This is how you can use OpenAI Chat GPT to make $100,000 a year. Good luck!
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All right hundreds of y’all asked for it So let’s do it a quick way to get out of Brooksville and make some extra money 273 bucks a day is exactly a hundred Thousand dollars a year let’s throw in An extra thousand for good hygiene you Dirty mother let’s go have some fun in This video I’m gonna break down exactly How you can get to 273 a day using stuff Like chat gbt this is Cutting Edge Nobody’s doing this you need to do it Now and I think if you’re making less Than 100 Grand a year you’d be a fool to Click off this video I promise I’ll make It worth it and I’ll try to make it very Short by the way I’m giving another Hundred dollars to somebody who likes Subscribes and leaves a comment Down Below in this video so make sure to do That and I announce the winners over on My Instagram so the first you’re going To do is open a chat GPT account it’s Free to do and the company open AI is Actually losing three million dollars a Day because of all the messages back and Forth when you interact with the AI it Costs money so open an account there and Then we’re gonna go to freelance sites Like upwork Fiverr and You’re gonna make five to ten listings On each of these for the same Services Now don’t worry these aren’t skills you Actually have to have because chat GPT Can do it for you so here’s an example

Of what one of those would look like Offering email marketing Services which I’ll show you how to do in about two Seconds so you can do that and sell These Services you can instantly be an Expert without actually having to become An expert now understand something when You’re starting a business you’re going To be underpaid before you can get Overpaid for the last couple years I’ve Been overpaid for the amount of hours I Put in but there was years where I Wasn’t making money and things were very Tough you can do it a lot faster I Promise you that so the goal here is to Price way below everyone else you’ll see I posted it at ten dollars for email Marketing Services just to give you a Perspective I pay about five grand a Month for real email marketing services From a company I work with so it’s very Cheap to go list this companies can buy It you’re going to try and just get your Rating boosted up offer your services in One day do it quickly deliver even Faster have great communication you’re Going to be able to raise your prices as Your ratings go up now this won’t make You a billionaire but an extra 100 to 200 Grand a year is totally realistic And the step two part of this is to go Ahead and hire a virtual assistant once Money is coming in because it will come In for about 700 bucks a month that’s

What cost you the full-time eight hour a Day employee from somewhere like Thailand or the Philippines and you’re Gonna have them manage all of these Listings do the communication and Eventually do the work for you so we’re Going to tell Chad GPT to write an Abandoned card email for a friendship Bracelet or insert your product here Right it doesn’t matter what it is They’re going to be able to write an Exact copy paste script that usually Include discounts that you’re gonna have To make active on your store it’s Ridiculous but the cool thing is you Don’t have to just take it at face value And I actually recommend you don’t if You want a really really good one you Could say make it funnier right you can Interact with this tool and use it and You can craft it depending on what you Want your brand to be or what your Client’s goal is you can give them Multiple options the cool thing is it Doesn’t take you 40 minutes to write This it takes one second and then you Might modify it for a few minutes but It’s very quick to do and look it said Did the bracelet break your heart and You had to run away from it or did you Just forget it was there because you Were too busy being the world’s best Friend pretty funny right they can do Different things they can make it sure

To make it funnier make it you know Whatever anything you can imagine this Tool can pretty much do now quick rule Of thumb take whatever you average price Is that people are selling that service For and just discounted by about 75 Percent you want to be aggressive here All right we’re about to get good let’s Go all right the second one I’m going to Show you is fun it’s the reason I have Like six phones somewhere multiple Laptops because I get busy busy with it All right I’ve been doing this for seven Years and that is e-commerce but I would Have made double the money I’ve made if I had this tool because it makes the Process so simple it doesn’t do the Whole thing but it does a lot I’ve done Over 20 million dollars in sales with E-commerce that started as dropping Because I didn’t have a lot of money the Biggest rebuttal I get everybody’s like Oh my God hating drop food doesn’t work You sir are a fool drop between is Simply a model of fulfilling the product It means you don’t buy the inventory in Advance surprise surprise when a 16 year Old kid right back in the day starts an E-commerce store I didn’t have a lot of Money it just wasn’t it wasn’t a thing Got like 200 bucks from mowing lawns Right so for me I had to go the creative Route which means I had to drop ship I’m Not going to buy inventory it’s also a

