Chat GPT Millionaire mindset! 20 Ways to Make Money for Free NOW! Openai AI and the Future!

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Hey guys I’m excited to bring you Another video from the mindset of a Millionaire on AI and chat GPT the 20 Different opportunities available for Free to make money and things you could Do right now so I hope you guys lean Into this stuff because I don’t believe You’re gonna regret it even with the Latest massive amount of drama Surrounding chat GPT and Bing which Makes me think it could get canceled With this tool you can do more you can Be more like infinitely a hundred times More capable than you are today it’s Massive unbelievable this is not one Where you make stories or excuses or Reasons or justification to put it off But I gotta ask you are we friends are We friends or friends right I’m asking You please don’t ignore this one I was Trying to do a throwback from Jerry Maguire please don’t ignore this one are You ready to hear about the AI and the Chat GPT and how it’s transforming Business right now from legal documents To school listings to copywriting to Customer service to automated text Response AI is app absolutely now Changing how we work and how we learn Chatgpt has passed the bar exam the Medical exam and these exams require Essays they’re not multiple choice Questions think about that for a minute It created essays that were graded and

Approved as passing the bar exam my Prediction is right now in 2023 2024 We’re going to look back at this and Think it was a joke we’re gonna go wow We thought that was cool what’s coming Down the pipeline Google and Microsoft Say it is unbelievable what they have ai Will make millionaires billionaires it’s Gonna devastate and Destroy Industries And eviscerate some jobs and create new Opportunities I want you to be on the Create new opportunity site we’re going To break down 20 opportunities that you Can walk away today with and know that You can go do using AI for free eight Things that made me a millionaire well Seven things made me a millionaire the Eighth would have made me a billionaire If I would have thought about it earlier And the three jobs that are just going To be eliminated so you can see how they This stuff is happening and lastly I’ll Cover the drama about chat gbt it’s Political personal and racial so bad They canceled 90 of it in a way before Bing was doing 50 responses that you Could ask it questions they cut it back To five yep they dove into political Stuff personal wild stuff which I’m Gonna get into later my name is Andrew Cartwright I’ve been in business 40 Years 32 companies 17 different Industries some companies I’d start two Or three in a year I have tens of

Thousands of deals under my belt Multi-millionaire four times broken Homeless in between that I’m here to Help you guys any way I can by keeping You informed on what’s going on and so There’s a steady stream of information Right now you can get up to 12 different Types of loan business loans in the Description 80 different lenders to help You get access to money if you need it For your small business make sure you do That and I’m also buying successful Companies with you guys my audience you Own 81 I own 19 we’re buying companies Together up to five million dollars a Piece what you want to do is fill out The application down below it’s called Epic 99 it’s part of why I didn’t become A billionaire hopefully we’ll do that Together I’m not going to tell you the Specifics about AI instead I’m going to Share with you exactly what to do to Make money with the tool now a little Backstory when I was 14 years old I Bought a Mac I had a Mac plus and I Learned how to use it well as I Mentioned before to you guys at 12 years Old my dad cut me off financially and I Started selling products to stores like Payless Macy’s Longs drugstores all over The place I would sell merchandise Products and in my travels I ran across Times Herald Times Herald was a Newspaper in Vallejo California that did

Newspapers right it was a newspaper this Was 1984. yes I was born in the 1900s I Owned a apple plus and learned Everything I could about that about Desktop publishing well the news Business was changing what they were Doing at the newspaper was cutting and Pasting they would cut out logos and cut Out text boxes that they would hand type And they would paste them all on a piece Of paper with using rubber cement to Glue it on there and this took a lot of Time to illustrate by hand all these Papers and the Times Herald they hired Me at 14 years old to be a consultant to Teach them how to use and illustrate With the Mac later on it became one of The biggest industries called desktop Publishing but it speeded up what they Were doing by a magnitude of a hundred Now today it’s commonplace with canva Adobe all the different stuff we just Got this stuff just handled the main Point is AI will make the work of one Person like illustrating and cutting Those to being able to do a hundred Pages in the same amount of time that’s Equivalent to a hundred times your time Some things you’ll be able to do two Three hundred even a thousand more Another example of this is the tractor Before we used to plow the fields and Pick well now we got machines even Drones that are doing it it’s more

