►►In this video you will find out How I Made $1,000 in 24 Hours With ChatGPT Open A.I Bot (Make Money With Chat GPT)

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👩🏫About this video ► In this video, I’m going to show you how I made $1,000 in 24 hours with ChatGPT Open A.I Bot (Make Money With Chat GPT).

ChatGPT is an amazing free chatbot that lets you make money by chatting with customers. All you need to do is open the app and start chatting with customers. You can make money by offering customer services, selling products, or providing services.

So if you’re looking for a way to make money quickly and easily, then check out ChatGPT! In this video, I’ll show you how to get started and make money with this amazing chatbot!

Earnings Disclaimer: My earnings are a result of hard work and dedication, these results are not typical. You Results can be more or less. I can not guarantee anything. This video is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links, when you sign up using an affiliate link, I earn a small commission. This comes directly from the company and does not affect you in anyway. These affiliate links allow me to continue to post free content on YouTube.

#ChatGPT #openai #artificialintelligence

Making one thousand dollars per day just By having a computer and an internet Connection sounds amazing doesn’t it but Can you make one thousand dollars per Day without doing any of the work Yourself well the answer is obviously no But You can use a special tool called chat GPT to make your life a lot easier now This tool will complete difficult tasks For you so you can purely focus on Making money so inside this video I’m Going to show you how you can use this Awesome free AI bot called chat GPT to Create valuable work so you can then Monetize it using affiliate offers and Eventually make one thousand dollars per Day now before I hop into the video make Sure to subscribe if you’re new and like This video to support this channel this Keeps me motivated to create more Awesome videos just like this for you And come up with new money making Strategies alright so let’s get into the Video and let me introduce you to the Tool the AI tool called chat GPT now This tool can complete all sorts of Different tasks for you 100 for free so Let me just give you a quick example Before I show you how we’re going to be Making money so for example let’s do Write an article About Damien Black all right he is a YouTuber and

Entrepreneur all right let’s go Enter and as you can see Damien black is A well-known YouTube content creator and Entrepreneur he is known for his Informative and entertaining videos on a Wide range of topics including personal Development business and technology now I just want to mention one more thing This tool is not 100 accurate so you Need to edit a couple of things for Example the tool um says that I have Over 1 million subscribers which is Obviously not true but overall this tool Is great and it will do a lot of work For you so let me show you guys how We’re going to be making money now what We’re going to be doing is using this Tool to create ebooks for us that we are Going to sell on Amazon and also add Affiliate links in the ebook right so We’re going to be making money by Selling the ebook on Amazon stick with Me I’m going to show you that this works I do this myself as well and we’re also Going to monetize the content inside the Ebook with affiliate products so for Example we can go into the weight loss Niche right so we can go in the diet Niche So give me five lunch ideas right we can Give this tool an order to give me five Launch ideas and as you can see grilled Chicken Caesar salad right so number one Number two turkey avocado wrap number

Three and so on and so forth and now we Can write a complete ebook about you Know keto diet and different types of Recipes so now we need to post this Content in our ebook now step two is to Go over to canva.com and we are going to Be using this tool to create our awesome Looking ebook so we can go and search For ebook right search it up and this Tool will give you awesome templates That you can use for example you know You can see that keto diet right this is Your awesome cover and uh healthy snacks At home so something like this and you Even have chapters right so you can Choose this template so as you can see This is our cover And this is our content so as you can See Um first of all you have chapter number One right which is lunch So you can add all these different types Of lunch recipes so all you have to do Is just copy and paste your information Your content from chat GPT right and Paste it inside your ebook so you copy Your heading of the you know the first Recipe and paste it inside your ebook so Grilled chicken Caesar salad is number One and you’d obviously write your Ingredients So you can just go to chat GPT right you Can copy this And you can do ingredients

So as you can see ingredients for Grilled chicken Caesar salad and it’s Going to list out all of the ingredients For you so this is absolutely wonderful And it saves so much time so now all you Have to do just copy it and it also Gives you the cooking instructions this Tool gives out so much value as you can See so I just copy it right go back to My Canva and paste it inside there you can Drag this up you can make it smaller Whatever you can change the image Okay let me delete this and obviously You can add an image of you know grilled Chicken so go to elements Right click on grilled chicken and just Add it inside there You can make it bigger or smaller it is Completely up to you Perfect so this is recipe number one With the ingredients included and if you Want to add that extra value you can Also you know copy the instructions Right so on the second page so you can Just duplicate this page right and you Can do instruct Questions and now all you have to do is Paste all you have to do is copy and Paste all right so just like this All right you can delete this All right make this bigger to let’s just Say 14 perfect And now you have your recipe with

Instructions now you obviously you want To change the headline of the chapter so Since we were doing uh grilled chicken Caesar salad so you also want to do it Right here right and then you would just Finish off this entire ebook with the Rest of the recipes right so chapter two You can just duplicate this and and drag It down let me see with this Arrow just Like this all right so chapter number Two And you can add the second recipe right So that would be Um turkey avocado wrap and then you just Give this tool a command to give you the Ingredients and so on and so forth so Once you have the entire ebook written Right you have five awesome lunch Recipes ingredients whatever Um now it’s time to monetize that ebook So what you can do is head over to Clickbank.com now ClickBank is an Affiliate Marketplace which will give You access to all these different types Of offers that you can directly promote Online and for every sale you make You’re gonna get a commission right so Let me show you how this works so you Can go into you can just search for keto Right You can see that there are 200 I mean 62 Different results on keto you can sort These by gravity Okay and as you can see custom keto diet

