In 1984, the concept of Artificial Intelligence was still in its early stages, and programming AI systems was a complex and challenging process. Despite limited access to resources and technology, researchers and programmers were already exploring the potential of AI for various applications. From speech recognition to expert systems, the development of AI programming in 1984 laid the foundation for the advanced AI technologies that we have today. Join us as we take a dive into the world of AI programming in 1984 and discover the challenges and breakthroughs of the time.

How AI Programming Looked Like in Year 1984?

In the year 1984, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a new and exciting field of study that was just beginning to make headway in the world of computer programming. It was during this year that a video demonstration of AI programming on a Commodore 64 computer was showcased, which aimed to see if the computer could learn and make decisions on its own.

In this article, we will take a closer look at this innovative project and explore its process, programming, and eventually examine its limitations.


In 1984, the world was still in the early stages of computer programming, and the concept of AI was a new and exciting field which saw plenty of breakthroughs being made. It was during this time that a video demonstration of AI programming on a Commodore 64 computer was showcased, which aimed to teach the computer to learn and make decisions on its own. The project was a step ahead of its time and showcased the potential of AI in a new light.

The Video Showcases AI Programming on Commodore 64 in BASIC in 1984

The video showcased the use of an AI program on a Commodore 64 computer, which was written in BASIC language. The program was designed to ask questions to identify one of five potential transport objects, namely; car, bike, train, truck, or airplane.

Project Aims to See if Commodore 64 Can Learn and Make Decisions Using AI

The primary objective of this project was to explore if a computer could make decisions on its own, without being explicitly programmed to do so. The program is provided an input, and then it would ask a series of questions to identify one of five possible objects. It was a process that aimed to see if the computer could learn and discern the answers on its own.

The Program Will Ask Questions to Identify One of Five Transport Objects

The program utilized a rule-based system of arrays to determine the object being described based on the questions asked. Each question would be directed towards a particular element of the rule array that would lead to a particular object being identified eventually.

Commodore 64 Uses BASIC Language and Program is Debugged to Remove Errors

The programming language used on Commodore 64 in 1984 was called BASIC. The program was debugged several times to remove errors and refine the learning algorithm. It was a trial and error process that required a lot of perseverance and problem-solving skills.

Rule Arrays Show the Process of Determining the Object Being Described

The program uses rule arrays that are a collection of rules that are based on programming logic to determine the object being described. Each question asked involves a variety of these rule arrays to lead to an eventual outcome.

The Program Learns from Mistakes and Remembers the Objects Previously Identified

The program aimed to learn from its mistakes and remember the objects previously identified. Each time it answers the question incorrectly, it updates itself on what it did wrong and tries to improve its answer in future trials. It was an exciting feature as it showcased the potential of AI to learn and adapt.

The Video Highlights the Value of Problem-Solving Skills in Debugging

The video showcases the value of problem-solving skills in debugging the program. It highlights the importance of perseverance and the trial and error process involved in AI programming. The program required constant debugging and refinement, which made it clear that AI programming is a process that requires patience, persistence, and creativity to succeed.

The AI Program Could Have Been More Detailed and Advanced Beyond BASIC

While the program showcased the potential of AI programming and its ability to learn and adapt, it was still in the early stages of development back in 1984. The program was limited to BASIC language and had a very rudimentary learning algorithm. The video highlighted the potential for AI programming to grow beyond its current limitations and become much more advanced.

The Video Advises Caution When Using Check GDP for Research, As It May Contain Inaccuracies

The video contains a cautionary note about using Check GDP for research, as it may contain inaccuracies that could lead to wrong conclusions. It emphasizes the importance of being thorough and double-checking information before making any assumptions.

The Content Creator Plans to Make a Future Video on Robotics for Commodore 64

Finally, the content creator of the video announced plans to make a future video on Robotics for Commodore 64, which showed the potential for AI to grow and evolve beyond its origins in the 1980s.


The video showcasing AI programming on Commodore 64 in 1984 was a groundbreaking display of the potential of AI to learn and adapt. It showcased the process of AI learning and problem-solving skills required in debugging the program. While the AI programming in 1984 may have been limited to BASIC language, it still showed the promise of AI programming to become much more advanced in the future.


1. How did the program identify one of the five possible transport objects?

The program used a rule-based system of arrays that would lead to a particular object being identified eventually. Each question asked involves a variety of these rule arrays to lead to an eventual outcome.

2. Was the program able to learn from its mistakes?

Yes, the program aimed to learn from its mistakes and remember the objects previously identified. Each time it answers the question incorrectly, it updates itself on what it did wrong and tries to improve its answer in future trials.

3. What language was the program written in?

The program was written in BASIC language, which was the programming language used on Commodore 64 in 1984.

4. Was the program limited to BASIC language only?

Yes, the program was limited to BASIC language only and had a very rudimentary learning algorithm. However, the video showcased the potential for AI programming to grow beyond its current limitations and become much more advanced.

5. What is the future outlook for AI programming on Commodore 64?

The video showcased the potential for AI programming to grow and evolve beyond its origins in the 1980s. The content creator announced plans to make a future video on Robotics for Commodore 64, which highlights the potential for AI to become much more advanced in the future.