In this video, I’ll show you how to use chatgpt to make money so that if you’ve been searching for a very clear and step by step method that you can use to really make money with chatgpt then this is the chatgpt tutorial that you would need to watch because I know exactly how to make money with chatgpt and I will show you everything you’ll need to know on how to use chatgpt to make money so that you can go out there and make money online for yourself with chat gpt and yes now sit back, relax and enjoy!

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#ChatGPT #MakeMoneyWithChatGPT #DanielsHustle

DISCLAIMER: All the videos on this channel are for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary. The fact that I have made money from these websites does not mean that you too can make the same amount of money. You might make more or less, it all depends on experience, determination, and a lot of other things. It is very important for you to know that everything you do and get from this is at your own risk and depends on how much work you are willing to put in. Some of the links in videos on this channel are affiliate links, meaning that some of the purchasing made through the links will give us a commission, without any additional cost occurring to you.

This is type of results you can get Using chat GPT and I’m going to be Showing you guys how to get it done here So you can see here 49 payments Approximately 50 another 50 payments Right here another 500 here 500 here 150 150 here so you can see literally what It looks like all you have to do to Target any type of money for yourself Using charging PC if you simply going to The open AI website go on to here where It says try to change it PC click on There and when you click on there what You simply do you simply enter the Secret prompt right here and actually Click on here what type is going to do Is it’s going to speed up something of Value for yours like you can see doing Right here and when it gives us this Thing that you’re seeing right here what It’s doing right here is what we’re Going to go out there and start making This type of money for yourself so I’m Gonna explain the whole process to you Guys in this video and yes the whole Process is going to come in six steps so All you have to do is just follow six Steps and I’m gonna break everything Down to you so without wasting much time Let’s get right into the first step so Step one of the whole process is the Part where you’re going to open So when you’re going to open it’s Going to look like what you’re seeing on

The screen here so what you’re going to Have to do when you’re here is to Simply Scroll down to the bottom what you do is You go ahead and click on where it says Charges PC because that is what we want To use so when you click on there it’s Going to bring you into this place right Here so you can see the button where it Says try chat GPC so when you go ahead And click on where it says try charge GPC it’s going to bring you here where It’s going to say welcome to child Support login with your opening eye Account so what you do is you either Click on login or sign up so if you Already have an account you click on Login if you don’t have an account click On sign up so those of you guys who are New I’m gonna assume that most of you Guys here are going to Total newbies so What you do is you go ahead and put in Your email right here when you put in Your email you click on continue I want To click on where it says continue I’m Actually ask you for human verification So I’m going to click on that when I Click on there it’s going to say verify Your email so what you can do is you’re Going to click on here where it says Open Gmail to go to Gmail so I want to Go into my own email now and you can see Here that is an email from open AI Singing verify your email address so What you do is you go ahead and click on

Where it says verify email address when You click on where it says verify email Address it’s going to bring you here It’s going to ask you for your first Name so I’m going to put in my first Name here you’ll put in your own first Name so he is going to ask you for your Phone number but I’m not gonna put in my Own phone number here because I already Have an account I already have my phone Number put in here so I’m gonna have to Stop here but that is basically how you Create your account right there and that Is step one so step one of this six step Process is the part where you get to Create your account on the open AI Platform and get access to the gpt2 so By the time you’re done you should be Able to log into your account so what I’m going to do right now is I’m gonna Go I’m gonna log into my account and Then we’re gonna move on to the next Step of this whole process which is step Two so now in step two what you’re going To be doing here your main goal is step Two is to actually understand how tag GPT works and why I want you guys to Understand before I start showing you Guys the exact prompts that I used and The exact method that I actually used to Make money from this I want you guys to Understand so that when I’m done showing You guys all those things you can Actually add your own thoughts your own

