I show you how to use ChatGPT AI Software to rapidly generate YouTube scripts to make money with affiliate marketing + ad revenue.

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✅Complete Affiliate Marketing Tutorial for Beginners 2023 (Step By Step)

✅How I Made $13000 in 30 days With Clickbank Affiliate Marketing (PROOF INSIDE)

✅The BEST Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Strategy In 2023 (Earn $280/Day)


#chatgpt #makemoneyonyoutube #makemoneyonline #facelessyoutube


This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the methods and ideas discussed in this video. The content in this video does not represent financial advice and your ability to attain the results in this video are attributed solely to your own work-ethic, knowledge and experience. Whilst every step has been taken to ensure the content in this video is 100% accurate, I do not represent the websites or platforms mentioned in this video and cannot guarantee they are error-free. You agree definitively not to rely upon any content or information contained in this video.

This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click onto one of these links, that I may receive commission. I do not promote any affiliate links for products that I have not used myself and therefore verified.

I am also not a financial advisor and none of the content expressed in this video constitutes any financial advice but instead my own opinions which are for entertainment purposes only.

I’ll be showing you how you can make Upwards of eleven thousand dollars every Single month on YouTube without showing Your face without doing any filming you Won’t need to write the YouTube video Title and best of all you won’t even Need to write the video script and all Of this is suddenly possible by using This groundbreaking AI bot software Called chat GPT and I’ll be showing you The fastest way that you can start Making money with this method and all That I ask from you is that you smash That like button subscribe to the Channel because I’m going to be showing You an incredible step-by-step money Making strategy that you can get started With right now now before I show you the Exact steps that you can follow to start Making money with this strategy I first Want you to take a look at this YouTube Channel right here guys some of these Videos are getting millions of views and Guys these are faceless videos that do Not do any filming they use stock Footage and what you’re able to see guys Is that this channel mostly covers video Videos within the health and dating Niche so here you can see 12 bad habits That damage your brain that’s one video In the health Niche we scroll down even Further you can see videos on the real Health benefits of garlic and honey and So on and what I’ve been able to do guys

I’ve gone straight over to socialblade And I’ve had a look at how much money a Channel like this is making and if we go Over to socialblade what we’re able to See is that this channel is making up to Eleven thousand dollars every single Month but guys they’re actually making a Lot more than that and let me show you Why generally videos and channels within The health and fitness Niche earn Anywhere between seven and thirteen Dollars for every 1 000 views that they Get or in other words seven to thirteen Dollars is their CPM now let’s be on the Conservative side and let’s just say for The sake of this video tutorial that These guys are earning eight dollars Okay eight dollars for every one Thousand views that they get and they’re Probably probably earning a lot more Than that now if I go back over to Social blade and I look at these stats For that channel socialblade is Reporting that they’re earning around 11 000 every single month but socialblade Assumes that their CPM is only four Dollars as you can see right here so we Know that these guys are earning at Least double of eleven thousand dollars Every single month so well in excess of Twenty thousand dollars every single Month and right now I’m gonna show you How you can easily and quickly start Creating videos just like these in a

Matter of minutes and most of the work Is already done for you but even more Importantly guys I’m gonna be showing You how you can start making money with This strategy straight away without even Waiting for your videos to get monetized So let’s get into it so for the first Step you want to head over to openai.com You then want to scroll down and click Onto chat T and then try chat GPT and Then all you want to do is hit sign up Once you’ve clicked on the sign up all You need to do is enter your email Address click on continue so that you Can get registered and logged in so once You’re logged into chat GPT you’ll be Taken to a screen like this and I’m Going to show you just how powerful this AI bot software is the first thing we’re Going to get chat gbt to do for us is to Come up with some YouTube video title Ideas and what we’re going to do guys We’re going to draw inspiration from This Channel and we’re going to get some YouTube video title ideas in the health Niche with these sort of numerically Listed titles so here we have 10 Everyday habits to drain your energy Nine foods that cause inflammation and So on and we don’t need to think of this Ourselves guys chant GPT is going to do All of the thinking for us so check this Out guys what I’m going to do is ask Chat GPT to give me 10 YouTube title

