friend who makes 1.6 Million a month from his company just Through email marketing and then I also Have a friend who makes another forty Thousand dollars a month in profit the Only thing he does is copywriting for Online marketers very Niche focused he Does pretty well just through that one Thing so again this is a great place to Start and it could be an excellent side Hustle you know what they say you got to Think outside the box so here we go Language translation did you know that Mr Beast one of the largest best most Well-known creators in the world Actually get gets more views on his Content in other languages than he does On his main Channel that’s in English Now you probably didn’t even know that Because you would never get targeted With his content that’s in Spanish or in German but he has a full team of people Who goes Way Beyond just AI he has voice Actors and people that take his current Videos and make him into other languages I’m gonna spending Xbox They’re able to reach massive amounts of People in different markets this has Made him hundreds of millions of dollars

And will make him billions however you Can do this on a smaller scale let’s Pull this back there’s a lot of Companies that are looking for video Translations you can charge a couple Hundred dollars for each video and it’s Really not that difficult here’s the Tools you would use chatgpt can Translate stuff it’s free there’s not Much support and I don’t think it really Goes in depth memo Q translator Pro is Another one it’s paid so you get some More support some more features but it Does cost a little bit of money same With cistern translate Pro another tool Again costs a little bit of money but You get access to way more things and Support and I’ll actually just leave a Link down down below to an article that Shows 11 great translation tools you can Use that are based around artificial Intelligence this is something that will Help you do this faster you don’t have To know the other language you’re doing Because AI handles it for you I think There’s a lot of money to be made there Again you can charge a hundred to five Hundred dollars a video depending on What you’re doing through different Freelancing sites and reaching out to Companies directly that already post a Lot of videos there are people making a Lot of money doing this but it’s more so Businesses I think the market share is

Going to get pulled away from them and Freelancers like you and me can go in There and start making some money oh and Don’t forget you could win a hundred Dollars by leaving a comment down below And you get a second chance to win Another hundo by leaving a comment Saying something nice to somebody else Down below number five involves one of The largest graphic design tools called Canva it’s a very basic website it’s Entry level but they’ve quickly grabbed So much market share for everything Graphic design in fact I’m not gonna lie I use them for all my thumbnails and E-commerce graphics and logos for about Six years but they recently launched an AI feature that allows you to type in What you want and it generates an image This creates a massive opportunity Opportunity for you to say whatever you Want to this AI tool get photos for E-commerce stuff get thumbnails or parts Of thumbnails you can do all this and do It immediately I no longer have to pay Hundreds of dollars for content and then Wait a week for it to come back it’s Instant and I think the two biggest Opportunities using a tool like this are YouTube thumbnails everybody needs that Myself included as well as e-commerce Photos companies in the e-commerce Industry and different brands in general Spend a lot of money we spend a hundred

Thousand dollars a year on content for Physical products I sell online through My eCommerce companies that’s a lot of Money right so I’d like to reduce that And if there’s a way to do that through AI I would 100 be on board now quick Pro Tip for you I would not at all sell These Services one by one like one photo At a time you need to do some sort of Package or monthly deal so that you can Get consistent work that way it’s Actually worth your time number six Works and I can guarantee it because I Just documented it live I tried to make One thousand dollars in the next seven Days or I have to shave my head and to Be honest I’m a little nervous because I Don’t think I would look very good bald You can find that video I’ll leave it Link down below this is e-commerce I Took a very basic Drop Shipping Store From someone that was not working well I Completely reworked it I used AI to Write new descriptions get photos do the Whole thing and then I took that ran ads And bitty body boo it made money it’s Really not that surprising but the AI Tools didn’t do everything for me not at All and I’ve been doing e-commerce for Seven years so I have a lot of Experience I get that but it definitely Helped the process be faster cheaper and It was pretty cool to see the different Creative things that AI could come up

With chatgpt Dolly canva AI writer all Of these are tools you can use and it’s Not going to do it all for you right I’ve been in this industry for six or Seven years we’ve done multiple eight Figures in sales it’s been nice that’s Not all profit we’ve also helped Thousands of business owners make a ton Of money with e-commerce so I’m not new To this it’s definitely a great side Hustle but it can turn into a main thing Pretty quickly I think people don’t Realize that it’s a massive massive Opportunity running Facebook and Tick Tock ads the thing is most people start Maybe they go through our program Thousands of business owners have gone Through that the results are incredible People might go through that and then They never really do the work and then They wonder why it does doesn’t work Well remember guys anything that is Worth having is not going to come easy Otherwise everybody else would have it Right so people are afraid of work and Going through challenges it’s not going To be easy and that’s exactly why it’s Worth it none of the things I’m telling You today are get rich quick things They’re going to be a pain in these You’re going to want to quit it’s just Part of it but you have to push through Build the skills and that’s how you Build a business it’s pretty simple now