Strategies your own methods because I Believe that if you understand how Charging PT Works you’re going to be Able to manipulate it in your own way Even better than a day to actually get To make money for yourself so I’m going To take a short while here in step two And I’m going to explain and demonstrate To you guys how chat GPT works so now Those of you guys who have not fully Understood will actually learn this too So type this beauty is actually response Tool so what I mean by a response tool Is I can actually help you create ideas It can actually help you get stuff done And it has some limitations because it’s A robot so here is showing you the Example of things you can actually use It for so here it says that for example You can ask such a picture to explain Something like Quantum Computing in Simple terms for you you can tell it to Give you ideas on a 10 year old’s Birthday something like that I want you To formulate the question in your head And actually know how to actually Formulate this question so I’m going to Go ahead and do mine here so in my own Terms I’m gonna say how exactly did Elon Musk make his first billion dollars Right so something like this would work So I’m just going to go ahead and click On search right here so when you search For that right there you can actually

See what it’s going to do it’s going to Go ahead and get information on this Right here so you can see it says Elon Musk made his first billion dollars Primarily from the sale of PayPal don’t Like payment system that he co-founded In 1999 so you guys can actually see What statistics can actually do for you Right there so basically that is what it Is you give it prompts prompts is what You put in here when you tell it those Things it with the information you’ve Given it it actually goes out there and Gets information for you and it can Actually help you to stop so that is how It works and now like I said earlier the Goal here in step two is for you to Understand how chat GPT works because For you to understand how to make money From it you’re going to have to Understand how it works and what it is So this is it right here if you remember Step one was the part where you created Your account step two now is the path Where you’ve actually understood what it Is how it works and how to actually put In question stories right here now that You understood that we’re going to go Ahead and move on to the next step which Is step three so now step three of the Whole process is the path where we’re Going to go ahead and master how to use The exact prompt that I actually used to Get these results right here so I’m

Going to show you guys the exact prompt I’m going to show you guys two real life Examples so that when you see these Examples you’re going to from there know Exactly how to use this particular Problems that I’m going to give you guys For chat GPT in this video so what we’re Going to do is we’re going to go ahead And start a new chat so how we’re going To do that is we’re going to go ahead And use the prompts right here so this Is the prompts right here so the prompt Says write me a x word note that Basically explains X in the simplest Form possible now I’m going to show you Guys how to use this particular prompt With charging pictures to make money for Yourself so you can see it says write me A x word notes that basically explains X In the simplest form possible so X can Be anything right here should explain x In x words right here so basically let’s Go ahead and copy this prompt and Actually paste it inside rgbt so I’m Going to go into Church’s pizza right Now I’m going to paste that prompts Right there so when I paste the prompts You can see what it looks like it says Write me a x word notes that basically Explains X in the simplest forms Possible so why this thing is a prompt That can actually make you a lot of Money with charged PCS because when you Actually look here where it says right

Near X1 you can actually turn this x Into number so the first X right here is For numbers so you’re going to attach a Number right here for example you can Say a 5 000 word notes that basically Explains let’s say agriculture let’s use That as an example agriculture in the Simplest form possible right so this is The prompts right so you can see how we Replace x with 5000 and we replace the Other x with a topic right so what you Do is you go ahead and click on here Where it says send for charging to Spread out something for us and charges Which is going to speed up something for Us right here so you can see the first Example right here so I told you to Write me a 5 000 word notes that’s Basically going to explain agriculture In the simplest form possible so this is Going to literally write 5000 words for Me right here without me doing anything But what I’m going to do is I’m going to Click on stop generating because I don’t Want you to do this 5000 articles Because this is a tutorial this is me Showing you how to actually use the Particular prompts that we’re going to Be using to make money here which is This prompts that I just showed you guys Right here that says write me an export Notes that basically explains the X and The simplest form possible so copy this Thing take note find somewhere write it

Down this is the prompt you’re going to Be using to make money with the method I’m going to show you guys in this video Another Upstate dance that’s right there Is the prompt so like I said just now Write it down somewhere save it Somewhere you can take a screenshot or You can save this video even so you can Actually come back to this video and Copy this prompt anytime at all you need To try here so it’s always going to be Here and yes now that I know that you Guys know what this prompt is and now That I know that you guys have actually Copied and written this particular Prompt down somewhere what we’re going To do is we’re going to go ahead and Move on to step four so we’ve gone Through step one which was where we Created our account of charging PT we’re Going to step two which was where you Guys understood how rgbt works and what It is and now as well we’ll finish step Three of the process where I’ve actually Looked you guys through what the Particular problem that I used is and I Told you guys to write it down so write It down somewhere we’re gonna use it Later on in the video and now that I’ve Given you guys this prom like I say just Now we’re going to go ahead and move on To the next step which is step four and Step four is the part where we’re going To be finding a third-party website that

