As technology advances, developers are continuously enhancing their skills and implementing innovative ideas to push the boundaries of what is possible. Thanks to the brilliant minds of individuals such as @realmckaywrigley and @davidfriedberg, the once-unimaginable has become a reality. Today, developers are building things that were considered impossible just two years ago, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. This blog post will explore the exciting advancements made in the industry and how they impact our daily lives.

How AI is Revolutionizing the World of Solo Developers


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been a hot topic in the tech industry for years. But recently, it has started to become more accessible to solo developers and small businesses. Using AI, solo developers can now build things that were previously impossible without a team of experts and millions of dollars. This has opened up a world of possibilities for new categories of products, industries, and businesses. In this article, we will explore how AI is revolutionizing the world of solo developers and the potential it holds for the future.

AI and Solo Developers

McKay Wrigley is a prime example of the power of AI when it comes to solo developers. Wrigley taught himself to code in 2019 and was able to create an object recognition tool using open source software and a chat GPT that can identify and provide information on different items. This type of product demo shows the potential for new categories of products, industries, and businesses. A single developer can build what used to take teams of experts and a lot of time. With AI at their fingertips, solo developers can create things that were previously unfathomable.

The Age of Exponential Progress

The Luddite argument that automation will destroy jobs and drop costs by up to 90% is not as important as the new evolutionary stuff that is going to transform the things we can do and that we didn’t realize we could do. The age of exponential progress has begun. We are now witnessing advancements that were once thought to be science fiction. Visual robots and similar interactive products are among the many new innovations that are transforming industries. In six months, new categories of products and industries will likely emerge as a result of the development of AI technology.

Potential for New Products and Ideas

The potential for new products and ideas is endless due to the development of AI. Solo developers can create something truly unique in a matter of weeks or even days. Products like McKay Wrigley’s demonstrate that even those who are new to coding can create revolutionary products. This means more competition, but it also means more opportunity for innovative ideas to come forward.

The Future of Solo Developers and AI

As the development of AI technology continues, solo developers and small businesses will be able to create more complex products and services. This will level the playing field between large corporations and small startups. With AI, a good idea and a talented developer can go a long way. In the future, AI will no longer be just a tool for large companies but will be an essential part of every developer’s toolkit.


AI is revolutionizing the world of solo developers. With this technology at their fingertips, they can create products and services that were once unfathomable. While the potential for new products and ideas is endless, it also means more competition. However, the future of solo developers and AI is bright. As the development of AI technology continues, solo developers and small businesses will be able to create more complex products and services, ultimately leveling the playing field between large corporations and small startups.


  1. How has AI changed the world of solo developers?
  • AI has made it easier for solo developers to create complex products or services that were once impossible without a team of experts and extensive resources.
  1. What is a prime example of the power of AI when it comes to solo developers?
  • A prime example of the power of AI when it comes to solo developers is McKay Wrigley’s creation of an object recognition tool using open source software and a chat GPT.
  1. What impact will AI have on the future of solo developers and small businesses?
  • The development of AI technology will level the playing field between large corporations and small startups, allowing solo developers and small businesses to create more complex products and services.
  1. How is the potential for new products and ideas affected by the development of AI?
  • The development of AI technology has opened up endless possibilities for new products and ideas to emerge, leading to more competition but also more opportunity for innovative ideas to come forward.
  1. What is the age of exponential progress?
  • The age of exponential progress refers to the current era of scientific and technological advancements that were once thought to be science fiction.