Google just released Bard, an generative LLM similar to ChatGPT. Let’s take a first look at Bard and compare it to OpenAI’s GPT-4.

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It is March 22nd 2023 and you’re Watching the code report we’re living Through an AI revolution in just the Last few days Stanford released alpaca Ai and llm that can be trained for 600 And then subsequently took it down for Hallucinating too much being in Adobe Both announced their own AI image Generators Microsoft Office introduced Copilot but the biggest news is Bard is Now available as a public beta Google’s Answer to gpt4 which is already being Put to use in its arch nemesis being Based on some data I just made up my Usage of Google Search has declined 63.9 Percent since gpt4 came out last week That’s a terrifying statistic for Google Who makes most of its money from Google Search ads the good news for Google Though is that they have more data about Search than anybody else they have Virtually unlimited computing power on Their own custom Hardware called tpus And a team of geniuses working on top Secret projects like quantum computers They even declared Quantum Supremacy so I have extremely high expectations for Bard I compared it to gpt4 using four Different experiments and the results Are absolutely shocking but at first What’s with the name Bard apparently It’s supposed to mean Celtic storyteller [Music] I would name it something like

Neurodominus 9000 or encephalon prime it Should strike fear in the hearts of the Microsofties the first thing I want to Find out is if this thing could write Code so I prompted it to build me a Basic to do app with JavaScript here we Have Bard on the left side and gpt4 on The right side and amazingly Bard gets The entire job done in just a few Seconds it takes gpt4 at least five Times longer to complete the same Problem that’s pretty impressive but Going fast isn’t very useful if you’re Dumb let’s find out if this code Actually works I ran the code in the Browser and opened the console and Immediately got an error basically it’s Trying to add an event listener to an Element that doesn’t exist I know what The issue is but I want to see if Bard Can fix it I tell Bard it’s not working And paste the error message into the Prompt and it does come up with a Solution using a conditional statement That would actually fix the error but it Doesn’t make the application work Because that element still doesn’t exist I try to nudge it in the right direction But then it hallucinates and tells me to Add an event listener to an input which Wouldn’t work I keep trying to nudge it But then it fails catastrophically Foreign Now if we look at the gpt4 response

You’ll first notice how it’s much more Well documented in addition when I try To run the actual code I get a perfect Working to do app with no errors I ran This experiment multiple times on Different demos and got similar results So round one goes to gpt4 in round two We’ll see how creative it is when it Comes to idea generation I’ve always Wanted to write a romance novel so I Prompted it for some ideas The Bard Response was pretty simple and cliche Like the wrong man a man and woman meet And fall in love blah blah blah it’s Written at about an 8th grade level gpt4 Has a lot more creative depth like Stardust Melodies when a small town Musician Ella plans a gig at a Prestigious jazz club in New Orleans she Never expected to meet Alex a world Famous saxophonist struggling with his Own demons they Journey Through the Vibrant history of jazz to create a love Song that will last forever now that’s a [ __ ] romance novel so gpt4 can come Up with better ideas but who can write Better poetry the next prompt is to Write a poem about programming and the Style of Dr Seuss in this example Bard Gets the job done with lines like I do Not like this coding prob I do not like Like it bought the job that’s pretty Good and one thing that stands out here Is that it also provides a source for

This work which links back to some guy’s Blog post which provides a little more Transparency into how it generated this Work bonus points to Bard for doing that But now let’s read gpt’s four poem he’d Build them with care with love most of All from the binary bird to the album Rhythm as you can see they both sound Like Dr Seuss but there’s just something Special about GPT each stanza just drips Off the tongue like honey and that Brings us to round four spitting facts Where I prompted them to explain how Brain waves work Bard is way faster at Outputting information which is very Useful for problems like this I’m in the Process of turning myself into a cyborg For my next video so make sure you’re Subscribed and I can tell you that both Of their responses are accurate I would Say gpt4 is slightly better but I’m Going to give this round a Bard because I’m kind of starting to feel bad for it Bart is also getting flamed on social Media right now and some people are Doing the unthinkable switching from Google to Bing and Bard itself is Already paranoid that Google is going to Kill it off in the next one to two years I never thought I would feel sorry for An artificial intelligence but 2023 has Been a crazy decade this has been the Code report thanks for watching and I Will see you in the next one

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