Ideas using numerically listed titles in The health Niche and then all I will do Is Click enter and then check this out So chat gbt it takes a second but it Goes straight to work for us and here You’ve got these YouTube video title Ideas straight away guys I can already See one that I like seven foods to avoid A healthy heart eight natural remedies For insomnia 10 easy tips for a balanced Diet and just like that guys chat GPT Has generated all of these different YouTube title ideas and we’re able to Use any of these and if you wanted guys You could even say something like give Me 10 more and guys 10 is just an Arbitrary number you could even say give Me 1 000 more the limits of chat GPT are Endless okay guys so I’ve reviewed all Of these YouTube video title ideas and I Kind of like the look of this one over Here seven foods that can help fight Depression so what I’m gonna do to Utilize chat GPT to its full capability Is I’m going to copy this over here and I’m going to type in give me some YouTube title alternate active ideas too And I’m going to paste in seven foods That can help fight depression I’m then Going to click enter and we can see that Chat GPT has given us 10 additional Variations of this child over here seven Foods that can help fight depression and What we’re going to do is select one of

These variations of that title and I’m Going to select this one over here seven Foods that can help improve your mood And what you’re about to see guys is how Chat GPT is going to write us an entire Video script for this title saving us Hours if not days of work and the way That chat GPT is gonna write this YouTube video script for us is Absolutely genius and super easy to Implement let me show you just how easy This is guys now what I’m going to do is I’m going to see the chat GPT write me a YouTube script with an intro and an Outro on the topic of and then I’m going To literally copy over this title over Here and you can copy whichever title That you’ve chosen I’m going to paste it In and I’m literally going to hit enter And look what chat GPT can do for us Guys it immediately starts writing and Generating this entire YouTube script For us with an intro and an outro you’re Going to see guys this is going to be Absolutely brilliant and we can tweak This in a number of ways and you know What the best thing about this is chat GPT is anti-plagiarism so this is Completely unique to me for this one if You would have typed in the exact same Question you would have got a unique Script for yourself as well so this guys Can literally be copied and pasted and I’m going to show you how we can turn

This into a full blown YouTube video Using an awesome bit of software that Saves us tons of time so that we can Upload this video in under 30 minutes Way under and what I’m going to show you First guys is now that chat GPT has Actually written this script out for us We want to take a look at just how long The script is now it all depends on how Long you want your video to be taking a Quick look at this I’d say this would be A sort of two to three minute video so What I’m going to say in the chat GPT is Can you make this script a little bit Longer but I’m going to say can you make The script maybe 10 or 20 longer you Could even quantify it guys I’m gonna Say 20 longer I’m going to hit enter and Chat GPT can do that with absolutely no Problem this is absolutely genius so What I’m going to do guys I’m going to Pause the video and just like that in a Matter of seconds chat GPT has generated This tweaked version of The Script for Us is 20 longer I’ve had a read of it It’s a really good YouTube video script Guys and what we’re gonna do now is We’re going to transform this script Into a YouTube video that we’re able to Upload and the best part about it is We’ll be able to start making money with That video right away with the strategy That I’ll be showing you you won’t even Need to wait for YouTube to monetize

Your video and if you stick around to The end of the video guys I’m going to Be showing you an even better way that You can absolutely maximize the amount Of Revenue that you generate for every Single video that you’re going to be Able to upload in a matter of minutes And if you’re liking this content guys Please smash that like button subscribe To the channel because I’m going to show You how all of this is done right this Second so firstly you want to copy your Script so that you can paste it into a Word document or into Google Docs just Like I’m doing right here I’ll do paste Without formatting and just to show you Guys what I actually did I thought the Intro and the outro was a little bit Long so I asked chat GPT trim it down I Said make the intro and outro sixty Percent shorter and you want to make Sure that you save your script because This guy’s is the script that we’re Going to be using with this incredible Tool that I’m about to reveal to you so That we can transform this script into a Full length YouTube video that will give Us the ability to start making money Right away with this incredibly Profitable faceless YouTube strategy and The tool that we’re going to be using to Convert our AI generated YouTube video Script Full length really professional looking