And it’s going to pay out 165 dollars per sale right so every time Somebody makes a purchase you’re gonna Make 165 dollars 10 sales per month is Sixteen hundred dollars so now all I Have to do is click on promote All right Um click on default click on create hop Link your account username all right Click on create hop link and this is Your encrypted hop link every time Somebody clicks on this you’re gonna Make the sale right so you’re obviously Gonna have your own so you want to click On copy Now head back to your ebook and now what You want to do here is under the Instructions right you can type Something like Lose weight Using our custom keto diet All right and you can Um add your link directly here all right I’m going to add this in the center now All you have to do to make this Clickable is just click on it right Click on these three dots right here and Click on this chain icon and now just Enter a link right so from your ClickBank Marketplace click on copy and Paste it inside there Click on enter so now when you download This as a PDF right and somebody opens It they can click on it and they’re

Going to be directed to your awesome Custom keto meal plan right so let’s Check this out they’re gonna be directed To this page so you can see they’re Going to fill out the form enter their Information their details you know and If they decide to purchase they’re gonna Make 165 dollars so now once you have The entire ebook filled out with all the Content and the affiliate links now it’s Time to download it as a PDF so click on Share download and click on PE F Standard So click on all pages and click on Download So once your ebook has been downloaded You can open it in your desktop right And you can see that it looks awesome This is our cover right the content and Obviously the ingredients So now you can click on this link and as You can see it’s clickable and it’s Going to direct you to the affiliate Offer so you’re gonna make money every Time somebody you know gets the custom Keto diet you’re gonna make 165 dollars Per sale now the easy part is complete Right we have the ebook we have the Affiliate link now it’s time to monetize It online right so step number three to Monetize your ebook online we’re going To be using Amazon KDP Self-publish ebooks and paperbacks 100 For free online

So in just a second I’m going to show You my dashboard so you guys can see That I actually do these strategies and I just don’t talk about them So you’re gonna be making money in three Different ways Every time somebody Buys your ebook Every time somebody reads your ebook and Every time somebody buys the affiliate Product through your ebook So the moment you have all been waiting For let me show you my dashboard So as you can see royalty’s estimator This is my account let me refresh it if You don’t believe me all right so Refresh the page not doing anything Um let’s do Lifetime all right so as you can see so I made just over one thousand dollars Lifetime now bear in mind Um I used to do this way back when I was Starting out and this does not include Affiliate commissions So this is just to show you that I do What I teach because I read all the Comments below every video and I keep Getting comments about people calling me A scammer I don’t do what I teach that I’m using screenshots of earnings from Other people and whatever but whatever I’m used to it and if you’re getting Hate it means that you’re doing Something good so as you can see one

Thousand dollars and this is just from Ebook sales so as you can see I have 13 Ebooks when you scroll down you can see I have Photoshop ebook CPA marketing Lose weight ebook you know laser tattoo Removal ebook and this ebook alone made Over 650 dollars just from sales right So every time somebody purchased this Ebook and it also made an additional 300 Just by people reading it so the beauty About Amazon is you’re gonna be paid Every time somebody buys the ebook and Also reads the ebook right so this is Awesome so even if you make the ebook Free you can still make money right And you can also make it free so people Read it and click on your affiliate link So this is completely up to you but I Usually price them about three dollars Or five dollars per ebook right so I Have 13 ebooks currently and out of Those 13 ebooks 11 are making sales So this is just to show you that this Strategy works and it’s almost Guaranteed to make you money so the Beauty about this strategy is that you Have three income streams with just one Strategy so every time somebody Purchases the ebook reads it and clicks On your affiliate link and buys the Product so as you can see this is Awesome and this is a great way to make Money online and the more ebooks you Have in different niches the more money

You can make so I want you guys to focus On those smaller niches so as you can See this is a lose weight ebook in the Weight loss niche in general and it only Made me three dollars And this is a Photoshop ebook so this is An ebook in the Photoshop image editing Niche right so it made me much more Money so I want you to focus on smaller Niches and post as much ebooks as Possible and I’d suggest posting at Least one per week Until you have about 100 ebooks that are Going to be all making you money so I Hope you enjoyed this video this is to Show you that I do what I teach and I Don’t just talk about these strategies Online like other YouTubers so every Video I post to YouTube I actually do What’s inside the video otherwise I Wouldn’t post it at all so thank you so Much for watching this video if you have Enjoyed make sure to subscribe if you’re New and smash that like button below to Support this Channel and also comment Down below if you’re going to test out The strategy and I hope you guys do test Out the strategy and start posting Ebooks because I just gave you proof That this does work and this one Thousand dollars is without affiliate Commissions and I can tell you guys that 90 of the money is coming from affiliate Sales and not from you know estimated

Royalties from Amazon KDP so this is Just really an additional income stream So you’re gonna make 90 of the money From people buying those affiliate Products inside your ebooks so thank you So much for watching and I’ll see you in The next video

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