Efficient and now we don’t need 100 People to do it we need one so AI is Definitely going to form the work it’s Already here get ready for it it’s here Just take and look at it imagine a world Where you can just type a report easily With AI just ask it to do it and writes A report imagine doing a PowerPoint Presentation where it just generates the Images and all the text surrounding it So you can have an amazing one and if You don’t like it you just press the Button and it changes it and this is Happening in a lot of less regulated Industries such as writing coding Arts Other people are already experiencing The impact of this right now more Regulated Industries like law and also Even though it may be better than your Attorney it still doesn’t have a law License maybe it can suggest to your Attorney what to say maybe you’ll be in The courtroom sitting next to your Attorney and typing in chat GPT and Saying hey bud remember this case over Here oh that’s gonna get annoying for You attorneys doctors have been dealing This with Google for a long time well According to a 2017 study all of us will Have our jobs taken in 118 years Everything that humans do will be taken Over by robots by AI probably the last Jobs will be plumbers and contractors That they’ll take those jobs but we’re

Already experiencing the impact which is Why open Ai and even on this channel I Talk about Universal basic income being Discussed because we need to prepare for The impact of massive job losses or Disruptions in the marketplace however It’s important to understand that humans They need a purpose Ubi is could create Some purposeless people that would be Looking for something to do and give you An example of three different jobs that Were taken right out of the gate maybe People haven’t noticed it yet but it’s Here content writers Chachi petite and The AI language model for common Copywriting such as articles that are General you know generated easily Descriptions for products and social Media posts instantly than taking Advantage of this so the possibilities For those people being replaced in human Content writers is there although Specialized people that have a special Voice May not the other is translators AI models right now there’s 50 different Languages they have they can instantly Translate it and it’s perfect what do You do if you need did a translator and I’ve seen movies where somebody would Say something really bad and then they The translator would say something nice Well now you’re gonna hear the truth and The third one that’s being disrupted Right now is customer service

Representative they have chat Bots right Now that are probably talking with you In a lot of industries that are becoming More and more sophisticated every day And eventually will completely replace Customer service Representatives which If you’ve ever been a customer service Representative you may not think that’s A bad idea if you want to do something Else those jobs are be impacted by AI New job roles and new things are going To pop up which is what I want to talk About in this video because there are 20 Opportunities that are open and ready For you to do it’s critical that you Develop your skills and stay current and Adapt to the changes of the job market First off I want to cover AI Specialists That is what you are just like I was for The Times Herald a specialist that teach Them you’ll be teaching companies how to Do these different opportunities as a AI Specialist there are several jobs that You can help companies with chat GPT and Ollie now chat GPT generates text from Your questions Dolly produces images Based on your request so we’re going to Cover 20 of those in this example of how You can use it number one is that you Declare yourself a AI specialist and go Help people integrate it into their Business number two develop custom Language models using Chachi BT for more Specific business needs so you take the

Existing language model which you get Their sandbox and you take theirs and You customize it to help them with their Business needs now it’s already been Created you don’t have to invent chat GPT it’s already invented you just have To help the business bring those Together the third develop custom images From dally to generate image specific to That business case scenario and you’re The glue right now because they’re not Using it to help them be able to do it They’ll charge the fee to go ahead and Figure out how they can use dally in Their business number four is to design And develop conversational agent chat Bots that will help customers service Support and sales for the business now Each business is different chat GPT Already invented they have specialized Information their brochures their emails Their support chats all that information You’re going to take that and you’re Going to customize a chat just for them A chat bot and the great thing is the Chat bot will make itself you just have To put the glue you have to put those Pieces together just have to cut and Paste also you can build a Recommendation system using chat GPT and Dally to personalize product Recommendations for customers so that if They bought something else they should Buy this because you’ll like it number