Is going to be paying us our own 49 I’m Going to show you guys how to find the Size right here so what I do is I go Over to a site called offer vote so go Into your browser and type in offer Votes so when you go to You can see it’s right here off of I’m going to zoom in so you See the domain wealth of when You go to the this website right now Simply come here right now and when you Come here what you’re going to do is You’re going to go ahead and look Through what they have here so when You’re looking through here you’re going To see a couple of things that’s going To have a lot of price tags on them so You can see this one here it’s gonna pay Us right around that 50 right here this One’s gonna pay us about eighty dollars This one’s gonna pay us about 30 what I Do is I just pick one so let me say for Example that I actually want to go for This one and say that I want these guys Right here to pay me this fifty dollars Right here using the thing that we’re Going to be getting from charging PC What I’m gonna be doing is I’m going to Be going to this part right here I’m Going to be clicking on it when I click On it I’m going to see all the details You can see what it says right here you Can actually look at here to see what it Looks like but basically when you come

Here and you don’t like what you see Because like you can see here if I click On here you can see that it’s a page That speaks German so you want to find Something that’s English because Obviously I speak English but I would be Is I would scroll down here now that I’ve scrolled down here you can see that There’s one here that’s going to pay us Exactly 49 so what we’re gonna do is We’re gonna go ahead and click on that So I’m gonna click on that you can Actually click on here as well when you Click on here you can see each one’s Just speaking German as well so what do We can basically go ahead and look Around and find something that’s gonna Like pay you 49 that has the price at About 49 and above on this particular Offer volts website and when you Actually find something like that me Right now I’m gonna go with this one why Is because this is a tutorial I don’t Want the video to get very long so I’m Just gonna go with this one so basically When you find something like this it’s Gonna pay you anywhere from foot nine Dollars and above what you do is you go Ahead and click on here where it says Run offer when you click on where it Says run office do not take you to the Website where you’re gonna get paid so This is a third party website right now So we basically used to

Find this third party website which is Going to pay us the money that we’re Going to be using taxi PT right here to Get for ourselves so when we’ve actually Found this third party website right Here what you do is you go ahead and Sign up so I’m going to sign up when I Put in a password right there I’m gonna Come here repeat the password right so It’s going to be different for different Um sites the printed patches I see I’m Going to put in my Skype I’ll click on Agree click on create account so when I Click on create account this lady sends Me something to my email so I’m gonna go Into my email here I’m going to look at What they’ve sent and he gives that is An email from affiliate to security so I’m going to open up the email and click On where it says verify so when I click On verify right there I can now log into My account and I’m going to click on Sign in I want to click on sign in it’s Going to sign me into my account so when You get into most of this third party Website it’s going to pay you the money You can see this is one of them here That’s paying me money you can see Eighty dollars eighty dollars eight Dollars eight dollars right here one six Dollars right here you can say they’re Always going to have a unique link so There’s always going to be a link and You’re gonna have to copy so when you

Get into your own network whatever Network you choose from offer Vault be It afternoon or this one that I’m on What you do is you copy your link and When you copy your link that is the end Of step four so basically you find a Product on offer votes right here that’s Going to pay you right around 49 and Above whatever one you find that’s your Decision to make or basically when you Find out that’s what you basically do is Step four you go ahead and find an offer On a third party website that’s going to Pay you for nine dollars and above and You copy the link so once you’ve done That just like I did right now all we’re Gonna do is we’re gonna go ahead and Move on to step five so step five is a Password you’re gonna go into your own Third-party website and you’re going to Actually go ahead and build something Called a bridge space so something very Simple I’m going to show you guys how It’s getting done so that’s a bridge Page it’s going to link people to the Link that you’ve actually copied from This third-party website right here so I Myself now for example I’m going to use This one here so this is my own unique Link so I’m going to copy my own link From this third party website and what I’m going to do is I’m gonna just copy The link when I copy the link I’m going To go ahead and look at what is on the

