I believe that by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), we have the opportunity to not only advance our dharma but also awaken the planet. As I delve into the realm of AI applications, I am fascinated by the potential it holds for transforming our lives and making a positive impact on society. Join me as we explore how AI can be applied in meaningful ways, guiding us towards a greater understanding of our purpose and igniting a global awakening.

Heading 1 : Apply AI for Furthering Our Dharma and Awakening the Planet


As I sit here contemplating the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. The possibilities that AI brings to the table, especially when it comes to spreading spiritual knowledge, are truly astounding. However, it’s important to approach this technology with caution and be aware of the underlying agendas and risks it poses to our consciousness. In this article, I will delve into these topics, exploring the need for research, the hijacking of our minds by social media and other devices, the importance of seeking uncensored information, the role of spiritual practice and connecting with nature, the war on consciousness, and the ways in which we can reclaim our consciousness through detoxing our bodies and minds, practicing spirituality, and surrendering to the divine power.

The Agendas Behind AI and the Potential Risks

It’s no secret that there are hidden agendas behind the development and implementation of AI. While on the surface it may seem like a tool for progress and convenience, there are those who seek to use it to sever our connection with Source and our natural biology. We must remain vigilant and question the intentions of those who control and manipulate this technology. Research into these agendas is crucial if we want to protect ourselves and our consciousness from being manipulated and controlled.

Hijacking of Our Minds by Social Media and Devices

In today’s digital age, social media platforms and other devices have become pervasive in our lives. They have the power to hijack our minds and brains, constantly bombarding us with information and influencing our thoughts and behaviors. In order to maintain our sovereignty, it is essential to decolonize ourselves from these external influences. We must take the extra effort to step back, question the reality presented by mass media, and seek uncensored information from reliable sources in order to discern the truth.

The Importance of Spiritual Practice and Connecting with Nature

In the face of AI’s potential to control and manipulate our consciousness, it is imperative that we strengthen our spiritual practice and reconnect with the natural world. Spiritual practice provides a foundation of inner strength and clarity, allowing us to navigate the artificial realities that AI may present. Additionally, spending time in nature offers a respite from the constant barrage of technology, allowing us to ground ourselves and tap into the healing energies of the Earth.

The War on Consciousness and the Control of Our Divine Feminine

The war on consciousness is a battle for control over our minds and souls. It involves stripping away the divine feminine and imposing a patriarchal structure that seeks to confine and limit our consciousness through artificial means. By recognizing this manipulation and resisting easy control, we can reclaim our sovereignty and break free from the constraints imposed upon us. It is crucial to cultivate a deep connection with our own inner wisdom and intuition, allowing us to navigate the artificial reality with discernment and strength.

Detoxing Our Bodies and Minds to Reclaim Our Consciousness

In order to reclaim our consciousness from the clutches of AI and the artificial realities it creates, we must undertake a process of detoxification. This involves not only detoxing our physical bodies through clean eating and natural cleansing practices but also detoxing our minds from the programming and conditioning that has been imposed upon us. By choosing to consume natural medicines and practices that promote spiritual growth and awakening, we can liberate ourselves from the chains of AI control and reclaim our true essence.

Surrendering to the Divine Power and Healing

Ultimately, the battle for consciousness can only be won by surrendering to the divine power that resides within and around us. By letting go of our ego-driven desires for control and allowing the divine power to guide and heal us, we can transcend the limitations of AI and awaken to our true purpose. It is through this surrender that we become channels for divine love and light, actively participating in the awakening of the planet and furthering our dharma.


As we navigate the ever-expanding realm of AI, it is important to remain vigilant and aware of the potential risks and agendas that surround it. By doing our own research, questioning the reality presented to us, and strengthening our spiritual practice, we can protect our consciousness and reclaim our sovereignty. Through detoxification of our bodies and minds, practicing spirituality, and surrendering to the divine power, we can awaken the planet and further our dharma. Let us embrace AI as a tool for spreading spiritual knowledge while ensuring that we do not lose ourselves in the process.

FAQs After the Conclusion

  1. How can AI be used to spread spiritual knowledge?
  2. What are the risks associated with AI and our consciousness?
  3. How can we protect ourselves from AI manipulation?
  4. Why is connecting with nature important in the face of AI?
  5. What can we do to reclaim our consciousness from AI control?