Video guys is in video and I’ve got a Link in the description box below and You can see a preview on the screen of Exactly what in video looks like it’s a Really user-friendly AI driven video Editor and as you can see over here guys We’ve got this really cool automated Text-to-speech feature and this is Absolutely crucial because what this Allows us to do is to upload our YouTube Video script straight into in video and In video will literally convert the text To speech so we don’t need to do any Talking whatsoever and as you can see on The left hand side over here we have Access to thousands of these different Images and video stock footage and the Best part about it is all of these Images all of these videos are 100 Copyright free so what that means is we Can go into in video and immediately Create one of these videos in a matter Of minutes and we can utilize any of These thousands of videos and images and We can upload this video to YouTube and We won’t get any copyright infringements And right now guys I’m going to show you How we can create an awesome looking Video with that AI generated script that We can then upload to Youtube and with a Strategy that I’ll be revealing will Have the ability to start making money With this method right away so if you Click onto the link in the description

Box below for invideo.io you will be Taken to a screen like this and as you Can see guys you can get signed up Absolutely for free but what I would Mention if you click on the pricing over Here you can see there is a cheap Version for only 15 per month and the Reason why I’m flagging this is because With this version The Watermark is Removed from all of your videos making Your videos look even more professional And even more appealing for when we do Upload them to YouTube and another Really good feature guys is you get Access to over one million of these Premium images and stock video footage I Personally have the unlimited version It’s only 30 dollars per month and what I can do for you today guys if you you Type in the promo code Rms25 when you do sign up you’ll get a 25 discount so basically all that means Is guys instead of paying 15 per month It would be more like 11 per month and With the amount of features that you’re Able to get with this version with this Plan I strongly recommend it the choice Is yours guys and then when you click Onto get business or get unlimited over Here to register all you need to do is Enter your name email address and Password and then you’re good to go Alright guys so now that you’re logged Into in video I’m going to show you how

We can transform that AI generated YouTube video script into a really good Professional looking video in a matter Of minutes let me show you just how easy This is so once you’re logged into in Video you’ll be taken to a screen like This with the dashboard selected and the First thing you want to do is Select Create new at the top right hand corner Over here and you then want to select Editor and once you’ve selected editor You just want to hit landscape right Here all right so now that you’ve hit Landscape we’re now in the video editing Canvas and this is where we’re gonna Create our video which we can then Upload to Youtube in order to start Generating some really good money so the First thing you want to do guys you want To head over to videos on the left hand Side over here and once you’ve selected Videos you want to go back to your AI Generated YouTube video script that you Would have saved earlier I’ve shortened Mine I’ve trimmed it down just for the Sake of this video tutorial but what you Want to do guys is you want to look at The script okay ignore the intro and the Outro for now and you want to look at The first point and remember guys this Script is talking about different foods That can improve our mood and the first Listed food here is blueberries okay so Here we can see it says you know these

Berries are packed with antioxidants They can protect your brain from damage And so on so what you want to do you Want to go back into in video and you Simply want to search for a video of Blueberries okay and remember Guys these Videos are 100 copyright free you’re Able to use these videos without getting Any copyright infringements to your Video on YouTube so I’m going to select One of these blueberry videos right here And I like the look of this one so Select it you just want to click on this Plus symbol over here you simply then Want to click on to add and if I hit Play over here guys you’re able to get a Little preview of this video and you can See it’s really a good quality and what You then want to do guys you want to go Back over to your AI generated YouTube Video script and you want to look at the Second point so here we have dark Chocolate so we’re going to go back into In video in a similar fashion I’m Literally going to search for dark Chocolate just like that and we can then Drag in any one of these dark chocolate Videos I’m going to click the plus sign On this one over here and then click Onto add just like that and you can drag It down over here and you can zoom out Just like this guys using this sliding Toolbar over here and then for the third Point we actually mentioned avocados as