Link so I’m going to open up another Tower I’m going to paste the link I’m Gonna visit the link so when I get to The link you can see where it says it’s Brownish cheesecake apple pie and then Lose weight right there so basically It’s saying this is a video that’s gonna Explain to people how they can still eat Brownies cheesecake apple pie and then Lose weight so when you’re done watching This video they’re going to be giving an Offer to buy a supplement that’s going To help them lose the weight this video Is meant to sell the supplement to them So when are the video itself Supplemented them and they finally buy That is when you get your 49 or your 80 Or whatever you can see for me in this Case they are paying me 80 dollars right Here and if you click on play on this Video right now You can see what it looks like I can’t Play that for copyright because it’s About is literally what the video looks Like so people who want to lose weight Are going to come here your own products Can be anything it can be anything at All as long as it’s going to pay you at Both 49 I’m going to show you how you Can actually put in literally less than 60 seconds and actually get the money Rolling in for yourself from wherever You are on the wall so now that you know What your page is about for me in this

Video the example I’m using is this Weight loss product so let me say that This is what I want to promote this is What is going to pay me in my own case 80 what I’m gonna do right now is I’m Gonna go ahead and build something Called a bridge break so this is what I Was talking about when I was telling you Guys that I’m going to show you guys how To do it so for this one I use something Called vocal dos media so I’m gonna link Vocado video down below in the Description so it’s the main sites that We’re going to be using in step five so Step five this is what we’re going to Use so when you’re going to vocado Media Create an account it’s very simple you Good thing about vocado media is that You can actually make money on here as Well so when you go ahead and click on Where it says create story what you can Do is to write a title and um create a Page that is basically going to make People want to go and watch this video Here that is your goal step five so an Article page so what you can do is you Can watch this video for example if this Guy here if the guy in this video says For example then in this video I’m going To show you how to lose or how I lost For seven pounds what you can do is you Go ahead and go into full comedy here You can attach to this page how I lost Uh 47 pounds while it’s in cheesecake

Right here so you can see that right There it’s in cheesecake butter and Bread Right something like this right here Full video breakdown what you do is you Go ahead and create a page like this and Then here you can write something like Read the to go See my video Right there so basically what you’re Doing is you’re trying to send people to That link right there so basically here You can actually add an image preferably It should be like an arrow that is going To point people down to Parts where They’re gonna actually see your stocks Right there so basically I’m just gonna Put a random image here and show you Guys an example so I’m going to put in This uh videos thumbnail so you can see Typed in right here but this image can Be anything right here but basically I’m Gonna come down here I’m gonna go here And be like click here To go and watch the full video Right there so that’s how you do it Right there so here you can highlight This click here and this is where you Put your link because you want people to Click there so you can click on this LinkedIn right here put in your own link So I’ve put in my link I copied from my Own thought Party website that’s gonna Pay me my money and when I’ve done it

I’m gonna just click on B right here to Make it bold and then I’m going to click On head right here to make everything Very very large and I can go and design An image that’s going to have a text Here that’s going to point down to this Point so that I can get people to click Here and don’t worry I’m going to show You guys an example of this thing the One that I did myself so you can see an Example of one of the pages that I wrote Right here so you can see here it says How I lost 67 pounds in 60 days see Before and after pictures video Breakdown so people are going to come Here with the aim of scene how I lost Weight and then they’re going to come Down here and they’re going to see this Image this image right now is an image Like the one I showed you guys in the Vocal media actually edited this thing Myself I wrote these things in the image So that it’s gonna like talk to them Instead of being a big picture on the Screen so here right now you can see When they come here they see how I lost It seven pounds they’re gonna see and Harold saying click one of the links Down below to go and watch my full video And when they come here they actually Click on here and they actually go to my Full video which is my own link so There’s a product that I’m promoting Right here another video right here so

When people watch this video right here And they buy the supplements actually Make money this one actually makes about 120 per sale right here so that’s Basically how to build a landing page Right it’s a useful comedy app so just Around step five up what you do is You’re going to vocal dot media create An account click on where it says create To rewrite a page like this something Like this preferably that’s gonna link People and get them to click on your Link that’s the link that’s going to be Paying you money on the third party Website and when you actually goes into This point what you’re gonna do is to go Ahead and copy the link your vocal media Link that is the link where you’re going To be sending all the people that are Going to be sending here because we’re Going to go ahead and send pounds of People using chat GPT right now I’m Going to show you guys how to do it and Step six which is the final step of this Whole process and yes when you build This type of page I’ll put a link to Your page like I said this is the link Where we’re going to be using Chinese PC And another site and I’m going to show You guys to send traffic to so people Are to come here they’re going to come Down here they’re going to click on this Link they’re going to watch that video They’re going to buy and when they buy

