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Want to get better at investing? Start learning about AI. Watching Nvidia’s GTC 2023 is a great start because #nvidia ( #nvda stock ) is going to cover the biggest AI topics that are making the biggest impacts on every industry right now. In this video, Alex from Ticker Symbol YOU reacts to Nvidia’s GTC Keynote presentation by CEO Jensen Huang.

#openai just released #gpt4 and it’s insanely powerful. We’re going to see it in every Microsoft ( #msft stock ) product very soon. But did you know that @OpenAI ’s GPT-4 was trained on Nvidia’s hardware? In fact, Nvidia has over a 90% market share for enterprise GPUs. So, everything from @MicrosoftAzure to @amazonwebservices will have to double down on Nvidia’s GPUs over the next few years as AI businesses explode. That’s why Nvidia stock ( NVDA stock ) could be one of the best stocks to buy now and hold forever.

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@NVIDIA GTC 2023 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang:

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We are at the iPhone moment of AI let’s Start from the top so there’s a lot of Great questions about whether this AI Thing is real or whether it’s a trend Kind of like the metaverse was two years Ago web3 and all of these buzzwords that We saw over the last 18 to 24 months in The market my point is not to bash Crypto my point is not to bash the Metaverse at all my point is to show That we’ve known about these concepts For a long time but they haven’t reached A mature enough state where we’re all Interacting with them so the big thing That we’re seeing now that we weren’t Seeing with the metaverse and web3 and All that are real applications that People are using right now to add to Their productivity whether it’s make Money or save time I encourage you if You haven’t already to go try chat GPT Specifically now that it’s on gpt4 and See for yourself what kind of Productivity gains you can have the Winners are going to be the people who Can ask the best questions so prompt Engineers are people who are the best at Verbalizing their imagination in a way That results in a productive output from The generative AI model and this is Something that anyone can do it’s free To go ask a question it’s free to learn About how to ask the right questions It’s free to learn how to break down

Those questions into their component Parts and then it’s free to work with These generative AI models to solve Those problems piece by piece and that’s Definitely something that I’ve been Exploring over the last few months Especially in the area of investing I’m A big believer that generative AI is Very good at collecting all the Information and giving it to you in a Way where you can make your own Decisions very quickly for example chat GPT can return results in a table so Feel free to go to chatgpt or any of These other programs and say hey I’m Looking at these three companies they All compete help me understand where They compete and what their market Shares are in each section return it to Me as a table where each company is a Row in the table and each column is Whatever you care about quarter over Quarter market share a year over year Stock price versus Revenue so there’s a Lot of stuff here that the AI can go Grab for you without making a decision So that you can look at it in a way Where you can make that decision Yourself that’s like the thing I want to Highlight there is generative AI isn’t a Tool it’s like a paid intern that always Shows up on time and it reliably will Try to do its job as best it can that’s How people need to be thinking about

Generative AI I really do think that What we’re about to enter is the people Who can come up with the most creative And insightful questions and get them Answered properly are going to be the Winners it’s no longer a matter of the Mechanics I don’t need to be the best Writer I need to make my robot assistant The best writer I don’t need to be the Best marketer I need to have my robot Assistant truly understand my audience And then ask it the right questions About them I don’t need to be the best Engineer I just need to work with the Robot in a way where I can get it to Have the right outputs and I can apply Them in an engineering workspace another Thing that people probably aren’t Realizing is that generative AI isn’t Just about writing so one of the things That gpt4 does very well is write code What does that mean that means when a Programmer first goes in and needs to Write certain functions or whether They’re calling databases or building a Query or whatever now what they can do Is they can tell generative AI hey build Me the scaffolding for this code build Me the basic function definitions help Me understand the parts of the problem In order that I need to solve to get From the input that I have to the output That I want Auto document things as I Write them things that a lot of

Programmers can do but it takes up Mental space and bandwidth so now they Offload that to the AI and they’re Working on the parts that they’re a Specific expert in the things that make Them uniquely qualified to do that job And then they’re offloading all the Mechanical things that anyone can do Like write the basics of a function to The AI and those AI copilots are going To become more and more prevalent so Another thing that I want to talk about Is generating images video audio think About all the skills that the iPhone Removed from people let me give you an Example before the iPhone moment Photographers were photographers you had To own a pretty expensive camera you had To know how to manipulate photos and Film you had to have a lot of Industry Expertise what happened 10 years later Is now everyone has a great camera in Their pocket they have access to Software and apps that can manipulate Photos in a way that a professional used To between the filters and all the Touch-ups you can do right from the app And all of a sudden everyone is a Photographer so now all of a sudden with Generative AI everyone’s a logo designer Everyone is a custom profile picture Builder everyone is gaining all these Skills without having to learn industry Specific software and Hardware that’s

The point here all of a sudden everyone Is able to unleash whatever’s in their Imagination with a prompt now they can Make that a reality design me a logo Design me packaging for my product give Me 10 iterations of the product I’m Trying to design help me write this Course help me outline my book help me Write the abstract to my PhD thesis for Example movie dialogue video game Dialogue NPC actions like all the Characters and video games that you Don’t play and like the basic routes That they take and their interactions And their backstories AI generated in The next 12 months the costs are going To go way down because more parts of Those are going to be AI generated which Means that games and movies can take More risks because now their profit Margins are higher which means they Don’t need to just make sequels to Everything they can go make cool movies And games because they don’t need as Much money to break even that’s the big Concept there oh and by the way these AIS can all translate between multiple Languages so now you can release a movie In 12 countries at once which means your Margins get higher and higher which Means you can take more creative risk Now we’re stuck on this stupid Tower in The middle of nowhere and I Don’t blame you and now we’re stuck on