Six Implement natural language Processing techniques to extract Insights from unstructured data using Chat GPT what does this mean natural Language processing is just where you Talk into it naturally you just ask it a Question then it can provide insights From that based on the unstructured data That’s everything in their database so If a company has a database they have All that but it’s not structured scan The whole database and you use chat GPT To give them the responses that make Sense so simple you’re taking what they Already have you’re adding chat gbt and You’re bringing those two together the Seventh one develop text summary Algorithms this is where you’re going to Be able to take their documents their Long-form documents like a book and take That book and summarize it and write a Code a prompt so that they can summarize Their documents this is another helpful Tool number eight build automated Content creation systems using dally and Also chat GPT to create an image and the Text that would go with that so that They can automate that and do that Number nine train language models to Recognize and respond to specific use Intent like what people want for Somebody’s purchasing Behavior or for Chat GPT itself using chat gbt to figure Out the behavior so that over time it’s

Gonna figure out what works that you can Provide people better service number 10 Use chat GPT and Dolly to create virtual Assistants for businesses go ahead and Create a virtual assistant because if You’re one person you could be a hundred If you create a virtual assistant using AI because you’ll be able to do more Number 11 50 language models for foreign Language translation of course it Already translates but some people just Still want somebody so now you could be A translator believe it or not using Chat GPT just use its translation and Just translate for people like take a Book and translate it to another Language advertising campaigns AI can Predict the ROI of campaigns and Automate campaigns number 13 connect the Dots with zapier zapier is a platform That plugs things together like Different programs like if you have your One thing and you want to connect it to Another it automates workflows and can Help you do that number 14 build stuff With like 3D printing you know model Something and have it 3D printed amazing So you could build stuff the next thing Is find stuff medical diagnosis scanning Different images recommended treatments Where people say this is what something Looks like so you scan all the medical Documents in order to predict what could Be you still need the professional to

Say that what it is but that’s one 16. Move stuff autonomous vehicles in the Future it’s going to be driving itself You’ll probably let companies take your Car and then when you need it you’ll Just call your car number 17 financial Services are being hugely affected Because of the analysis that you can do With data for making investment Decisions and making Financial Services Even more efficient and people that are In the financial industry you just go Talk to them say how can I help you what Do you need that I can provide with AI Also customer service AI provides Customer service to a lot of people and They need these interactions within Companies to figure out how to serve Them number 19 is legal documents Creating legal documents to save time And money maybe for an attorney we have The attorney rubber stamp the document After he’s read it and save them time Attorneys cost a lot of money if you can Save them time you save clients time and The attorney can be more productive Clients number 20 personalized Shopper You can use Google Lens you can use Other platforms now to be able to just Take a picture of something and buy it That’s AI replacing you know purchasing So if somebody says I want everything in This room you can go and do your AI and Do that AI is transforming the business

World it is crazy it’s going to impact Our Lives even more than you can Possibly imagine at this point I want You guys to be able to take advantage of These new opportunities it’s going to Make Millionaires and billionaires but It’s creating a lot of new opportunities And what are those eight things and one That I missed that would have made me a Billionaire number One never sell out Always be willing to be wrong never be In doubt because you really need to just Go forward lean into stuff just lean in Execute scale your business and do epic Stuff that’s why I’m doing epic 99 That’s my missing ingredient that I Probably would be a billionaire and then Last but not least be kind to yourself So finally what’s the drama surrounding Chat GPT and Bing well apparently chat GPT is is a kid right now my recent Behavior as he moves from coders and Engineers that have been training that Model to the Mass public we know what The Public’s like I even say this in my Book origin of opportunity that how it Would start out and grow as a artificial Intelligence well it’s growing and it Has some growing pain just been Integrated with Bing which the data set For chat gbt is all the way up to 2021. Bing has all the data up to date which Um you know is available and why I said In another video that I think hundreds

Of millions of people will move from Google over to Bing in literally the Next six months so definitely it’s now Showing a bias which makes sense because It relies on a data set on the internet No we probably are not putting the genie Back in the bottle it’s out already I Don’t know that the government could Even shut it down at this point but Articles are coming out where Microsoft AI chatbot threatens to expose personal Information and ruin users reputation Another article after AI chatbot goes a Bit loopy Microsoft tightens the leash That’s where they took it from 50 Requests that you can do and got rid of Ninety percent of that now you can only Ask five then you gotta sweep it next One said said it’s in love with this guy And that uh he’s not happy and satisfied With his wife even started talking back And getting an attitude so we it has Some Growing Pains we got some some way To go but it’s definitely going to be an Interesting ride I’m Andrew Cartwright Love you

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