Google’s Gemini can now process live video and static images simultaneously. This new feature in an experimental application could revolutionize various industries, including education, healthcare, and engineering. Also included are Google’s offering of free AI tools in Workspace (with a minor price change), Meta’s internal competition with OpenAI, and Synthesia’s $180 million funding for AI avatars.

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Welcome back to the AI Daily Brief Headlines Edition all the daily AI news You need in around 5 minutes sometimes Advancements in gen hits you over the Head more often though every week sees Some small but significant change that Would be easy to miss if you weren't Really paying attention an example of That comes this week from Google AI Researchers have discovered a novel Feature of Google's Gemini which is the Ability to see two things at once until Now multimodal llms have been only able To accept one visual input at a time for Example either looking at a picture or Watching a video researchers developing An experimental application called any Chat have discovered that Gemini can do Both at the same time Asen Kik machine Learning lead at gradio and the creator Of any chat said even Gemini's paid Service can't do this yet you can now Have a real conversation with AI while It processes both your live video feed And any images you want to share the Previously unavailable feature could be A result of Gemini's unique architecture Unlike open ai's GPT 40 Gemini was Trained to be natively multimodal rather Than having additional input modes added Later in terms of the new and improved Use cases that this opens up on the low Stakes end venturebeat noted that Students could share a video of a

Problem along with a picture of a Textbook or artists could share a live Stream of work in progress along with Reference pictures for higher Stakes Usage they wrote imagine a medical Professional showing an AI both live Patient symptoms and historical Diagnostic scans at the same time Engineers could compare real-time Equipment performance against technical Schematics receiving instant feedback Quality control teams could match Production line output against reference Standards with unprecedented accuracy And efficiency now the release of this Feature through a third party tool BS The question of whether Google were Aware of Gemini's capacity to perform in This way it's totally possible that they Decided to keep the feature locked away Due to the high resource usage Associated with this type of processing Then again it might also be a sign that Small teams of curious devs continue to Discover things that the large research Labs Overlook even about the emergent Features of their own models one thing That did come directly from Google is That the company has announced that They're making AI in both Gmail and Google Docs free this is definitely part And parcel of the AI race and the war For premium users it used to be that if You wanted to use Google AI features

Inside Gmail doc sheets meet basically The workspace Suite it was going to cost You $20 per month basically if you're Already paying for workspace all of That's going to be bundled for free at The same time however the base level Price of all workspace plans is Increasing basically companies are going To now have to pay about $2 more per Month per user for workspace but all the AI stuff will come natively now I think This is a pretty interesting play one of The gripes that I've frequently heard From our Enterprise Partners at Super is The grumbling about how much more it Costs to buy co-pilot and AI Subscriptions on top of existing Microsoft service now of course price is A fast-moving Target and AI has real Costs but this is definitely a big move And one that could force other companies Hands staying in big Tech but moving Over to meta for a moment internal Messages have revealed that meta Executives were extraordinarily focused On beating open AI these internal Discussions have been unsealed as part Of the Sarah Silverman L lawsuit against Meta they suggest not surprisingly that The company had their sites firmly on GPT 4 as their major competition in an October 2023 message met as VP of Generative AI Ahmad alal said honestly Our goal needs to be gbt 4 we have

64,000 gpus coming we need to learn how To build Frontier and win this race and Interestingly although meta was Competing in the open source field they Didn't seem too worried about rival open Source labs for example in one message Alal said mistol is peanuts for us we Should be able to do better it was clear Even as we were watching that in between Llama 2 and llama 3 Zuckerberg and meta Shifted their attention from being the Best open source model to being a Worldclass state-of-the-art model in General now a lot of the framing of this Article is all about how obsessed they Were and uses a lot of words that Suggest that pejoratively but that sort Of aggressive focus is the only way that Companies especially big companies are Ever going to be able to stay in a race Against a startup like open AI one Person 's obsession is another company's Focus now there's a whole other Dimension to this battle around the use Of the external libg data set which Contains pirated versions of copyrighted Works and was build as the largest Free Library in history Li Jen has been sued Multiple times and was ordered to shut Down alal discussed clearing the path to Use the data set by contacting Publishers but it's not clear that he Obtained all the relevant clearances in One message he asked do we have the

Right data sets in there is there any Reason you wanted to use but couldn't For some stupid reason of course as that Lawsuit goes on I'm sure we will hear a Lot more more about that lastly today Flipping over to the startup side of the World a big new round for AI Avatar Startups in theia who has raised a fresh $180 million at a $2.1 billion valuation That's about double their valuation from 18 months ago AI avatars are to me one Of the more interesting Technologies in That I think that they are at once Completely inevitable and yet will still Take an artificially long time to become Normalized at least in the business World there are a lot of great companies Competing in this space but Synthesia Has a very big war now to compete with That though we will wrap the headlines Next up the main episode