Earn $10 Every 2 Mins Using ChatGPT to make money! Welcome to the Michael Cove channel. In this video, I talk about use ChatGPT to make money online even as a beginner, to help you earn from $10/day to over $5k/month. Want to find out more about this new AI? Keep watching!


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00:00 – Intro
00:59 – Number 5
02:01 – Number 4
03:21 – My Giveaway Winners
03:50 – Number 3
05:08 – Number 2
05:54 – Number 1
07:56 – Conclusion

*This video is for entertainment purposes only. None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice. The links above include affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them. This video is accurate as of the time of posting but may not be accurate in the future. I encourage you to do your own research as your results may differ from what is shown.

#chatgpt #michaelcove #makemoney

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Chat GPT has taken the World by storm It’s quickly become the most advanced AI In existence and it got me thinking can You actually use this brand new bot to Make money online well I’ll have you Know that there are many ways to use the Chat GPT AI to generate income from home And I’m gonna prove it to you right now Here’s a website that pays you over Seven thousand five hundred dollars per Month to answer questions now this is One of the questions from this platform It’s paying ten dollars to answer so I’m Just gonna copy it and paste it on chat Gbt and it instantly provides an answer That I can send back to the website and Earn money just that this is a really Powerful tool and in this video I’m Going to show you five ways to make Money using chat GPT that require no Expert skills and no Investments I’ll Also be announcing the winners of my 1 000 giveaway later on in this video so Don’t miss it in case you are one of the Winners and number five we have bot Building did you know that the chat GPT AI is capable of building other AI Bots Apocalypse much not when you can cash in On robots taking over the world just Kidding that’s definitely not gonna Happen or is it So yes chat GPT is indeed able to write Code for other artificial intelligence Systems even though it will never admit

It you Sly devil you can ask that DPT to Write code for a chat bot or a bot that Automatically replies messages on social Media or even better a bot that can Manage a Discord group and interact with Members inside server on a website like Upwork you can actually get paid eight Hundred dollars up front for this and Chad GPT will get it done in seconds and No you don’t need to know anything about Programming chat GPT will even tell you How to implement the code that it writes For you and it’s going to give you the Steps to get the whole thing up and Running if you have the idea chat GPT Will make it work and get you paid going Back to the website I showed you guys Before it’s called studypool.com This is A website that pays you thousands of Dollars to answer homework questions on A bunch of different topics you simply Have to sign up as a tutor and you will Get paid twenty dollars forty dollars or More as you answer questions posted by People on this platform this would Normally pose a huge problem because you Would need to have a lot of knowledge on These subjects to be able to answer the Questions correctly so you can make Money but not when you have a crazy Powerful tool like chat GPT for instance This is a question about religion it’s Paying about twenty dollars here I’m Just going to copy this question paste

It on chat GPT and then it’s going to Completely write an original piece of Text on the requested subject and it can Be as long as you want this to be and Here you go I just made twenty dollars I Can easily just copy this entire thing And go back to studypool.com and submit This answer and I would have made it Twenty dollars instantly without having To do any work you can actually go on Google and fact check this whole thing Is completely accurate most of the time And it is just mind-blowing how this Platform Works especially when you have Websites like this to actually put it to Good use I actually made a full tutorial On the study pool website which you can Check out by clicking the card above and Real quick here are the winners of my One thousand dollar giveaway so I ran a Giveaway last week on the channel sorry If you missed it but the winners have Already been selected and here they are This is the lucky winner of the 300 Gaming keyboard and this is the winner Of seven hundred dollars in cash Congratulations to you both I will be Contacting you privately so I can get Your prices sent out to you thank you to Everyone who participated and let’s get Back to the video next up we have Translation now one of chat gpt’s Amazing Specialties is being able to Translate text from one language to

Another with a website like guru.com you Can earn up to fifty dollars per hour For translation gigs and some gigs even Pay a lot more than that as I searched Translation on the website you can see That there are some gigs that are paying Thousands of dollars just for you to Help out riding some pieces of original Material like this one that’s paying Just under 250 dollars for a gig that Tells you to translate Persian to English really straightforward but let’s See if chat GPT is able to actually get This done I’ve copied some text in the Persian language so let’s tell it to Translate this to English and it says Don’t forget to share this video to Friend that will find the information so Far in this video helpful so imagine if You got this gig all you have to do is Just copy the entire thing that the Client will send to you complete igbt Paste it here and tell it to translate This to English and it will do that in a Couple of seconds and you will get paid The stated amount and if you thought That was crazy then this next one will Absolutely blow your mind now we already Know that Chad GPT is really good at Generating original text using Artificial intelligence but did you know That it can also summarize text that was Already written by humans let’s say you Have a 50 page document that’s way too

Long and boring to read you can simply Copy the entire text and paste it on Chat GPT and it will scan through the Entire document and summarize the whole Thing to bring out all the key pieces of Information this is such a Time Saver And of course there are people willing To pay you for helping them with this Exact problem you can also use guru.com Here as well you can see some summary Writing gigs down here paying upwards of Two thousand dollars for a single gig Alone and there are multiple drops down Here which you guys can totally check Out these are paying really well Definitely a great opportunity that you Absolutely need to take advantage of and Finally we have content creation now This is the part that will really Freaked me out about the Champions PTA I Bought it is crazy good when it comes to Content creation a little too good if You ask me with the help of natural Language processing and machine learning Algorithms chat GPT can generate high Quality content that is engaging and Surprisingly accurate we’re gonna go Back to google.com just to see how much You can get paid doing this this one Here is a novel paying up to five Thousand dollars just to help them Finish a book another one paying up to Five thousand dollars to if you are in The medical space and another gig paying

Up to five thousand dollars again for a Niche website these are paying so well And you can absolutely use chat GP four Gigs like this let’s take this gig for Example so this one is a niche website For the aviation Niche I’m gonna copy This here and go back to chat GPT and Let’s tell it to write an article on the World of Aviation boom instantly it’s Gonna give you a really long and really Engaging paragraph for the exact query That you send to it just take a look at This article you will never know that a Bot or an AI wrote this you can even ask It to adjust parts of the paragraphs to Make them longer or more engaging or Change the tone and things like that and This can be a great way to save you time And precious resources it also opens up New opportunities for you if you happen To be a content creator yourself chat GPT can actually help you come up with YouTube video ideas engaging titles and Thumbnail ideas it can give you content Ideas for your social media if you have An Instagram page and if you want to get Even more fancy you can get it to write Ad copy for a marketing campaign if you Happen to run an ad agency and if you do Not run any of these businesses yourself You can easily make money offering to Help people with their businesses on Freelance platforms like upwork or Guru.com pretty much with chat GPT if

You can think it this AI will execute it And get you paid so there you have it Just a few of the many ways you can make Money with a chat GPT whether you’re Looking to start a side hustle grow your Online business or create new income Streams for yourself chat GPT can be a Powerful tool that helps you achieve Your financial goals but if you would Rather find out how to earn ten dollars Every five minutes on autopilot then Click the video on the screen right now

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