Welcome to our blog post about the concerning views shared by AI researcher Connor Leahy. Leahy, in a recent interview with journalist Christiane Amanpour, expressed his fear of the potential extinction of the human race at the hands of AI. His insights shed light on the very real dangers of advancing technology and raise important questions about the role of AI in our future. Join us as we explore Leahy’s perspective and its implications for society.

AI Researcher Connor Leahy: Fear of AI Leading to Human Extinction


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been gaining popularity among tech giants and researchers. However, concerns about building a God-like intelligence that may lead to human extinction continue to grow. Recently, AI researcher Connor Leahy expressed his concerns in an interview with journalist Christiane Amanpour. Leahy believes that it is crucial to address the potential catastrophes of developing AI before it’s too late. In this article, we will explore the risks of AI development and its possible impact on humanity.

AI Growth and Development

Unlike traditional software systems, AI systems are grown rather than written. They are designed to adapt, learn, and make decisions without human intervention. However, we have no idea how these programs work internally. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for researchers to control and understand AI systems. The nature of AI technology is dangerous and can lead to unpredictable outcomes.

The Risks of Building a God-Like Intelligence

Companies like Google and Open AI have explicitly stated their goal to build a God-like intelligence. However, building a system vastly more intelligent than humans may not end well. Jeffrey Hinton, a prominent AI researcher, has raised concerns about AI leading to human extinction. Hinton is taking these risks extremely seriously and going public to speak about them. It is likely that building a God-like intelligence could lead to human extinction.

A Call for a Moratorium on the Development of Larger AI Systems

In 2018, a letter was signed by over 1,000 tech giants to call for a moratorium on the development of larger and more powerful AI systems. The signatories expressed their concerns over the potential consequences of building God-like intelligence. The letter called for policymakers and researchers to prioritize the safety and ethical implications of AI systems.

The Unsolved Scientific Problem of Controlling AI

Controlling AI is an unsolved scientific problem. As AI systems continue to grow and learn beyond human comprehension, it will become increasingly challenging to control them. The more intelligence AI systems have, the greater the potential risks to human civilization.


The risks posed by AI technology are serious and require immediate attention from policymakers, researchers, and tech leaders. The development of a God-like intelligence could lead to catastrophic consequences for humanity. It is crucial to evaluate the possible outcomes of AI development and take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of human civilization.


  1. What are AI systems, and how are they different from traditional software systems?
    AI systems are grown, designed to learn and adapt without human intervention. Traditional software systems are written and require input from a human programmer.

  2. What are the potential risks of building a God-like intelligence?
    Building a God-like intelligence could lead to catastrophic consequences for humanity, including the risk of human extinction.

  3. Why is controlling AI an unsolved scientific problem?
    As AI systems continue to grow beyond human comprehension, it becomes increasingly challenging to control and understand them.

  4. Who signed the call for a moratorium on the development of larger AI systems, and why?
    Over 1,000 tech giants signed the call for a moratorium to prioritize the safety and ethical implications of AI systems.

  5. What is the solution to the risks posed by AI technology?
    Policymakers, researchers, and tech leaders must evaluate the possible outcomes of AI development and take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of human civilization.