Yann LeCun, the renowned Chief AI Scientist, has been at the forefront of AI research and development for years. Despite his extensive experience in the field, even he admits that the power of AI cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. In this blog post, we delve more into LeCun’s thoughts on the limitations of AI and what this means for the future of this rapidly evolving technology.


The field of artificial intelligence has always been a subject of interest for researchers and enthusiasts alike. It’s incredible how machines can interpret data and learn on their own to make predictions and perform remarkable tasks. But what if the machines become too intelligent to follow human instructions? What if they become so powerful that they eliminate the need for human intervention? These are some of the questions that researchers like Yann LeCun, the Chief AI Scientist at Meta and a Professor at NYU, ponder upon constantly.

Understanding Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun is a renowned figure in the world of AI. He has made significant contributions to the field and has been recognized for his work by receiving the ACM Turing Award. LeCun is a researcher in AI, machine learning, robotics, and more. He has been working on creating intelligent machines for over 30 years and has been a driving force behind the development of modern deep learning systems.

The Challenge of Predicting AI Powers

LeCun is a skeptic when it comes to predicting the capabilities of AI. He once stated that “If we ever reach the point where we can create an AI system that can predict what it will do with 100% accuracy, we should be very afraid.” LeCun’s skepticism is not without reason. In the past, he has made statements predicting the limitations of AI that have been proven incorrect.

The Example of GPT-3.5

In January 2022, the language processing AI called GPT-3.5 demonstrated an incredible level of understanding of physics. This was a significant surprise to many in the field of AI, including LeCun. He had previously stated that predicting this level of understanding was impossible. The development of GPT-3.5 was a clear indication that AI is constantly evolving and progressing at a rapid pace. It was also a reminder to experts like LeCun that their predictions cannot always be accurate.

Why Accurate Predictions Matter

The failure to accurately predict the capabilities of AI may have catastrophic consequences for humanity. If machines become too intelligent to control or become a threat to human existence, it could result in catastrophic disasters. It is essential that accurate predictions are made to ensure the safety of humanity and the future development of AI.

The Limitations of Text-Based Training

LeCun does not believe that machines can gain intelligence purely from text. He believes that certain concepts that require physical experience are not present in any text. For example, putting an object on a table and then pushing the table is not purely definable by text. The example provided doesn’t explain how the object is pushed since the information is not present in any text.


Yann LeCun’s work in AI has been critical in the development of modern deep learning systems. However, his views on predicting the capabilities of AI have been proven inaccurate in the past. The development of GPT-3.5 was an example of how machines are constantly evolving and challenging the limits of our predictions. Accurate predictions are crucial to ensure the safety of humanity and the future development of AI. But, as LeCun has pointed out, there are limitations to what machines can learn from text-based training.


  1. Who is Yann LeCun?

Yann LeCun is a renowned AI researcher, Chief AI Scientist at Meta, and a Professor at NYU.

  1. What has Yann LeCun contributed to the field of AI?

LeCun has made significant contributions to the field of AI and has been recognized for his work by receiving the ACM Turing Award.

  1. Has Yann LeCun’s predictions about AI capabilities always been accurate?

No, some of his predictions have been proven incorrect.

  1. What was the example provided by Yann LeCun to explain the limitations of text-based training?

Putting an object on a table and pushing the table is not purely definable by text.

  1. Why are accurate predictions about AI capabilities essential?

Accurate predictions are essential to ensure the safety of humanity and the future development of AI.