This stupid freaking Tower in the middle Of freaking nowhere And it’s all my fault okay So movies should be getting better Sweeter cooler not just more AI Generated and cheaper I also think that Stable diffusion is absolutely Incredible mid journey is generating Photos that I absolutely cannot tell Whether they’re real or not I’m not a Commercial artist but even I can Generate photorealistic pictures from my Imagination with a single prompt that’s Incredible we need to be trying this Technology things that weren’t possible Just a few months ago because we didn’t Have chat GPT we didn’t have access to Dolly and all that are now becoming Possible at a rapid pace so I encourage Everybody to try generative AI before They write off this AI wave of Technology the second thing I want to Talk about is nvidia’s Omniverse and Videos Omniverse is connecting a wide Variety of applications to one Central Ecosystem so that different kinds of Professionals can work on large complex Scenes together the examples that we saw Were things like optimizing a factory Floor layout to generate the best Throughput of cars being built we just Saw that example where they replaced a Robot with a different robot and saw That the part that those robots were

Building got built a little faster so All of a sudden you don’t need to be a Robotics engineer you don’t need to be a Professional CAD modeler all of a sudden With prompts and with text now a lot More people are able to generate these Complex scenes or at least work on them Without necessarily having every Professional certification you might Have need to have a few years ago so Omniverse is also going to be an Ecosystem a platform what does that mean That means if Mercedes builds a model of A car and other organizations want to Use that model they can license that Model from Mercedes and use it in their Model and simulation so for example if I’m building a factory and I want that Model I can pop it in I get what it Looks like but also how it behaves based On the materials it’s made out of real Physics and lighting engines and so on So now all of a sudden you have this Computational ecosystem where you can Build design line model and simulate and Adjust outcomes based on assets that you Didn’t have to build from scratch that’s The big idea there this is something I’m Really passionate about I strongly Believe that AI is going to power the Future of many different Industries not Just the Creator economy like most People are thinking we saw them talk About drug Discovery and Medicine we saw

Them talk about Factory 4 optimization We saw them talk about music composition So all these different areas of AI are Being turned into generative AI problems Right now generate me 50 Factory 4 Layouts filled with all sorts of Different assets and then tell me how Well they run and then cut the bottom 25 And do it again and do it again and do It again and the answer there is now I’m Using my creativity to exploit AI the Fact that AI can generate these things Reliably and quickly to get an answer That would have taken humans dozens if Not hundreds of years to do and reap the Benefits of that way sooner generative AI is going to explode progress just by The ability to iterate really fast give Me a hundred versions of this experiment Right now and then show me what the best One is and why and what kind of Variables I should be watching out for That’s a hard problem for humans to nail That’s a problem that generative AI is Expertly good at the last part I want to Talk about a little bit is the Infrastructure I think a big component Of what we just saw is the fact that Nvidia is releasing one architecture With many different configurations in my Mind this is really the right approach Why because then when you get like one Innovation in one part of that Architecture it’s an innovation

Everywhere imagine if they just released Four separate chips that did four Separate things and now you know they’re On rev2 of one of the chips that doesn’t Really bleed into the other products but Because they’ve committed to this one Architecture multiple configuration Designs now whenever there’s is a boost To say the grace chip the CPU Now Everywhere that Grace ship goes will get That benefit every time they have an Innovation in how they do their Networking and get chips to talk to each Other you know that NV Link Technology That Jensen’s talked about in the past All of a sudden everywhere that Technology is benefits from that Innovation and that’s huge because all Of that connects to the Omniverse and Then the Omniverse Leverage is all the Generative AI apps and tools and Software that’s built on top of it and So now when you’re innovating anywhere In the stack the entire stack benefits And you guys definitely are at the Forefront and you should take your first Mover advantage and run with it go try This stuff you can go touch it you can Go get an output you can go use that Output right now that’s what I’ve been Doing I strongly encourage everyone here To think about whether you’re an Investor or a tech Enthusiast how can You use this to benefit yourself it

Doesn’t have to be making money it can Be saving time it can be learning new Things it can be accelerating in Education it can be finding new Opportunities the last thing I’ll say is I actually really love being a YouTuber I’ve only been doing it for about two Years I have no idea what the heck I’m Doing as you can tell from most of my Videos so one way I can do better is Just by learning more about my audience And the best way for me to learn about You is just to ask you questions and Have you answer them so I put together a Little survey it’s meant more for like Tech enthusiasts and investors because In my mind those are the two people I Cater to the most So if you want take that survey let me Learn a little bit more about you and I Will cater my content to the results of That survey do you like investing do you Not care about investing are you here to Learn about technology are you here to Learn about the companies that are Driving the future on the stock market Whatever is interesting to you I want to Know because that helps me tailor my Content and where I can add value to Your day to make sure it’s something You’re actually interested in because at The end of the day everybody wins you Get more relevant content I get you Watching my videos more often and I feel

Good about that it takes me a long time To make my videos as you can probably Guess so I want to make sure that the Right videos that you actually want to Watch and that’s the point of that Survey it’s been awesome live streaming With you guys let me know if you find These live streams valuable and if you Want me to do them more often or if it Wasn’t really that valuable to you let Me know and I won’t waste your time I’m Here for you and until next time thanks So much for watching my name is Alex and This is ticker symbol U bye

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