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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice

This is by far the easiest way to make Passive income with charge GPT and some Brand new AI Bots that are absolutely Free and worldwide available and the Reason this is actually the easiest Method is because you don’t actually Have to sell anything everything is Pretty much done for you and you don’t Need any social media followers and I’m Going to walk you through the entire Process and show you exactly how this Works and honestly this is kind of a fun Method to make money online you’re Actually going to enjoy doing this and You can actually make decent amount of Money without actually doing any of the Work yourself so buckle up and let’s Begin with a method and the very first AI bot if we’re gonna be using combined With strategy PV it’s called mix so I’m Going to leave a link to it in the Description box down below but Essentially you can launch a startup Over just a single idea you can generate An entire brand you can generate an Entire website and literally everything From scratch with literally just one Prompt you can basically have an idea And you can think about for example Unless you want to open up a barber shop But if you don’t know like how you’re Gonna call it you don’t know about a Logo you don’t know about literally Anything well you can just ask this hey

I bought and we will literally do all The work for you now that’s not where we Are going to be doing I’m not going to Tell you to open a barber shop or Anything like that but what you want to Do is you just want to click on get Started for free and you can create a Brand new site from a single prom you Literally just need to enter a problem Here describe your side up startup idea In a sentence and let’s say for example You want to open up an online shop Selling medieval clothes let’s say just As an example I want to show you how This works if you click on generate site And then they connect you to AI they Submit the description they generated Startup name so literally a name a logo Literally everything a completed brand Is being generated in the background for Us and it’s all unique content and then They will also create a website for you And I’m going to show you exactly how to Use all of this to make money online With the chat to GPT so it’s also adding The socials it’s optimizing SEO as well And now it’s going to improve everything And it’s going to publish our website Which we can preview in a second and as You can see here we have an entire shop So step back in time with medieval Fashion this is our brand name as you Can see we also have this button over Here where people can enter their email

To join the waitlist you can also also Customize these button installers high Quality Fabrics open designs and it also Has all of these other features so Here’s a full website and if you like it You just click on Save and customize or You can also generate another one if you Like this one you just click on Save and Customize and you can change the colors You can customize the buttons you can Customize The Branding and all of that Now we’re not gonna be using it for that I just wanted to show you how it works You just want to click and create a new Site and just leave it like that for now But what you want to do next is you want To find some CPA offer to promote CPA Stands for cost per action which means That once you find those offers people Don’t actually need to pay for anything They literally just need to in most of The cases submit the remodel address or Sign up to some website and you will be Paid for that which obviously makes it a Lot easier than having to convince them To buy something so you can go either to F plus or some other CPA Network and you Can search for different offers for a Fact I know that some survey offers on App plus pay pretty decent like for Example survey junkie case I know they Have some offer which pays like three Dollars for people who just sign up to Survey junkie which is a platform where

They have a chance to make money so here It is survey junk is a web server they Have a chance to make money and when They sign up for three I’m gonna make Three dollars per email submitted which Is pretty cool so you can just select One of those CPA offers you can even Preview the landing page here you can See what it is all about and you can see That you’re being paid three dollars per Email or per free account so this is one Option the second option is to just go Over to CPA grip which is a platform That we talked about before you can go To you can go to offer tools Go to my offers and there you can find All of these different giveaways where People have a chance to win something if They submit their email address for Example they can grab a prize over here And you’re gonna be paid a few dollars Per email or for example here they can Get a 750 PayPal gift card so they can Enter for a giveaway and once they enter For a giveaway by submitting their email Address you’re being paid few dollars so You can just copy your link right over Here and you can go to back to mixo Ai And you can ask him to write it to Create a website for you so for example A website promoting our new 750 dollars People giveaway and I’m gonna click on Generate aside and I’ll mix is going to Generate a site for this now the reason

You need something in between is because Most of the websites will ban you if you Just share these referral links or Affiliate links and also by having Something in between where people first Have to enter their email address to Enter the giveaway you will be building Your email list you’re essentially Building a long-term online business Because you can build a customer base Like tens of thousands of emails and you Can use that so get ready to win big With PayPal pelosa so this is a very Unique name it’s our chance to win 750 You can enter their new PayPal giveaway For a chance to win so it’s pretty Pretty good it didn’t generate this Image but if you don’t like this I can Literally just click on generate another And it’s going to create a new website If I like it I will just click on Save And customize because honestly it is Kind of good now they will ask you for Two different options you can either pay For the basic or Pro Plan or you can Also just continue with a free plan the Free plan has a little bit less options But you can still customize the website And you can publish it right away so I Can click on publish and it’s going to Publish the website and it’s going to Give me my domain now in order to enter A custom domain you will have to pay Like nine dollars or thirty five dollars

