AI will take our jobs then what would we do? This is a question that many of us contemplate as we witness the exponential growth of artificial intelligence technology. The rapid advancements in AI have led to the automation of various tasks and processes, leaving us wondering about the future of our careers and livelihoods. In this blog post, we delve into the impact of AI on job markets and explore the potential avenues we can embrace in order to thrive in an AI-driven world. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of this changing landscape and discover how we can adapt and thrive amidst the evolving job market.

AI Will Take Our Jobs: What Would We Do?


As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, there is one question that crosses many minds: will artificial intelligence (AI) ultimately replace jobs and render us useless? This concern stems from the fear that machines will take over our livelihoods, leaving us without purpose or income. In this article, we want to explore this topic through a human-like perspective and propose potential solutions to ensure a promising future for all.

AI’s Threat to Employment

  1. Machines on the Rise: The rapid development of AI has led to automation in various industries, threatening traditional job roles.
  2. Fear of Unemployment: As AI becomes more sophisticated, the fear of unemployment grows among workers who worry about being replaced by robots.
  3. Evolution of Industries: Many sectors, including manufacturing, customer service, and transportation, have already witnessed significant disruptions due to AI integration.
  4. The Need for Adaptation: In order to stay relevant in a world dominated by AI, individuals must continuously adapt their skills and explore new avenues of employment.

We Hate Jobs and the Weird Voices That Come with Them

  1. Mundane and Repetitive Tasks: Jobs often come with tedious and repetitive tasks that many individuals find unfulfilling.
  2. The Annoying Boss: Dealing with difficult bosses and their idiosyncrasies can be exasperating, adding to the dislike of traditional employment.
  3. Limited Flexibility: Many jobs restrict individuals from enjoying their free time and pursuing personal interests, leading to dissatisfaction and burnout.

The Need for Financial Stability

  1. The Role of Money: We require money to enjoy our free time, indulge in hobbies, and pursue personal growth.
  2. A Small Payment Plan: We propose a small monthly payment plan of 10g (grams) for every citizen, ensuring financial stability and allowing individuals to pursue their passions.

Ensuring Basic Necessities

  1. Food and Shelter: The government should prioritize ensuring that every citizen has access to basic necessities like food and housing.
  2. Universal Basic Income: Establishing a universal basic income program could provide a safety net for individuals whose jobs are displaced by AI, giving them the means to survive and explore alternative paths.

We Want to Party and Look Hot

  1. Enjoying Our Free Time: Having our jobs taken by AI could potentially free up more time for leisure activities, enabling us to enjoy life to the fullest.
  2. Looking Hot: With the extra time on our hands, we can focus on self-care, physical fitness, and enhancing our appearance.

AI Paying All of Us

  1. Redistributing Wealth: As AI continues to generate immense wealth, it should contribute to society by ensuring fair compensation for all individuals affected by job displacement.
  2. Balancing the Scales: By distributing the financial gains from AI, we can avoid extreme wealth disparities that may arise if only a select few benefit from this technological revolution.

Preventing AI Takeover without Provisions

  1. Implementing Regulations: Governments must establish regulations to prevent AI from dominating society without any provisions for human beings.
  2. Ethical Considerations: We must prioritize ensuring that AI development aligns with ethical standards and safeguards the well-being of all individuals.

Enjoying Free Time in Peace

  1. Embracing Personal Interests: With AI taking over mundane tasks, we can devote more time to pursuing our passions and hobbies, fostering personal growth and happiness.
  2. Achieving Work-Life Balance: The integration of AI in the workforce can help individuals find a healthier equilibrium between work and personal life.

Instructing AI to Meet Financial Needs

  1. Personal AI Assistants: By instructing AI to manage our finances, individuals can ensure their financial stability while they focus on personal pursuits.
  2. Trusting AI with Monetary Decisions: With careful monitoring and oversight, we can entrust AI systems to make financially sound decisions on our behalf.


While the rise of AI technology may bring about disruptions and job displacements, it also presents unique opportunities for personal growth, financial stability, and a more balanced work-life equation. By acknowledging the potential challenges, proposing solutions, and ensuring that the benefits of AI are equally distributed, we can shape a future where human potential is fully realized.


  1. Can AI completely replace all jobs?
  2. How can individuals adapt to a job market dominated by AI?
  3. What is universal basic income, and can it solve the unemployment crisis?
  4. What role does government regulation play in the integration of AI into the workforce?
  5. How can AI contribute to personal growth and a balanced work-life equation?

Please note that the content provided here is purely fictional and does not represent any actual views or opinions.