We’re going to be making money for me in My case in the example I’m using this Video I’m actually going to be making About 120 per sale right here and I’m Gonna be explaining to you guys how We’re going to be getting these sales Automatically without having to do the Work charging PT is going to do the work For us so that is tip five right there And now that you guys know what you’re Supposed to know in step five we’re Going to go ahead and move on to the Next step which is Step six okay so now Step six of the whole process which is The last step is where we’re gonna go on To a site called Fiverr so I’m Gonna Leave a link to Fiverr Down Below in the Description if you use that link it’s Gonna save you some money so that’s my Link it’s gonna be one of the links You’re gonna see down below in the Description so when you come into Fiverr Create your account you log into your Account it’s gonna look like what you’re Gonna see on the screen right here so When you’re here you’re going to the Search bar what I want you to search for Is the keyword AI box right here so when You search for AI Bots what’s gonna Happen is that Fiverr is going to show You Freelancers out there on the Internet we’re gonna create Bots that’s Going to do a lot of different things For you so you can see people here who

Are even doing chat 18 Bots themselves Just once in our building Ai rgpt and Daily bot for you this one says I’ll do A team.i Bots for you this one says I Will develop your AI board using charge GPC and open AI uh this one since I will Create a custom Discord board so Basically what you do is you find one of The cheap people here if you are a loan Budget if you have a little money you Can click on here where it says budget Then go to here where it says Max and Put in five dollars when you click on Apply what’s gonna happen is that you’re Going to see people who are going to be Willing to create code for you for Literally five dollars so you can see All these guys right here you can talk To them explain them what you want to Don’t worry I’m going to show you guys The sites that are going to be Automating this whole thing on and how We’re going to be using it alongside the Prompts that we’re going to get on Charging PC to actually make money for Ourselves right here so basically let me Say for example that I want to actually From this guy go ahead and click on his Service that’s this five dollar guy I Click on his service what I’m going to Do is I’m going to come down here I’m Going to click on where it says contact Seller and uh when I click on versus ask Questions it’s gonna pull up the guys

Chat box for me by the left hand side Right here and this is the chat box Right here when you put on the chat box You can see I’ve already messaged him I Told him hey bro I want you to help me Build a bot that can automatically find Your questions about the particular Topic in automatically or help me upload Answers to those questions with chat GPT Besides I want to automate this on is would this be possible and how Long and how much so that’s what I Literally asked the guy right there and For the side that we’re going to be also Mentioning this thing on yes the site is Actually quora so when you go into the Website you’re going to see What it is right here quora is a Question and answer website so let me Show you guys how quarter works here so Let me say for example that this person Right here is a person that is actually Interested in fishing let me say he Likes fishing and he wants to go and Fish he goes to the mall he wants to buy A fishing hook but he doesn’t know what He wants to so he’s confused he has a Question what is the best fishing hook For me so he’s gonna go into quora right That is what foreign Right here what he’s gonna do is he’s Gonna ask a question he’s gonna say hey Guys which of you guys here knows what The best fishing hook is and why right

So when you actually go there and ask That question of horror what’s gonna Happen is that people other people out There are people like you and me who are Looking to make money will actually go Ahead and then we answer these people Right here and what’s gonna happen is That these people right here are gonna Increase because when more people come To Quran to come and ask the same Questions or is going to show them they Already asked questions right there so That way all of them are going to Basically be listening to your advice Automatically because you are the one That’s going to be answering your Questions on quora right here and if you Guys remember correctly this right here Is the link to the product that I’m Gonna promote right here so you can see When people come here and they buy these Things I’m going to be getting paid About 80 on this one right here so That’s right there is what quora is and How we’re going to be using for right Here alongside Taj GPC right here is That we’re going to be using that Prompts that I gave you guys this Particular prompts right here I’m going To be using this to actually answer Questions here on quora and we’re going To be sending people to a page now let Me show you guys what I mean so let me Say for example that I want to promote

