As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip the world, there has been a proliferation of information circulating on the internet surrounding the virus. However, in this sea of data, accurate information can be hard to come by. That’s where ChatGPT’s analysis comes in. Through the power of AI, they have uncovered and revealed crucial data that was previously wiped from the internet, shedding light on important aspects of the pandemic. In this blog post, we delve deeper into the implications of ChatGPT’s groundbreaking work and its impact on our understanding of the pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an urgent need for effective treatment options. As the scientific community works towards finding a cure, numerous studies have explored the potential of alternative therapies, including the use of UV light and bleach.

Recently, an AI-generated interview of former President Donald Trump explored his comments on the use of UV light and bleach as a possible cure for COVID-19. This article examines the differences between unscientific bleach use and promising UV light therapy in combating COVID-19. It also explores ongoing research on the use of UV light therapy and its effectiveness as a treatment for COVID-19.

Promising UV Light in Combating COVID-19

Helite Treatment and Positive Results

Helite treatment involves the use of UV light in the lungs to combat COVID-19. A clinical trial conducted in Wuhan, China, yielded positive results, with all patients recovering within a few days. Researchers continue to explore the potential of this therapy as the data indicates a promising outlook.

NYC Subway Plan

In another promising development, New York City plans to install far UVC light in subway cars to combat COVID-19. This technology, which kills viruses and bacteria, helps to create a safer environment for commuters.

Effective in Reducing Coronavirus

Recent studies have shown that UVC light therapy is particularly effective in eliminating over 98% of the virus on surfaces, including surgical masks. This is a significant breakthrough in efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Bleach Use Is Unscientific

While UV light therapy shows promise in treating COVID-19, the use of bleach is unscientific and potentially harmful. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against the dangerous use of bleach in the fight against the virus.

Comparison of Treating COVID-19 with UV Light Therapy versus Paxlovid

Paxlovid is one of the promising treatments for COVID-19, but its cost and accessibility make it difficult for many patients. In comparison, UV light therapy is more affordable and accessible. Furthermore, UV light therapy has minimal side effects and poses fewer risks to patients.

Factors Explaining Lack of Progress in UV Light Therapy

There are many factors contributing to the lack of progress in UV light therapy as a treatment for COVID-19. These factors include regulatory challenges, funding issues, and discrepancies between public opinion and scientific research.

Possibility of Conspiracy Theories Involving Big Pharma and Censorship of UV Light Technology

With the promising results from various research studies, it’s reasonable to expect that UV light therapy would receive wide-scale attention as a potential treatment for COVID-19. However, some conspiracy theories suggest that big pharma and other corporations agendas may be suppressing the application of UV light therapy as a treatment.

Vitamin D’s Effect on COVID-19 Treatment

Some studies have also shown a potential correlation between vitamin D and a reduced risk of developing COVID-19. However, the lack of financial incentives for clinical trials makes it difficult for researchers to assess the effectiveness of vitamin D as a treatment.


While there are still many uncertainties surrounding the use of UV light therapy as a treatment for COVID-19, the promising results from various research studies suggest potential progress. Bleach use, on the other hand, is unscientific and potentially harmful.


Q1. Can UV light therapy cure COVID-19?
A1. While UV light therapy shows promise in treating COVID-19, it is still undergoing research and is not yet a confirmed cure.

Q2. What are the benefits of UV light therapy compared to Paxlovid?
A2. UV light therapy is more affordable and accessible than Paxlovid, with fewer side effects and risks associated.

Q3. Is vitamin D effective in curing COVID-19?
A3. While some studies suggest that vitamin D may reduce the risk of COVID-19, there is a lack of financial incentives for clinical trials, making it challenging to assess its effectiveness.

Q4. What challenges hinder progress in UV light therapy as a treatment for COVID-19?
A4. Factors include regulatory challenges, funding issues, and discrepancies between public opinion and scientific research.

Q5. Can conspiracy theories explain the suppression of UV light therapy as a COVID-19 treatment?
A5. While there is no concrete evidence, conspiracy theories suggest that big pharma and other corporations may be suppressing the application of UV light therapy as a treatment.