Introducing GPT-4, the latest AI vision assistant developed by McKay Wrigley. This revolutionary tool is designed to enhance your productivity and simplify your tasks. With GPT-4, you can streamline your workflow and complete your projects in record time. Keep reading to discover the amazing features and benefits of this powerful AI assistant.

GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the way we live our lives. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI has made great strides in recent years. The latest innovation in this field is the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant, which promises to revolutionize the way we interact with the world.

What is the GPT4 eyes AI Vision Assistant?

The GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant is a cutting-edge technology that combines image recognition and internet search capabilities to provide instant answers to your queries. The software is designed to mimic human thinking and logic and uses natural language processing (NLP) to communicate with users.

How it works

A demo of the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant was recently shown in a video, where the program was given the task of identifying Keto food from a fridge and searching for recipes that used those ingredients. The AI has no prior knowledge about the topic, and can only get input from the camera and search the internet for information.

The user asked the AI if it could identify Keto food from his fridge, and the AI was able to identify the food with ease. It then searched for recipes that used those ingredients, and found a recipe called 15 minute lemon garlic butter steak with spinach. The program was then initiated to shut down after completing the task.

The recipe had most of the identified ingredients, and the AI was able to find it within seconds. This was an impressive feat, as the AI used image recognition and internet search in an interesting way.


The GPT4 eyes AI Vision Assistant has countless applications, from identifying food to recognizing objects and even faces. The technology can be used in healthcare, security, and education. For example, doctors can use this technology to identify diseases and suggest treatments based on medical records, while teachers can use it to help students learn a new language or understand complex concepts.

The AI is impressive for a demo and can be used in various applications, which makes it a promising technology. The technology will undoubtedly change the way we interact with machines in the future.


The GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant is a promising innovation that offers endless possibilities and applications in various industries. The technology will change the way we interact with machines and is expected to revolutionize the AI industry.


  1. What is the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant?
  2. How does the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant work?
  3. What are the applications of GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant?
  4. How can the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant be used in healthcare?
  5. How is the GPT4 eyes AI vision assistant different from other AI technologies?