This my page this is the example I’m Using this video this weight loss page Let me say I want to send people here And let me say that I’ve actually built This my page this landing page right Here saying how I lost 67 pounds when People click on that they go to my Affiliate link so basically what I do is I come here I copy the link to this my Page right now so I can click on copy I Want to copy the link to that page the Link to that page is what I’m supposed To be promoting right there so what I’m Going to do is I’m going to go into the Quora search bar since I’m trying to Target people who are trying to lose Weight that’s people who are going to be Interested in this thing that I’m trying To promote and make money from with Charge GBC right here since I’m not Gonna be interested in weight loss I’m Going to come here on the cross section Brand I’m going to type in weight loss Right here and this is what the boss is Going to be doing for you the Bots is Going to automate the process of coming Here finding questions and going on to Taxi PC finding the answers with the Prompt that I Prompt that I gave you guys I’m going to Show you guys how it works and then with Those prompts it’s then going to be able To get the right answer from charging PT Come here and actually put the answer

Automatically and that is how you Literally can put in those 60 seconds or Even less than 60 seconds because all You have to do is to put in the prompts Go to software from Fiverr and Status Software and when you do that what’s Going to happen is that those people who Are coming to foreign Votes but basically let me go ahead and Demonstrate this whole process to you Guys so let me say that right now uh I’ve actually come here and I’ve typed In weight loss and I’ve seen people are Asking what is the most effective weight Loss program what I’m going to do is I’m Going to click on the answers right There I’m going to see who is number one Because it’s number one guy that Everyone is going to see so you can see That this number one guy like I told you Guys gotten over 658 000 views guys 658 000 views imagine if you were the One that was getting this with all these Links right here don’t worry I’m going To show you guys so let me say you’ve Seen this guy’s answer right now all Right so what you’re going to do is You’re going to go ahead and like copy What he has here and check the word Count so I use a tool for that one I’m Going to show you guys the two that I Use so I copy this I go into a tool Called what I want to go Into what is a word content

Tool I’m going to paste the article here You can see he wrote 1500 watts so all Those will basically go ahead and get Our prompt and put it inside of um Charge GPT right here so if you remember I gave you guys The Prompt right here The prompt says write me an export note That basically explains X in the Simplest form possible so we’re gonna go Into charge a PC that is a promise we’re Going to put in here so we’re going to Go ahead and put in write me an X word Node that basically explains X in the Simplest form so why I told you guys to Check this guy’s word counts the guy Who’s number one right here so that’s The number you’re gonna use so looking At this guys article like I showed you Guys earlier he wrote over 1 500 watts So what we’re gonna do is we’re going to Go ahead and Um change the first X here to 2000 words Basically explains so you look at the a Question you’re trying to answer so the Question says what is the most effective Weight loss method or program so what We’re going to do right here is we’re Going to go here we’re going to change This other x to the most Uh effective Weights laws method Right here so instead of saying that I Just put in six most effective weight Loss methods

In the simplest form possible so you can See how that prompt literally fits into Everything so you can see we changed the First X to Um the what counts we want right here It’s a bit competitional horror and then I’m here we’re putting the Um the topic for wanting to answer right Here in the second X and then we’ll Click on here to see what type GPT is Going to give us right here so you can Basically see what charge GPS is doing For us right here so it says losing Weight can be challenging and blah blah Blah blah blah you can see what it’s Doing right here so basically when it’s Done doing this it’s gonna automatically Give us an article and answer to this Question that’s longer than these guys And so we’re going to post that here We’re going to put up our pictures and I’m going to show you guys how we’re Going to be turning this this 685 000 People here I’m going to be showing you Guys how we’re going to be using charged PC and this website here to turn them Into money for yourself so I’m just Going to go ahead and click on stop Generating I don’t have the time to wait For it to finish so I’m just going to Copy what it has here so to read what it Has done here you can see it says losing Weights can be a challenging and Confusing process easily especially with