Number seven freaks me out a little bit And that is AI generated people yeah I Know right well if you’re a business you Have liability exposure from anybody That you paid to run ads to if you Didn’t get proper documentation you Didn’t get a contract signed so when I Pay for videos I’m technically open to a Liability lawsuit from marketing right So somebody could sue you maybe they Didn’t tell you that they weren’t 18 and Then there’s minor safety laws when it Comes to mass media marketing and I Actually had a 16 year old in an ad Showing a product right that could be a Problem it’s usually not but it could be So saving yourself from liability Exposure and also getting more content This would be really cool for businesses That want to promote a product they need To hire actors we hire a ton of people Right but this tool called generated Photos does it for for you immediately And the people aren’t real right so it Generates people for you unique looking Individuals immediately and you can then Go use that in your marketing so you Don’t have to worry about paying people You don’t have to worry about liability Issues or any of that and remember Companies spend a lot of money this Isn’t for a person this is for a Business that you could help you could Go use this tool you wouldn’t want to go

To an individual but like you come to an E-commerce company like ours it spends a Lot of money on ads and hiring people Well if you can save them money do it Better faster easier whatever they’re Going to pay you for that there’s a Budget allocated for that so just go Reach out to 100 companies do the work It’s going to be difficult you’re going To be able to make some amount of money There’s opportunity everywhere if you Choose to see it but remember you have To seek out the opportunity because it Will not just come and find you and Number eight I’m gonna mess with your Head here imagine if I promoted each Tool that I’ve talked about thus far and Left an affiliate link for it down below What’s gonna happen people are going to Use the tool they’re going to sign up Through my link now I have no affiliate Links down below it’s not why I’m doing This video however I would make money From that and it would be Subscription-based income because all of These tools that cost money are monthly They’re not one time so I sell to you One time but you might use it for two Years I get paid every month this is how I started building a really good income Stream for myself of a few thousand Dollars a month when I was 16 years old That’s what funded my e-commerce company I stopped working but the money kept

Coming in and I put all my time and Attention on the new business so this is Going to sound scary to some people but It’s so so easy to do right now talking About artificial intelligence the ways It can impact business individuals all Of that and showing the tools you can go Viral on YouTube and primarily Tick Tock Very easily showing this and then Promote a tool you don’t have to sell Anything you’re just sharing the tool Right the link it’s not yours people Don’t really realize that and you’re Going to be able to make money yes That’s going to require you it’s going To require your face maybe there’s a way For AI to automate that so it’s a fake Person but nonetheless you’re gonna put Yourself out there you got to learn how To go viral on social media that’s a Skill you got to manage a personal brand That’s a skill right but you’re going to Be able to create content consistently Now if you want to do this one which is Super powerful you have to start today I Highly recommend you post your first Video today people go oh my God but what Do I say I don’t have a thing and I Don’t have a good handle on my username And black what stop you need to do it Now you need to start immediately and You’re going to do research and learn Along the way but don’t just let some of You know absolute ridiculous excuse stop

You from starting one of my all-time Favorite quotes is change happens when The pain of staying the same is greater Than the pain of change a lot of people Are stuck in a situation maybe it’s Paycheck to paycheck where it’s Something Financial maybe it’s some bad Situation emotionally that they can’t Get out of whatever you need to see Progress in your life you want to grow You need to do better it’s it’d be Selfish not to because there’s people That need help their schools there’s Charities that need help and probably You and your family that need help so You got to find a way to break out of That you definitely can’t make an excuse Like oh but I don’t want to be on camera How selfish of you to think that right Because if you don’t have resources yet You need to do everything you can to get Them so if you’re trying to make extra Money and you want to use AI to do that Check out this video I’ll leave it here And Link down below that’s a challenge Video where I try to make a thousand Dollars in a week you get to see every Single little point in the process Documented each day it’s a slightly Longer video it took me a lot of time But I did it I made the money there was A lot of challenges even though I had Zero dollars in profit on day four I Still still manage to do it and I’m

Going to show you exactly how so I hope You enjoyed this video don’t forget to Enter the giveaway all you got to do is Like subscribe and leave a comment down Below all the winners get announced on My Instagram so shoot me a follow over There and with that being said I post Videos here every week so I will catch You in the next one

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