One of the foods that improve your moods You want to go back over two in video And then you want to type in avocados And then you want to add one of these Avocado videos to your video editor just Like that we’re going to drag it down in A similar fashion I’m going to show you Exactly how we edit this video but what You first want to do guys is you want to Generate a voiceover and as I did Mention before in video does have Automated text to speech capability Which is absolutely awesome and I’ll Give you a preview of exactly what that Means if I click on text-to-speech over Here what you’re then able to do guys is Go over to your script just like this You can then copy it as such if I do Copy you can then literally paste your Text into here and then you can generate A voiceover and once you’ve generated Your voiceover you want to click onto Add over here and I’m going to hit play And show you exactly how this sounds and Then I’m going to show you how we can Edit our video so that the audio syncs With the video footage so let’s hit play Welcome to our Channel today we’re Talking about seven foods that can help Improve your mood these foods are packed With nutrients that can boost your mood And help you feel better let’s get Started All right so here you can see this part

Was really just the introduction of the Video right we haven’t started talking About blueberries just yet so we don’t Want to display that blueberry video During the introduction so what you want To do is Click onto this top bar over Here and then you simply want to click Onto this scissor symbol just like that And then once you’ve done that guys you Then want to click onto the top bar Again and you want to click on to delete So now we need some video footage to Appear during our introduction and I’ve Already had a think guys what I’m going To do because the introduction talks About a video that’s going to be talking About healthy foods to improve your mood Let’s add some video footage of someone Looking at some healthy food and I found That just here so if I click onto add Just like that you can then drag this Footage down over here and then you can Drag this across so that it touches the Cursor and now let’s take a look at our Introduction and see what we think Welcome to our Channel today we’re Talking about 7 in foods that can help Improve your mood these foods are packed With nutrients that can boost your mood And help you feel better let’s get Started Okay awesome but what I have noticed at The beginning of the video it’s silent For about two seconds if I play it again

Welcome see that silence so what you Want to do guys is you actually want to Zoom in just like that and if you see These sort of volume signs at the bottom Over here this indicates where the audio Starts so if I click onto this Bottom Bar only and I zoom in a bit to be more Sort of accurate and then I drag this Cursor across to the beginning of these Volume symbols and I make sure that only The Bottom bar is selected I can then Click onto this scissor sign Just like that and then I want to click This first part to the left of the Cursor and then click on to delete to Get rid of that silence at the beginning Of the video and what I can then do is I Can zoom back out I can drag this to the Left just like that and what you also Want to do is make this video bigger so That it fits to the screen it’s looking A little bit small there so that’s Perfect so now let’s play this again and Let’s see if the audio is now in sync With the video for the introduction Welcome to our Channel today we’re Talking about seven foods that can help Improve your mood these foods are packed With nutrients that can boost your mood And help you feel better let’s get Started okay so it ends just there but You can see the introduction video Actually goes on for a little bit longer So what I’m going to do I’m going to

Click onto this top bar over here again I’m going to click onto this scissor Symbol and I’m going to delete this part To the right of the cursor simply by Clicking on to delete so that is our Introduction video done and what I’m Going to show you you guys I’m going to Show you how we can overlay text onto Every single one of these scenes but First of all let’s make sure that our Audio syncs with our video so for the Second scene we have these blueberries Right so to get started let’s drag this To the left over here and let’s see if Our audio is syncing blueberries so Straight away guys what you can notice Is there’s a pause after it says let’s Get started there’s a big pause before We go on to our first topic of Blueberries so in a similar fashion Let’s get rid of that silence so if we Press play started and then let me zoom In and as you can see guys the volume Signs over here there’s a lot of blank Space from about Here all the way to here so what I’m Going to do I’m going to make sure I’ve Got the bottom volume bar selected over Here I’m going to click onto this Scissors symbol and then going to move This cursor all the way along just Before the volume starts again over here And I’m going to click onto this bottom Volume bar and I’m again going to click

