Get the prompt cheat sheet 👉

ChatGPT is incredibly powerful but most people are using it incorrectly.

If you want to get the most out of ChatGPT and create original and impactful content you’ll need to use advanced prompts. So here are 12 advanced ChatGPT prompts to 10x your results!





00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Prompt 1
00:54 – Prompt 2
01:23 – Prompt 3
01:55 – Prompt 4
02:33 – Prompt 5
02:56 – Prompt 6
03:31 – Prompt 7
04:01 – Prompt 8
04:35 – Prompt 9
05:03 – Prompt 10
05:44 – Prompt 11
06:09 – Prompt 12
06:37 – BONUS Prompt

👨‍⚕️ Dr Alex Young
Hey I’m Alex, I’m a surgeon and the founder and CEO of a few ed-tech companies and I’m obsessed with human performance, learning and productivity. I also write for Entrepreneur and Forbes and invest in early stage companies with a focus on education technology and health technology sectors.


Everyone’s obsessed with chat GPT but Hardly anyone is getting the most out of It so here are 12 prompts to get you Ahead with chat GPT I’ve even included a Bonus one at the end and I’ve added a Link below in the comments to a cheat Sheet containing all the prompts in the Video so that you can try them out for Yourself so hit that subscribe button And let’s dive in to some of the most Unique techniques and prompts for chat GPT it’s easy to ask chat GPT to Generate a list of ideas for your next Project but often they’re generic and They lack Authority instead ask it to Come up with new ideas or approaches on A familiar topic for example check out This prompt where you can add in a topic For example here how to study more Effectively and then add in something Like for the topic above brainstorm new Ideas or approaches prioritize ideas That are uncommon or novel and see what You get back Now the more specific your prompt is the More specific chat gpt’s response will Be use colons to Prime chat GPT with as Much information as possible and Niche Down and avoid generic responses like Everybody else for example check out This prompt where you can insert a topic Such as how to create an online course And then use colons to be very specific About the audience you’re writing for as

Well as the writing style and you can Put in as many colons and instructions To this prompt as you like now did you Know that you can actually practice Being interviewed using chat GPT you can Use a prompt to simulate a basic Interview you can add in the specific Position you’re applying for for even More accuracy you can put in something Like I want you to act as an interviewer I’ll be the candidate and you’ll ask me The interview questions for the role of Whatever it is that you’re applying for I want you to only reply to the Interviewer and don’t write out the full Conversation you can then respond just Like you would in a normal interview and Get that practice without having to pay For it if you feed chat GPT some of your Writing it will actually learn your Writing style you can ask it to help you Create a style guide for your future Outputs and prompts and it’ll give you The exact words to describe your voice And tone which you can then use in your Prompts to get much more exact writing Styles and avoid generic outputs this is Great if you’re trying to continuously Build a unique voice in all of your blog Outputs you can do like I’ve done here And grab a selection from your own blog Or from your own YouTube videos or Whatever it is you’ve written before Paste it in and then get chat GPT to

Analyze that text and pull out your Style and your voice and your tone now I Love studying and mind maps are a great Way to prepare for anything but knowing Where to start with mind maps does take Time chat GPT can help you build an Effective mind map just with a very Simple prompt for example you can put in Any topics such as hypertension here and Then ask chat DPT to create a mind map On the topic you can ask it to list out The central idea the main branches is And then all of the sub branches to help You get started practicing soft skills Can be really difficult but you can ask Chat GPT to play the part of a customer A patient or a colleague you can have a Conversation or ask you to generate Content as if it were that specific Persona practice your soft skills by Adding in even more specific scenarios For example if you want to train up your Sales team you can ask chat GPT to be a Sales rep and you will be the manager You then set out a scenario like the rep Is struggling and that they’re worried About their performance you can then Write prompts and start a conversation And write in short simple sentences to Coach that sales rep and practice your Soft skills now I’ve spent thousands and Thousands of dollars on coaching and you Can actually ask chat gbt to play the Part of any expert or coach you can have

A coaching conversation on any topic you Like and receive advice and motivation For example you can write out something Like I want you to act as a life coach I’ll provide some details about my Current situation and goals and I want You to then Coach me through this when You hit enter chat GPT will respond with Some prompts and you can have an actual Conversation in the chat window Exploring things in more detail now if You want to stand out when you’re Writing blogs or on socials you need to Generate content that challenges readers Assumptions you need to seek out Provocative ideas that defy expectations And break the mold and this will help Your writing to stand out if you’re Building a blog or writing on social to Build any kind of audience and chat GPT Can help you do that and help you think Outside of the box of the normal way That you write for example you you can Set a topic like growing on Twitter and Then ask it to specifically give Contradictory and dominant narratives Around the points that challenge Assumptions and really stand out from Generic content did you know that the More specific your instructions are the Better chat GPT will write if you add in Best practice guidelines for writing the Type of content you want you’ll get the Best responses possible for example if

Your topic is how to grow a newsletter You can write in very specific bullet Pointed information such as using H2 Headings using specific persuasive Languages and adding in questions and Sticking to good practice guidelines That will engage people on any blog or Essay that you’re writing one of the Main problems with generative AI is that Most people put in very basic prompts And then get generic content back Try using prompts that are open-ended or Abstract and different to everybody else You’ll get back unique and creative Responses when everyone else gets Generic replies by thinking outside the Box you can actually unlock chat gpt’s Most creative potential rather than Simply saying write an essay why not Really be unique and say something like Describe the feeling before an exam from The perspective of a nervous student and Write in the first person in the style Of JK Rowling or if you want to connect With your sales team why not get it to Write a rap about what it’s like to Build a SAS business you can use chat GPT to create more Dynamic and varied Content try out different voices and Perspectives and rephrase existing Content to make it more accessible or Delivered in a different tone to what You would normally write this will not Only help you improve your writing but

It will also allow for slightly Different tones to really connect with Different audiences for example you Could type in something like give me a Very satirical or ironic commentary on a Specific topic now when you you’re Writing you often write from your own Perspective but did you know that you Can ask chat GPT to write from different Perspectives on any topic you can Explore new ideas and perspectives and Adapt to your writing you can add in a Topic like how to sell SAS products and Then you can get chat GPT to write Multiple perspectives from different Viewpoints for example that from the Company Aina that from the sales rep or That from the customer and this gives a Real diverse dialogue of exactly what’s Going on around the topic you want to Cover now finally here’s a quick bonus Prompt that I really really like as I Mentioned I do a lot of regular coaching To improve lots of areas of my life and I’ve also coached lots of people that I Employ to get the best out of them a lot Of the time the biggest insights come From when a coach asks you what you Think and then gets you to look at a Problem in a context or from a slightly Different angle with chat GPT you can Actually give a super specific prompt so That the AI acts as a work coach it will Ask you questions summarize the key

Issues and reflect things back to get You thinking and avoid spending huge Amount amounts of time on caging that’s It I hope you found this practical dive Into generative Ai and chat GPT really Helpful to help you steal the prompts And try them out I’ve added a link to a List of all the prompts in the comments Below so that you can copy and paste Them easily make sure you check out my Video on genitive AI which I’ll put up Here and the next video in the series Which looks at practical applications For studying so hit that subscribe Button and the bell to get notified when Those drop thanks so much for Subscribing and for watching and I’ll Catch you again next time

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