A month if you really really want to Turn this into a professional and Long-term business and definitely you Can invest nine bucks a month but you’re Gonna have a a really good website it Was generated for you from scratch so Here we can check the the site dashboard And we can also click on this link this Is our domain so I can now click on this And it’s going to take me through the Website and if someone submits the email Address here for a chance to go to that Giveaway they will submit it so let’s Say for example I’m gonna submit my Email here and I’m going to click on Join the wait list now basically what we Can do is we can go back to the Dashboard just reload the page and you Can see that that first subscriber will Be added so here’s the number one Subscriber and it’s my email over here And I can download all subscribe Subscribers in one click of a button and You can then import them into smarter Software like get response and you can Set up an autoresponder and you’re gonna Send them those emails you can send them An email which includes your affiliate Link for that giveaway and now you will Have a list of different emails that you Can send different giveaways from CPA Grip or app plus again and again and Essentially have some income to rely on Because you will know that you always

Have like 10 000 different emails that You can send these giveaways to they’re Gonna be happy because they have a Chance to win something and you will be Happy because you are making money for Each email collected so now you’re just Gonna start driving traffic to this Landing page generated by and One of the easiest ways to start Generating free traffic without having a YouTube channel or without having to Build any social media following is to Just go over to Mid Journeys you can go To Mid Journey AI tool go to you can join their beta You can join their Discord server and Once you get inside of the Discord Server you want to go to the newbies Section over here and you can enter a Prompt to generate an image so in this Case I’m going to generate an image over For example excited person with a lot of Money and money lying around him and I’m Also gonna make it ultra realistic Extreme details and this is going to be My prompt and basically this AI tool Will generate every anything that they Enter here they’re gonna generate that Form if they’re going to create a unique Image so AI will create that image for Me so you just because it’s a really Mess because it’s a Discord server it’s Not really user friendly you will have To pay close attention to your message

Over here and let’s see what they’re Going to be able to generate let’s see If this is something I’m going to be Using so essentially I’m just trying to Find a catchy image of a person with a Lot of money and I think they will nail It it’s still loading it’s only 31 done But you don’t want to lose your message It’s going to be highlighted like this It’s going to be it’s gonna be yellow so That’s how you’re gonna be able to see Whether it’s your one your message or Not because there’s a lot of people in This chat that are generating their Images which have nothing to do with you So we’re essentially just waiting for Them to finish the image and then if you Like it you can just upscale it and you Can make it high quality and you can use It to drive traffic and I’m going to Show you exactly how so now I have four Different designs generated and I will Just see which one I like the most I Personally like the fourth one the most I will upscale that one and they will Now create a higher quality of that Fourth image and so I will just need to Wait for them to generate it so I will Scroll down to try and find myself and So here it is here’s that image as you Can see it is extremely high quality I Really really like this one and it’s 100 Unique it was generated by AI so now I Can just right click on this and I can

Save it to my my computer and then you Just want to go over to chatgpt and Generate a call to action for that Giveaway or for that offer that you’re Promoting so in this case I’m going to Ask him to already concise one sentence Call to action for our new 750 people Gift card giveaway and style is gonna be Friendly okay I’m gonna reload the page Because it waited for me for too long so I’m gonna paste that once again and I’m Gonna wait for chat GPC to write it one Sentence call free action for our Giveaway and let’s see what hit what he Is gonna come up with and as you can see It started writing right away let’s see If this is good or not if it’s way too Long then it’s not good you’re Essentially just looking for one small Sentence to put in that image that we Previously made so I’m gonna ask him to Make it shorter make it much shorter and Let’s see what it is going to come up With and here it is this is actually Perfect so I’m gonna use this call to Action generated by chat jpt and then You just want to go over to Which is a free graphic design tool and You just want to create a design from Scratch then go to the upload section And just upload that image generated by Me the journey so you want to upload it Right over here to canva and you want to Upscale it a little bit and you want to

Add that call to action generated by Chat GPT so I’m going to enter and I’m Going to paste this which says aim for Now if you win a giveaway I’m gonna make This a little bit smaller I’m gonna add Some effects to make sure that this Stands out and I’m going to use the White collar maybe change the font a Little bit and I’m gonna put this Somewhere around here so here’s my Design I’m going to click on share I’m Going to click on download and download This design to my computer and I’m gonna Use this design on a platform called the Pinterest because on Pinterest you can Get a lot of traffic even as a complete Beginner who has no social media Followers so you can just create a brand New account you can click on create a Pin you can also create a board just for Those giveaways and make money online Offers and then upload that design from Canva here and you can also enter the Title here as well and the destination Link is just a link from mixo IO tools It will just paste that right over here And you can now publish this to so people can see this Unique design they can see the call to Action and they can click on this to Answer their email address and you can Then email them that giveaway from Either CPA grip or app plus and you’re Going to be building your email list

With a lot of different people to whom You can Market different offers also From all of these CPA networks and earn Like two or three dollars whenever they Sign up for a brand new giveaway so Instead of just having them sign up to One giveaway you can have them signed up For new giveaways every week or every Other day and basically have some income To rely on every single month so that’s How you can start building passive Income online business using chat GPT And some brand new AI Bots I really hope You got some value out of this video if You did make sure to drop a like down Below and I will see you next time

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