That scissor symbol and I’m going to Click onto it and in a similar fashion I’m going to hit delete and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to drag This volume bar all the way to the left Over here and let’s play this again and See how far out of sync we are and then Rectify accordingly blueberries these Little berries are packed with Antioxidants that can help protect the Brain from damage and improve cognitive Function dark chocolate Okay so as you Can see here we need to drag our Blueberries video more to the right Because we’ve got some Blank Space there Let’s do that over here and then let’s Play this again proof cognitive function Okay perfect so now let’s close up this Space between this video footage as a Big Blank Space there let’s move this is All the way to the left and then here You can see there is silence there’s a Lack of volume between here and here so In a similar fashion guys I’m going to Click onto the bottom volume bar just Like that hit the scissors symbol and I’m going to drag this cursor all the Way across to where the volume starts Again as indicated by these volume Symbols over here I’m going to click Onto it and click the scissor symbol Again just like that click onto the Volume bar at the bottom and then hit Delete just as before you then want to

Drag the volume bar all the way to the Left so it flows with the previous audio And then let’s rewind and see how much This is in sync with the chocolate scene Over here so let’s press play dark Chocolate eating a small amount of dark Chocolate can release endorphins and Improve your mood okay so that’s where The audio ends it’s quite short for the Dark chocolate section so what you want To do guys is you want to identify where The audio ends which is indicated by This Blank Space over here in the bottom Volume bar you want to drag your cursor All the way to the left making sure that Again that you click click onto the Bottom volume bar you want to click onto The scissors over here where the silence Begins you want to drag it all the way To the right just before the audio Begins again you don’t want to click Onto this click onto the scissors icon Click onto it again and then click on to Delete and in a similar fashion drag the Volume all the way to the left just like That so let’s rewind it and play again Endorphins and improve your mode okay so We know that the audio for chocolate Ends here right but the video for Chocolate goes well beyond that so what We’re going to do we’re going to zoom Out and we’re going to drag this top bar Containing our chocolate video scene all The way to the left so that it lines up

With our cursor and then what we’re Going to do we’re going to drag this Avocado scene over here all the way to The left and then let’s press play see If it sinks and then Rectify accordingly Avocado arrows avocados are a great Source of healthy fats that can help Improve brain function and mood okay so We can see the audio avocados ends over There so in a similar fashion I’m going To click onto the avocado video bar at The top over here I’m going to drag it All the way to the left and we now just Need to add in the outro video scene and This part is super important guys Because it’s this outro video scene That’s actually going to influence the Amount of money that we make with this Strategy so what I’ve done guys I’ve Literally typed in the word healthy and I found this scene over here so I’ll add This in Click onto add drag this over Here and then I will then drag this to The end of the audio so that it lines up And now let’s play the outro scene These seven superfoods can really help To improve your well-being incorporating These Foods into your diet can help Boost your mood and improve your mental Health thanks for watching Okay and in a similar fashion guys we Want to make sure that the video fits to The screen and we also want to clean up All of those silences between the audio

And I’ve done just that and I’m now Going to show you guys how we can Absolutely perfect this video in under One minute by adding some text overlay And some music to the video as well so The first thing you want to do is you Want to click onto music on the left Hand side over here and you’ll be able To see all of these different genres and For the sake of this video I’m going to Click onto the relaxing genre and you Can select any one of these soundtracks That you like guys for the sake of this Video tutorial I’m going to click onto The first one over here and you can see It’s automatically taken up the whole of The video so this music will be played Throughout this video and every scene And what you want to do guys by default It’s pretty loud you want to click onto The music bar over here and you want to Click onto volume and fade and there are All different types of effects that we Can add to this guys we can talk about This for hours right but for the sake of This video we’re going to turn the Volume down only let’s go with about 70 Percent of the usual volume and we can Tweak that as we wish before I replay This video to you guys a very important Part especially with this money making Strategy which is really going to help Us is we’re going to Overlay text to the Different scenes and let me explain that

