In this video I'm going to show you how To create some simple agents to make you The most productive person in your Company who wouldn't want to be the most Productive person in the company and Show you a little bit of the different Way that I work today because I've Incorporated AI across you know all of The things that I do and so this is Going to be a quick short video for all Of you watching on LinkedIn if you want The long form video which is 40 minutes Long the build along you can sign up to My newsletter and I will post it out to You or you can go watch it on marketing Against Green podcast coming out very Very soon but let's get into this video The first thing I'm going to start with Is the exciting thing of folder Structure so let me bring up uh we're Going to start with folder Structure and so the reason we're going To start with folder structure is Because it's really how you think about Work needs to change as you start to Integrate AI across all your different Workflows and so let me bring it here so I can show you all so this is basically A little bit of my folder structure Um and basically just how I work right So I have three large pods that I Oversee within HubSpot it's a lot of fun I'm very fortunate and so I have a scale Saling pod which is all around how to
Build a great go to market at the lower End of our business the overall way that Hubs spots go to market just works and Then the uh all of the AI work that We're doing that we call fly oil and so What I basically have is a folder Structure that divides everything into Mean and transcripts and strategic docs That's all and so if you have a project You would think you would do the same Thing you would have meeting transcripts You would record everything and then you Would have all of your strategic docs in A separate folder and what I'm going to Show you to what I'm going to show you Is how I have two agents per project and You can build these in Google Gemini you Can build them in Claude you can build Them in chat PT so that's the first Thing is like hey you need to start Thinking about how you have these folder Structures and how they work for the Agents you want to build for me any Meeting each pod has two agents one that Manages all of my meetings one that Manages all of my strategic talk and This one is an executive assistant this One is a project assistant the next Thing you do I showed this one already So then you have a prompt to set up your Mean and assistant and you can see this Is pretty H it's pretty simplistic but Works really well you are my executive Assistant I've been through this one in
Previous video sent it to my newsletter Subscribers and covered it on the Podcast I'm not going to spend a lot of Time here but it's specific for Analyzing meeting transcripts Identifying key decision and action Points this is really really useful Tracking your deadlines flagging high Priority items all of that good stuff The one that I want to show you is like Really cool is like a project assistant So every single project has a a project Assistant basically what I do is I have This large prompt if you want the Prompts because people always want the Prompts you need to be on my newsletter Because I have to send you the docs I Cannot give the docs out a LinkedIn Because it just doesn't work very well So you want the docs you want the entire Prompt you need to sign up for the Newsletter you can find it in my LinkedIn bio or my LinkedIn profile so Basically you set it up you give it the Project name you give it the objective Of the project and you give it goals Right you want to tee up what the Project is and then the first thing it Will do is analyze that project for you So anytime you need a status update Anytime you need to kind of dig into What's happening with the project and Again remember in that folder everything Goes in there don't worry about like
Organizing it I'm a terrible organizer Of folders put all of your strategic Docs in there all of your kpi reports Everything in there and then it can give You a what I do is basically when I go In I can say hey give me a summary and It will start with these things right it Talks about strategic planning talks About all of these different things it Can give me risk assessments tech Technical specifications stakeholder Coms like all all of this good stuff but The other thing that I've done there the Other thing that I've done then is I Created a menu so anytime I want I can Say okay give me the options here what I Can dig into and it can give me a Project status of analysis does a really Great job huge deep dive of what's Happening within any project can do a Risk assessment does a really good job There can do tactic generation so it can Actually identify what are the most Pressing components of any project and Then it can actually Implement and give You ideas for tactics to overcome those Obstacles gives you really great Strategic recommendations I can talk About the differences quickly between Gemini gems which I have built these in Claud projects which I have built these In and uh chat which I built these in And then document generation if you Actually need to provide your team with