Huge risk to do that but you can still Drop ship with five six seven day Fulfillment inside of our e-commerce Course and we’ve got over 3 000 business Owners go through our trainings at Econ Season we give the supplier resources That you can use to Dropship effectively So that’s just the Fulfillment but let’s Talk about how to use chat GPT to make Hundreds of dollars a day which is Really not that difficult all right Let’s ask it to give me 10 online store Names for friendship bracelets we’re Just going to roll with that example I’ve never sold them maybe it’s Something cool together forever Jewelry wristband so awesome first of All let’s just start like I used to sit And Ponder these for days and boom it’s Done don’t like it right give me 20 more They’re gonna be able to come up with Every variation on the Sun make it Funnier shorter different whatever and You’re going to want to make sure the Domain is available so you go over to GoDaddy orange Shopify you can buy the Domain through there and you’re just Gonna go check these out if it’s one you Like so that’s checklist number one They’re gonna be able to do that for you The name is complete and just quick tip You probably want to do that after you Find your product of course so it makes

Sense relating to it so that’s something You will have to do on your own but so Does everybody all right who is the type Of person that buys a friendship Bracelet that’s the second thing we’re Going to ask because this will help us Identify where we’re going to do our Marketing and who our customer is Friendship bracelets are often popular Among people of all ages but they’re Particularly popular young people and Children okay that probably means like 25 and under okay where am I gonna go to Target those people it’s not going to be Facebook it’s not going to be LinkedIn Twitter maybe but probably not Snapchat Difficult to reach with their ad Platform that means we’re going to tick Tock tick tock ads is fun I’ve made way More money on Facebook and Instagram Because it’s just been around longer We’ve done about 20 something million Dollars in gross sales but on Tick Tock A couple million bucks it’s been really Really successful a little bit of Variable change here but it’s easy to Reach younger people which is huge using This you can now take this information Which you have and you’re gonna go start Running ads that points you in the right Direction all right so let’s say write a Facebook ad for a friendship bracelet Let’s just say you were writing Facebook Ads okay they’re gonna give you

Something I almost always have to say Make it shorter because I’m a fan of Shorter ads on uh on Facebook I think it Just punches a little bit better but the Cool thing is you can take that same Approach on Tick Tock You’re Gonna Want Shorter ads on Tick Tock because you Don’t have as much room in your Description so you want to be very Simple on how you’re going to approach It celebrating your friendship with our Handmade bracelets perfect for any BFF These high quality pieces are the Perfect way to show your appreciation Orders today and let your bond shine so Again they can do all sorts of different Stuff it’s incredible I used to have to Sit and like this isn’t perfect I would Be modifying this and you’ll learn about That whatever courses and stuff you go Through we have a great one very very Expansive goes through a lot of stuff It’s very cheap find that link below but You’re gonna have to build off of that I Use def to create all this stuff from Scratch you know how hard it is to come Up with ideas like when I was running 26 Different Ecommerce stores at once yes I Had two other partners and four Employees in an office that’s a lot of like it gets difficult so using Tools like this very very good and then As soon as you start running ads you Know obviously you go through wherever

You’re learning your ads from like we Start with 100 day budgets on Tick Tock It’s going to immediately be producing Two to four hundred dollars a day in Revenue probably not a lot of profit but As you figure out your target audience Things optimize your pixel builds data Right which is all in the weeds stuff That you’re gonna have to learn you’re Gonna start making money it’s not that Difficult as long as you have a good Product people just love to over Complicate stuff to keep beginners out It’s not hard and of course you’re gonna Need videos which you can either order The product and shoot it yourself or Hire somebody else to do it send it to a Third party service like viral Ecom ads It’s great there’s a lot of stuff and Different options out there we go Through all the resources not gonna dive Into specifics but if you’re doing a Hundred thousand dollars a year in Revenue with an e-commerce business Which I have never had a store that is a Good product that does that low like It’s actually difficult to stay at just 300 a day like it would truly be hard to Do that it’s easier to make more money I Promise you that but a hundred grand is Going to be about 20 to 25 Grand in Profit there’s a wide difference there It’s not all profit so when I say 10 Like 13 million bucks for my one brand