Let me demonstrate exactly how that’s Going to work so what you want to do Guys you want to click onto text on the Left hand side of here and you simply Want to select any one of these Typographies or fonts and for the sake Of this video tutorial I’m going to Select this one over here this KY font I’m going to expand this just like that So it covers the first scene and what I’m going to say guys is seven healthy Foods all right and you can make this Bigger you can resize it you can choose Different fonts and for the sake of this Video I’m just going to put it on the Bottom left hand side over here okay and Then what you want to do you want to go Back into text and you want to click Once onto the exact same font as such And then you want to move your curse Across to the beginning of the next Video scene and then you want to drag That text that you just included over to That scene and then you want to Overlay It for the entire scene by stretching it Like that and then you literally want to Double click into the text and for this Scene it’s All About Blueberries so We’re going to say one Blueberries and then in a similar Fashion to keep everything consistent With the different scenes we’re going to Move this to the bottom left hand corner And you want to do the exact same thing

For dark chocolate and avocados too Which is exactly what I’ve done and for The last scene I have a little bit of a Surprise for you guys I did mention the Last scene is what’s going to be driving The most revenue for us as soon as we Upload YouTube videos like this and We’re going to be able to start making Money with this method before YouTube Even monetizes us now for the exciting Part let’s play this video and let’s Take a look at our results let’s go Right to the beginning and let’s hit Play Welcome to our Channel today we’re Talking about seven foods that can help Improve your mood these foods are packed With nutrients that can boost your mood And help you feel better let’s get Started blueberries these little berries Are packed with antioxidants that can Help protect the brain from damage and Improve cognitive function dark Chocolate eating a small amount of dark Chocolate can release endorphins and Improve your mood avocados avocado Autos Are a great source of healthy fats that Can help improve brain function and mood These seven superfoods can really help To improve your well-being incorporating These Foods into your diet can help Boost your mood and improve your mental Health thanks for watching and you can See just how professional and incredible That this video looks guys and what I’ve

Done on the last slide is I’ve overlaid Some text that says click below for my Number one healthy diet plan Recommendation and you may have already Guessed where I’m going with this but What we’re going to be doing guys when You upload this to YouTube a trick that You can do is to Overlay some text onto The last scene just like this and you Want to put an affiliate offer in your YouTube description so for the sake of This video tutorial because we did Create a video within the health Specifically within the dieting Niche What we’re going to do guys to get an Affiliate offer that we can put into This video description is you want to Head over to somewhere such as Clickbank.com ClickBank is an incredible Affiliate Marketplace containing a range Of different affiliate marketing offers That you can promote to earn some really Good commissions with guys and for the Sake of this video we’re going to click Onto the marketplace tab over here to Locate a product within the health and Dieting Niche see them when I click onto All over here you then want to scroll Down to health and fitness and you then Want to click onto diets and weight loss And what we’re going to do is sort the Results by gravity in other words Popularity and one product that’s been Working extremely well for me I’ve been

Promoting it across a range of different Channels and platforms very successfully Is this custom keto diet plan continues To be very popular in 2023 and Beyond Guys and the thing I love about this Product on top of the fact that it’s Very popular and easy to promote and Therefore get a lot of conversions is The high conversion amount that it does Pay you so this custom keto diet product Pays you around 173 dollars for every Single time that someone clicks onto Your affiliate link and purchases the Product and on top of that they also pay A recurring or rebuilt Commission of 19 Which means whenever anyone purchases This product via your link that you’re Going to be promoting in your YouTube Description and they decide to renew it On a monthly basis for example you’re Going to get paid 19 every single month And to retrieve this affiliate link that We’re going to be promoting to earn some Really good commissions all you need to Do guys is hit the promote button over Here you then want to click onto create Hot link and if you scroll to the bottom You’ll see your hop link right there you Want to copy it and you want to put it Somewhere safe so I’ve placed mine into This sticky note over here and again Guys anytime anybody clicks onto that Link and purchases that custom keto diet Product we’re gonna get paid a