An update someone on slack with an Update an email to your executive team It can do all of that for you so you Have this prompt you can play around With it you set it up it has a it's a Really large prompt to set up a project Assistant to manage all of your Strategic docs all of the project Updates everything that you need and Then you simply can either build these In gems so gems is Google's version of Chat Gbt uh you can build it in chat chb uh Chat custom chat gbt so you see I have a Gem per Uh I have the structure set up for my Folders I have a meean executive and a Project assistant for each of my Projects you can set them up in chat gbt So you can see here uh I can you get Explor uh tbts and you go into my gbts And you'll find them in There uh if it would ever Load here we go um and I will go Into my gpts I'm covering the thing here We go So I have it set up in there and then Claude I have it set up in projects the Reason I'm not going to show Claude is Because I'm going to go through the kind Of what they're useful for uh the Comparable between like Google gems claw Projects and chat gbt so let me just Bring up uh this one here flywheel AI
Project assistant because I think the Project assistant the med the medum one Is super cool but this one is super cool So look I can just go and say Give me a Summary of 28 days this is connected to Real data so you you can see in my Prompt I'm actually asking it to create Fake data so everything you see here is Actually going to be fake I've been Trying to figure out how to do more of These videos but with the things that I've actually connected into my work Data and the way that I've realized they Can do that is if I ask AI to like fake The data it does a really good job of Faking the data so you're like you need A project summ many of 28 days what is Even happening in my project I'm trying To manage hundreds and hundreds of People across all of these different Pods but even if you're trying to manage Five people three people 10 people You're like what has actually happened In the last 28 days well because AI has Access to that folder it actually does a Really good job of giving me a deep deep Analysis of like the project uh Everything that's happening in that Project so this is an example we'll Think for a little bit we'll analyze it And then it will give me some really Good output while Gemini gems is doing That let me kind of give you the Breakdown of how these things perform
Gemini gems is really good because it's Connected into your Google Drive so you Can easily upload all of the Documentation you need to the custom Assistant and it can do all of the Analysis for you so it's pretty easy to Like get it connected to all of your Docs you can see here it's giving me a Project summary it's giving me key Challenges it's giving me insights it's Giv me next steps and then if I go uh Give me the menu of options it will give Me the menu of options because I I put Those into the prompt so we can tell me What I will do and then I can choose What I want to do right I can say hey Let's Finish let's do three tactics because I Want to know what are the uh what does That Say oh Let's do three Tactics so I want to basically have it Tell me what are the core components uh That it feels are at risk right now and Then generate some tactics so it will do A pretty great job of that um so Google Gemini gems really good large context Window provides really great output Connected into your documentation chat Gbt is actually better on this project Assistant because it gives better Strategic recommendations meet and Assistants are pretty the me and
Assistant is pretty equal across all Three Claude has some big problems on trying To get this into a state where I would Use it because the project uh the Context window is too small to upload The amount of documentation I want and The other thing is it isn't able to Upload uh slides like Google Slides or Powerpoints and a lot of my strategic Docs are in visual format whereas chat Gbt and Gemini does a really good job of That so basically uh this is a short Form version of a long form video so I'm Giving you the kind of outline of how I Use AI people have been asking me like What are ways you use it in your Day-to-day and I'm going to start to do More videos to show you lots of Different ways that I use it so this is The first one right I have a these Assistants that help me manage all of my Projects I have them in hooked into all My work I use Gemini I use chat TT and I Use cla a little bit spoiled but they Have like different advantages and Disadvantages so for example when I'm Doing an update for the exact team I Will actually do it in Gemini Gem and Then I will um have Claude rewrite it Because it's better writer so I can use Different things like that so you have To really start to think about like Where AI can start to make your life
Much much easier and then how you can Integrate it in a really seamless way so Hopefully this is giving you some ideas Again if you want the full video the Ride along as I build these things as I Tweak them in Gemini gems in chat TBT in CLA projects and if you want the full Prompts sign up to the newsletter watch The full podcast episode and hopefully You're finding these sub useful