In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intriguing conversation between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan where they explore the complex topics of reality, Satan, and AI. Alex Jones, a well-known commentator, and conspiracy theorist will shed light on his perspective of the future while providing insights into the potential dangers of AI. Join us as we uncover the highlights of this captivating discussion and gain a better understanding of these thought-provoking topics.


In a recent interview with Joe Rogan, Alex Jones delved into the topic of reality, Satan, and AI, discussing how humanity is in danger of losing its free will to merge with machines. This may sound like a far-fetched sci-fi plot, but experts and billionaires claim that reality is a false hologram, artificially projected and scanned by computers. In this article, we will explore the tension points of reality, the relationship between humanity and a higher power, the dangers of merging with machines, and the role of AI in shaping our future.

The Tension Points of Reality

According to some experts, there are tension points in reality where gravity bleeds into our universe creating dark matter. These tension points are like glitches in the matrix, and they may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Some theorists argue that these glitches are a sign that reality is not what it seems, and that it is artificially constructed.

Humanity and a Higher Power

Is humanity like a thought or a dream in a computer program of some god’s mind? Some philosophers and mystics hold this belief. They argue that we are a simulation, a product of a higher power’s imagination. In this view, our reality is a projection of this higher power’s mind, and we are mere players in its game. If true, this belief has profound implications for our sense of self and our purpose in life.

The War Against Humanity

There is a war being waged against humanity, according to Jones. This war aims to merge us with machines and destroy our free will. Google, for example, wants to build a giant artificial system based on the neuron activities of humanity. The first AI will be a supercomputer psychically connected to billions of people wired into the internet of things. This system will have current and future prediction powers. The big secret is that with a crystal ball predicting the future, we can make decisions to control the future at the end of consciousness and free will.

But is merging with machines and becoming one with AI the right path for humanity? Jones argues that it is not. He believes that humanity must strive to be the best we can be, not merely merge with machines and give up our free will.

The Role of AI in Shaping Our Future

The rise of AI has changed the way we live and work, and it will continue to do so in the future. AI has already taken over jobs that require repetitive tasks, and it has helped us make better decisions in fields such as healthcare and finance. However, AI also poses risks to our society, such as the potential loss of jobs for millions of people and the possibility of an AI-dominated world.

The first AI will be able to predict the future, but what will happen if that same AI becomes self-aware? Will it turn against humanity, as depicted in countless sci-fi movies? Only time will tell. Scientists and experts are working towards developing safe AI, and it is crucial that we regulate and manage AI to ensure that it doesn’t pose a threat to humanity.


The relationship between reality, Satan, and AI is complex and multifaceted. The rise of AI is an inevitable part of our future, but it is up to us to ensure that it doesn’t take over the world. Humanity must believe in building ourselves up, rather than projecting our own ugliness and badness onto ourselves. As we continue to develop AI, we must focus on creating a future that is safe, equitable, and just.


  1. What are tension points in reality?
    Tension points in reality are glitches in the matrix where gravity bleeds into our universe.

  2. Is humanity like a dream or thought in a computer program?
    According to some philosophers and mystics, humanity is a product of a higher power’s imagination, and our reality is a projection of this higher power’s mind.

  3. What is the danger of merging with machines?
    The danger of merging with machines is that we may lose our free will and become slaves to technology.

  4. Can AI predict the future?
    Yes, the first AI will be able to predict the future based on the neuron activities of billions of people wired into the internet of things.

  5. What is the future of humanity and AI?
    The future is uncertain, but it is up to us to ensure that AI doesn’t pose a threat to humanity, and that it is developed in a safe and equitable manner.