Right just just one brand that I had 13 Million dollars in sales that’s not 13 Million in profit that’s a few million In profit divvied up two ways because I Had a partner right so it’s still good Money but that’s why you have to scale But 25 Grand a year not a bad side Hustle I get an average of 20 to 30 Percent margin now let me ask you this If you have any Commerce store that’s Working really well you went through a Couple trainings everything’s like Finally getting going it takes a little Bit of time but if you go from 100 to 200 to 400 000 and the 25 margin that’s A hundred grand a year that’s the 273 a Day we were talking about how much would That change your life would you quit Your job like what would that do I mean I remember where my first hundred grand Came from and it was like just Mind-blowing it was selling stupid dog Phone cases and it just it worked right And it just it changed my life it Allowed me and it was more than 100 Grand a year was on Pace for a couple Hundred thousand through that but it Allowed me to move to California I Bought my dream cars my first BMW and I Wasn’t worried about money right money Was no longer the single biggest thing That was driving me I was still of Course driving more just starting my Career but I was able to make different

Decisions because the money wasn’t Urgent it was no longer from a place of Need and that’s very powerful so that’s Why I’m so stoked on e-commerce that’s Why I wanted to mention it for you again We got that course linked down below It’s still a viable option you can still Dropship but let’s jump into the bonus Speed round for you so chat GPT is a Product of open AI a San Francisco based Company that again is losing about the Reported three million dollars a day Right now just from people using this Platform but I think it’s worth it They’re amassing so much market share And a lot of eyeballs it can also debug Code and a lot of people are using this Who are students for essays right Plagiarism stuff and funny fact for you You can actually use this to write an Essay for you can say write me an essay About Moby Dick in the style of insert Your writer here which is crazy and if You want to avoid the plagiarism stuff Just go use something like quill bot and Rephrase certain parts of it reportedly Right hypothetically not saying to doing Now for educational purposes only Literally now there’s a teacher who Posted on Reddit saying that a student Cheated but they have no proof they Talked about this like d Plus student Was never very good took a test outside The class and just did insanely well in

A very short amount of time now I’m not For someone cheating but I am all for Education reform I think the education System is completely screwed up so it’s Fun to see something like this just just Jostling things around right maybe it’ll Ruffle some feathers but that was uh From a long newsletter called synthetic Mind it’s one of the free ones I follow In AI it’s by far the best I’ll leave it Linked below if you want to check it out But now what happens if things change Right maybe you’re fulfilling Services You got a business going you’re up to Forty thousand dollars a year a little Side hustle that’s great but if things Change and you can’t fulfill there Understand that there’s always going to Be tools like this and whether it’s free Or paid it doesn’t matter because you Can make money with it but there’s going To be stuff that evolves and chat CPT is The smallest free trial beta version of The tip of the iceberg that probably Sank the Titanic like it is it’s we Haven’t seen anything in the AI world Really come to use yet and that’s what I’m excited for because I think it’s Going to be way bigger than this I think Movies can be automated YouTube videos Like this it can be a fake person fake Boys fake screw everything automated the Whole thing and it will be perfect and Impeccable it might even have jokes as

Bad as mine but I know a lot of people Are worried about the job side of things Like contract lawyers and stuff their Jobs might get taken away sure you can Automate some things I don’t think You’ll be able to do it fully or as good Like it’s good to have that Personal Touch but nonetheless just like the Switchboard operators back in the day When you call a phone you got to get Connected to someone yeah those jobs Went away and guess what new jobs get Created it happens it might take some Time but it happens we’ll be fine take Solace in that so with that being said I Really hope you enjoyed this video put a Lot of work into it it’d mean a lot to Me if you like And subscribe again I’m Doing some giveaways for people who Comment Down Below in this one 100 bucks Cash to somebody hope you enjoyed the Video I’ll see in the next one

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