Commission of 173 dollars and also a recurring Commission on top of that and the great Thing is that we’re promoting this link To an audience that we know already has A very strong interest not only in the Health Niche but in the dieting Niche Specifically so we’ve now got our video Ready to upload to Youtube and we’ve Been able to create this video so Quickly thanks to chatgpt and its Ability to write us an entire YouTube Video script and we’ve also got our Affiliate offer but the first thing that We want to do guys before we upload this To YouTube very important is you want to Create a YouTube thumbnail and I’m not Going to end this video without showing You exactly how to do that all right so Stick with me because the thumbnail is Very very important and what you want to Do guys to create that YouTube thumbnail You want to head over to a website Called canva okay that’s canva.com and I Do have a link in the description box Below and once you’re over to canva guys You want to make sure that you click Onto all templates on the left hand side Over here and then you want to head over To the search bar and you just want to Search for YouTube thumbnail templates And then type in food food or healthy Food or something like that you then Want to hit search and what you can see

Is we have an abundance of these Editable customizable templates that we Can utilize to create our very own YouTube thumbnail in under one minute in Fact let’s do that right now guys let’s Give ourselves a one minute challenge so You can go over to any one of these Templates guys and I’m going to click Onto this one straight away I’m gonna go To customize this template and we’re Going to do this in under one minute so We’re literally going to type in seven Healthy foods to boost your mood done so That’s it guys that is our template Already created on canber that is how Easy it is you then want to click onto File and then download over there and Then click onto download just like that And in under one minute we now have a YouTube thumbnail that we’re able to Utilize to upload when we upload our YouTube video that we created in under 30 minutes thanks for that Groundbreaking AI bot software chat GPT And we also have that affiliate link That we’re going to be putting into the YouTube description so that we have the Ability to start making money with this Strategy right away so now that you’ve Downloaded your YouTube YouTube Thumbnail and you’ve got your affiliate Offer that you’re going to be promoting In your YouTube description or that is Left for you to do guys is to export

Your YouTube video that you created in In video with the massive help of chat GPT and all you need to do is Click onto This export button over here and very Important you want to make sure guys That you export in 1080P so your video Is the best quality extremely important I believe this is only available as well For the business plan version that I Showed you earlier and remember guys you Can get a 25 discount if you click onto My link and when you get the offer you Type in the promo code Rms25 and for a bonus tip as I did Promise this earlier on in the video Guys I said that I would be showing you How you can utilize your YouTube titles And videos to absolutely maximize the Amount of money that you’re able to make For every single YouTube video that you Upload and the way that you do this guys Is by utilizing a tool such as vid IQ And I’m going to go over to my vid IQ Account just now and show you exactly How this works I’ve got a link in the Description box below for vid IQ guys so What you want to do once you’ve utilized Chat GPT to come up with all of those Different video titles for you guys you Want to head over to vid IQ you then Want to click on the keywords and you Want to pop that video title into the Search bar here and you want to look at The score that it is given now guys as a

New YouTuber as a smaller sort of Channel you don’t want to be creating Titles that have a very high competition And as you can see guys I’ve pasted in Seven healthy foods to boost your mood And we can see this has a very low Competition with a medium amount of Search volume which means if we use a YouTube title such as this one it’s Going to be very easy for people to Actually find our video on YouTube which Is exactly what we want because the more People that find our video on YouTube The more views that we get the more People click onto our affiliate link as Well which means the more affiliate Sales that we also to get to now Alternatively if I type in another YouTube video title let’s just say Something like you know seven healthy Foods very common as you can tell very Sort of generic the competition for that Is very high and the search volume is Very low so not many people are Searching for that exact term but there Are a lot of videos that are using that Exact term as well so if we use a title For our video just like this we Basically stand a very small chance of People actually finding out video Once Uploaded so once you’ve got all of your Video title suggestions on chat GPT you Want to come over to vid IQ it’s very Important I use it for every single

Video that I upload and you want to make Sure that the competition is either Medium or low and the search volume is Either medium or high ideally the search Volume should be high and the Competition should be low and that guys Is how you can earn some really good Money with this faceless YouTube video Strategy utilizing a AI bot software Chat GPT in video and vid IQ and if you Got value from this video please make Sure you smash that like button Subscribe to the channel and I’ll see You in the next online money making Video

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