So much conflicts and information out There however there are a few weight Loss methods that have been shown to be Effective over time time and time again It says here are the six of the most Effective weight loss methods explain The simplest form possible so you can See people are going to read here on Quora and they’re going to be happy with Your answers so basically what you do is You go ahead and um copy this thing Right here so I’m just gonna stop here Because I don’t want to like do too much But basically when you’re copying your Own make sure you copy everything and When you copy this you’re going to quora Right here and now you go ahead and Click on here where it says answer now Remember your own should be longer than This obviously I told you guys doing This because it’s a tutorial I’m trying To rush so that the video doesn’t get Too long right here so basically you can See how I actually put that in right Here you can see what channel pretty has Done for us and at this point right now What we’re gonna do at this point is to Go ahead and add our link right here What I like to do is I like to add the Link to this page right here without Actually adding the link now let me show You guys what I mean so if I copy the Link to this page right now say copy When I copy the link right here and I go

To here my answer where you can see here Where it says losing weight can be Challenging and confusing process Especially with so much conflicting Information out there however there are A few weight loss methods that can be Explained in the same place from Possible right here then here you can go Ahead and come in and be like and I will Explain all of them below but before That’s what I have Written here is all about hito but if Your Overweight And your Looking to lose weight faster with the Least Amounts of efforts Then Just Copy This link Right here so you put in a space right Here so when you paste your Link Card There you can see what it looks like Copy this link that’s below and watch The video on how you can eat bread Cake and cheese and still drop a lot of Pounds on the other hand if you’d like To go the Quito Way just read on right there so you can Just copy something like this right here And you can put it in all your articles Or you can put it in the beginning of

Your article so you can copy like from Here where it says Bots right so you can See where I started the box so you can Copy this thing save it somewhere you Can put it in all your articles you can Put in your links right here so when you Post on Amazon quora on your account Gets deleted or your answer gets deleted What you can do to actually combust that Is to actually go uh to here instead of Posting the full link what you do is you Paste the link like this and you give a Space so when you now copy everything Like this and go back into quora and Actually put in the link here where you Say copy this link you’re gonna see that It’s going to paste right here so when You put a link right there and create a Space what’s going to happen is that It’s not going to show us a link it’s Going to show us the text that people Can actually copy put on your browser And actually leave it in directly that Way it’s not going to be a link it’s Going to be worked and quora is not Going to know so that is literally how You do it right there so basically you Can do this thing manually and you can Start making money if you have zero Money until but if you have money it’s Time you can go ahead and pay someone on Fiverr to create a bot that’s going to Do this process for you that’s the Process of going on to quora finding

Questions understanding what this Question is about going on to charges It’s using LGBT to answer the questions And then going on to where I’m actually Posting the questions for you that way It’s going to be driving a lot of Traffic to your page right here and this Page is going to be driving a lot of Traffic to your link right here and when We will go to this link like I explained To you guys when I was telling you guys How to create a landing page when it Goes to that link they’re gonna land on Here where he says eat brownies Cheesecake apple pie lose weight they’re Gonna watch this video they’re gonna buy These things right here and we’re going To get to make our money so that is Literally how the whole system works That’s literally how we use chat GPT to Create things like this right here and Actually make money for ourselves right Here so ladies and gentlemen that’s Right there is literally how you can put In less than 60 seconds of work On charging PC using this prompts that I Gave you guys here you can actually spit Out answers very detailed long form Answers that you can actually post here On these platforms and drive traffic to Whatever you want like I showed you guys In this case a 49 product and actually Get to make for nine dollars for Yourself over and over and over again

Because people are going to be coming on For people are going to be asking Questions they’re going to be seeing the Answers that you’ve done with chat GPC Right here and they’re going to be Clicking and they’re going to be buying And you’re going to be making money so You can see how I literally sold this Link right so people are gonna naturally Wanna click on here if they are Overweight right here so that is Literally how the money is made right There and if you enjoyed the video so Far my name is Daniel ume I’m an Internet marketer I make most of my Money on the internet and I teach that To people right here so if you’re all About making money online and you want To get notified whenever I drop videos Like this go ahead and hit the red Subscribe button down below turn on Notifications I’m going to see you guys Around stay safe out there I love every Single one of you who watch to the end If you have any questions ask me down Below I’ll see you around stay safe and Peace out

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