DON’T MISS OUT! Use this Chat GPT method to earn $5.00 every 5 minutes! This method is free, works worldwide, and is crazy unsaturated. If you want an easy way to make money online in 2023, this is the method to try!

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You can make money with this new AI bot Called chat GPT and in this video I’m Going to show you three methods which Are working right now today now this AI Bot is new and it’s free and people are Literally saying it’s going to replace Google Now this bot can literally do Anything this video will show you around Chat GPT for the first time I’ll show You how you can use it and then I’ll Show you three different methods that You can use within the bot to make Serious money so here is this AI bot now It’s an AI bot called chat GPT and it’s Created by a company called open AI now You may have heard chat GPT on social Media you may have heard people talking About it but maybe you don’t know what It is well I’m here to show you what it Is and show you how you can make actual Money with this right now today so to Get to this bot what you need to do is Go to Google and just search for a chat GPT That will then take you to the search Results and it should be the first one By so go ahead and click on It and then you can try chat chat GPT For free now this is free for now you Don’t have to enter in no credit card Details or anything like that because It’s in the research stages you can use This completely for free so here is the Bot and I’m going to show you how you

Can use it right now so here we are Inside of this bot now I’m going to Demonstrate how the spot works and what It can do but this bot can do literally Anything and it will honestly blow your Mind how good this plot is and how good It is for actually making money so let Me say to this bot let’s say to this Part Give me five video ideas around CPA Marketing and this bot Can then it’s an AI bot so it will Actually learn from its mistakes but it Can generate then five video ideas for CPA marketing and it can do anything you Ask it So we’ve got video idea number one CPA Marketing 101 this video could provide An introduction to CPA Market marketing Explaining how it works and why it’s an Effective form of advertising five tips For successful CPA marketing case study How we generated x amount of sales in CPA marketing the pros and cons of CPA Marketing and Q a common questions about CPA marketing so those are five pretty Decent video ideas around CPA marketing That this AI bot has just generated so Let’s try something else let’s try now I’ll I’ll type in down here write an Essay on how to lose weight Without exercise And we’ll see what it comes up with then I’ll just let it write the essay and

Then I’ll be back but you can see it’s Right in this very fast and because this Is an AI bot it learns from its mistakes And you can actually speak to it which I’ll show you in a second so here is the Response that it’s gave us losing weight Without exercise may seem like an Impossible task but it’s actually Possible to shed found pounds without Breaking a sweat focus on your diet Getting up get enough sleep manage Stress stay hydrated incorporate Movement into your daily routine and What I can say to this now say I want an Essay but I want it longer I can Actually then say make it longer And this AI bot will listen and it’s Going to rewrite it but make the essay Longer which is crazy like you can Literally speak to it and ask it to Generate whatever you want so here is The response it is a longer response and You can say make it 500 words or make it A thousand words and it will do exactly That I’ll give you one more example of How good this bot is let’s right here How do I get people to subscribe to my YouTube channel and then it’s going to Answer this question and this is why People are saying it’s going to replace Google because it literally gives you High quality responses within seconds And you don’t have to go filtering Through articles on on Google and

Different websites which don’t exactly Give you the best ideas and articles Which have a lot of filler text this Gives gives you the information that you Need to know in seconds so you’ve got Here create high quality engaging Content use keywords promote your Channel on social media collaborate with Creators respond to comments and Consistently upload new content you can Ask this thing anything and you can see How there are possibilities here to Actually make money by by using this and It’s free for now because they’re in Development stages and they’re in Research stages this might actually be Paid though in the future so you want to Jump on it now follow this method which I’m about to show you and actually try And make some money with this okay so Here’s how are you going to make money With this now because this can generate Pretty much anything you want what we’re Going to be doing is we’re going to be Generating with this AI bot we’re going To be generating essays and we’re going To be helping people with their their School homework using this AI bot now Because everyone doesn’t know about this Yet we can generate high quality essays And help people do their homework and Give them essays for their homework now We’re going to be using this website Here called along with

Two other websites which I’ll get on to In a second so make sure you watch until The end of the video So on school solver what you can do is You can go to answer questions and this Is a website where people will upload Their questions upload their homework And they want obviously people to do it And they’re willing to then pay this Person is willing to pay a hundred Dollars this person’s pet willing to pay Ten dollars a hundred dollars Three dollars or 118 and you can see There are maths questions which are Urgent you’ve got English questions You’ve got physics projects for fifteen Dollars and people are actually willing To to pay money to get the answers to These questions so we’re going to choose One we’re going to just choose we’ll Just choose this one here JS discussion For 200 words that’s it’s paying five Dollars it’s a pretty easy job so we’re Going to click on that and it will open Up the job and you can see describe Radicalization and alienation and how They relate to Now they have points here that they need To covert so what I’m going to do is I’m Going to copy this whole question I’m Going to click copy I’m going to go to Chat GDP GPT I’m going to then paste in This whole question and then it’s going To write me an essay

On this exact topic which we can go Ahead and submit and earn five dollars For within seconds just like that So I’m going to wait for it to write Here and then I’ll be back so here it is It’s generated this response here now I Wouldn’t say this is too long I’m going To copy it here and we’ll see how many Words it is and I’ll show you how you Can get this better and actually useful So if we click on copy and I then go to Word counter on Google we can just Figure out how many words this is so This is 314 words now going back to School solver you can see this one has 376 this one has 1000 this one has 434 So we can say to this AI bar make it 500 Or 600 words And then it’s going to regenerate the Response with 600 words so it can Literally do anything you tell it to so Now it’s wrote a longer response which I’m just going to copy here and we’ll Just see together if it is 600 words so Go back to work word counter we’ll paste It in here So now you can see it’s 643 words so it Did exactly what it was supposed to do Now ideally we could just copy this we Could then go to and we Can go ahead and write our answer and Earn five dollars just like that within Seconds without us doing any work now Here’s another website

If you go to you can see There are more questions on here and These seem to be paying much higher much Higher so we can write about child Custody law laws here so you can see This student wants someone to describe How child custody is determined upon the Dissolution of the parents relationship And you can go ahead and copy this Straight into chat chat GPT and answer This question now because this is Completely free you can do this for all Of these jobs and start earning quite a Bit of money with your answers now Obviously you might have to check them And just run over the grammar and but This is a seriously highly powerful tool Which anybody can use right now and you Need to jump on this and use it and I’m Going to show you one more method so Fiverr is also another lucrative method That you can you can do and you can do So many things on Fiverr using chat GPT So if you go to Fiverr and you just type In blog post You can see here there are people Selling blog posts for twenty five Dollars fifty dollars seventy dollars And so on and these will create engaging High quality blog posts which are up to 500 words for 25 and we can do this Exact same thing and compete with these People using chat chat GPT so I could Say to it write a blog post

About How to lose weight For beginners 500 Words and then just Like that you can see you get the point By now it’s wrote as an article let’s See if it’s 500 Words it’s not actually 500 words but we can go ahead and make That right and there we go just like That we told it to make it 500 Words and It’s obviously made it 500 words for us So that has been chat GPT all you’re Going to use this is this helpful and Will these method works well I think It’s very useful I think this is very High quality and these methods will work You just need to go ahead and try them And Implement them and take action thank You for watching let me know what you Think in the comments and watch this Video here if it does interest you

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