In his recent statement, Donald Trump expresses his concern regarding the increasingly prevalent role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), deeming it as both “dangerous” and “scary”. This remark sheds light on the potential hazards associated with AI’s rapid advancements, prompting a deeper examination into the impact of this groundbreaking technology on various aspects of our lives. By delving into Trump’s perspective, we can delve into the broader debate surrounding AI and its potential implications.

Donald Trump Says AI is “Dangerous” and “Scary”


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of fascination and concern for many individuals, including former President Donald Trump. In a video created by The AI Breakdown: Artificial Intelligence News, Trump expressed his views on AI, describing it as “scary” and “dangerous.” This article will delve into Trump’s perspective on AI and how it may shape future AI policy in a potential Trump administration.

Donald Trump’s Views on AI

  1. Trump’s Concerns:

    • In the video, Trump highlights his concerns about AI, emphasizing its potential dangers. He sees the development of AI as a double-edged sword, capable of transforming society positively but also posing significant risks.
    • According to Trump, AI can be used for nefarious purposes and might even surpass human capabilities in the future. This fear of superintelligent AI leading to the displacement of human workers and potential loss of control raises significant alarm for him.
    • Trump acknowledges the difficult task of finding a solution to AI-related issues, as the rapid advancements in this technology present challenges for policymakers.
  2. Trump and AI Policy:

    • Trump’s views on AI may impact future AI policy if he were to return to the presidency. His concerns about job displacement and potential threats posed by AI could shape his approach to regulating and managing AI technologies within the United States.
    • It is worth noting that Democrats, including Joe Biden, have shown a keen interest in handling artificial intelligence. The convergence of views between Trump and certain Democrats could potentially lead to bipartisan efforts in addressing AI-related concerns.
  3. Disclosure Requirements:

    • The Department of Commerce has already taken steps regarding AI by requiring companies to disclose when they train AI models. This move aims to increase transparency surrounding AI algorithms and their potential biases or adverse effects on various sectors.
  4. AI and Labor Concerns:

    • Democrats may utilize AI as a tool to address labor concerns. As automation and AI technologies continue to advance, concerns about job losses and income inequality have risen. By implementing AI responsibly, policymakers can potentially mitigate these issues.
  5. Bipartisan Interest in AI Legislation:

    • There appears to be bipartisan interest in AI legislation, with both Republican and Democrat co-sponsors. The recognition of the importance of bridging the AI knowledge gap and ensuring responsible AI development indicates the growing consensus on the need for AI regulations.
  6. AI as a Potential Election Issue:

    • With AI becoming increasingly relevant in various industries, it has the potential to influence the 2024 Presidential election. Both major parties may incorporate their stance on AI into their campaign platforms, considering its implications for the economy, workforce, and national security.
  7. Increasing AI Lobbying:

    • The rise of AI lobbying demonstrates the growing influence and impact of this technology. Between 2022 and 2023, AI lobbying has experienced a significant 185% increase. This suggests that various stakeholders recognize the significance of AI and seek to shape policy decisions accordingly.
  8. EU’s Regulations on AI:

    • In addition to the United States, other regions have also taken steps to regulate AI. EU member countries have unanimously approved the final text of the AI Act to regulate AI applications. The bill will undergo further evaluation and a vote by EU lawmakers in February.


Donald Trump’s perspective on AI as “dangerous” and “scary” raises crucial concerns about the future of AI development and its impact on society. While his views may shape future AI policy in a Trump administration, there is also bipartisan interest in addressing AI-related issues. With the increasing relevance of AI and lobbying efforts, policymakers must strive for responsible AI development that balances innovation with the well-being of individuals and society.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Q: How do Democrats view artificial intelligence?

    • A: Democrats, including Joe Biden, have shown interest in handling artificial intelligence and have highlighted its importance in their policy agendas.
  2. Q: What disclosure requirements are in place for companies training AI models?

    • A: The Department of Commerce requires companies to disclose when they train AI models to increase transparency surrounding AI algorithms.
  3. Q: How can AI be used to address labor concerns?

    • A: Democrats may utilize AI as a tool to address labor concerns by implementing it responsibly and considering its impact on job displacement and income inequality.
  4. Q: Is there bipartisan interest in AI legislation?

    • A: Yes, there is bipartisan interest in AI legislation, with both Republican and Democrat co-sponsors recognizing the importance of responsible AI development.
  5. Q: What are the latest developments in the EU regarding AI regulation?

    • A: EU member countries have unanimously approved the final text of the AI Act, which will be voted on by EU lawmakers in February, aiming to regulate AI applications.