Here is a simple way to make money with ChatGPT that you can start right now an I show you sep by step. This is a great method that you can use in 2023.

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The first step to making money online with this method is to choose a faceless Youtube niche, you can do this using Google. Next you want to start using chatGPT to create content for your videos. You can follow along in this free tutorial and watch me do it.

Once you have used ChatGPT to create the content head over to Canva and start creating your video, you can also upload a voice over if you need to do that. You can use Canva to add stock images and add your voice over from ChatGPT. When you have finished the videos download it and upload it to Youtube online.

if you want to make money using ChatGPT in 2023 then this is a great method even for beginners and you can use A.I software in your other online business if you have one.

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DISCLOSURE: Some of the links here are affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. These commissions help me create free valuable videos like these.

What’s going on guys welcome back to Another tutorial I found a really Awesome way that you can make money with Chat GPT and I think you’re really going To like this tutorial not only that There’s actually people making money With this method every single month and It’s working extremely well and it’s Really easy to understand and do now I’m Going to take you through this step by Step and I’m going to show you exactly How to use chat GPT to make money online With this specific method and you don’t Have to show your face online you don’t Have to go and create your own website You don’t have to go and spend tons of Money starting your own online business And this is really easy to understand Now what we’re going to be doing is We’re going to go and create faceless YouTube channels based on specific Topics we don’t actually need to show Our own face don’t need to use our own Voice and we don’t even need to use our Own content and I’m going to show you How to do all of this with a few simple Tools chat GPT and one other tool that I’m going to show you in this video and It’s really easy to use these tools so Let’s jump into this tutorial and I’ll Show you how to make money with check GPT with this new awesome way and show You how others are making a monthly Income online with this particular

Strategy all right guys so what we’re Going to be doing is using YouTube to Make faceless videos to make money Online but what you need to do is you Need to go ahead and choose a faceless YouTube Niche where you can make money You can find these on Google if you just Go on Google and search top faceless YouTube channel niches there’s lots of Niches that you can get into like Meditation channels are pretty good Stuff like motivational channels and Things like that but there’s lots of Ideas you can do but in this video I’m Going to show you one example that is Really really good and people are making Insane amounts of money online with this Specific Niche so what I’m going to do Here is I’m in YouTube and I put in best Beaches or best beach and it’s come up With some ideas like best beaches in the World best speeches best speeches in Bali Auckland Thailand New Zealand Philippines best beach clubs in Bali What we’re going to do is we’re just Going to keep this really really basic And we’re going to go best beaches in The world and we should come up with Some ideas and here we go and we will And you’ll see that these get millions Of views hundreds of thousands of views This one got 2.3k views it really kind Of depends on the channel but these Videos are getting tons of views and

These are actually faceless videos if we Click on this particular video now what I’ve actually done this is the YouTube Channel here and what I’ve done is I’ve Taken their YouTube link and put it into we can actually see some Of the stats so they are potentially Earning up to 228 000 per year and Minimum fourteen thousand dollars per Year now the minimum is usually always Wrong it’s usually a lot higher than That based off my own channel and other Channels that I have and you can see That they’re getting hundreds and Thousands of views and in the last 30 Days they’ve made a between one thousand To nineteen thousand dollars I would say Probably around about ten thousand or More and they have had over 20 000 subscribers so we know that at Channels like this are not only getting Subscribers getting views they’re making Money so we can use this as an example And you can see that there’s heaps of Stuff that these guys do the best places To visit in Michigan best places to Visit in North Carolina best beaches Best Caribbean islands best places in New York they have done so many videos And to be honest if you posted more you Will get way more views now what you Want to do next is you want to use a Software called chat GPT you can find This by going to and it’ll

Take you to a page like this click try GPT and sign up then it’s going to take You to a page that looks like this I’m Going to click new chat and it’s going To give me a new chat screen like it has Just here and what I can do is I can Type in a command and it will give me a Video script all right so what I’ve done Done here is I’ve typed out write me an Eight minute YouTube video script of the Seven best beaches in Thailand now Usually really what I do is I just put In something basic like this because you Can actually tell it to do more after It’s typed what you need if you don’t Find that it’s as good as you want it to Be I’m going to push enter and what this Is going to do is it’s going to type out A full video script for me with Everything that I need to take to the Next step so we can go ahead and start Making our particular faceless video Alright so as you guys can see here Check GPT has written me a pretty good Video script now I would most likely Have to edit this or something like that But it’s done a pretty good job it did The top seven I think we asked oh yeah We did ask the top seven so it was Correct and it’s given us the top seven Beaches in Thailand that we could go Ahead and do a video on now the next Step is you are going to want to go Ahead and download this particular thing

Or you can just copy and paste it or Whatever you want into a document or you Could actually regenerate another Response if you don’t like this one now What I would recommend you do once you Have the text is hit over to And get a voice over made now there are Free voice over softwares that you can Use online as well but what I would Recommend you do is just pay someone a Little bit of money like eight dollars Here eight dollars sixteen dollars Twenty dollars this is a New Zealand Dollars as well so it’s even cheaper in US Dollars and just pay someone to do a Nice simple voice over for you now the Next step is we’re going to go and have To make a video which is super easy as Well all right now the next tip you want To do is you want to head over to a Website called I will leave a Link below this is an affiliate link They have a free plan and a paid plan That you can use to potentially make These videos and you want to go ahead And click on videos and you want to do a YouTube video Once you click a YouTube Video you’ll be taken to a page that Looks like this now this is just a free Account because I actually forgot the Password to my paid account and I was Trying to log in for this video but I Just want to get the video done so I’ve Made a free account that we can use for

This tutorial now what you want to do is You want to go to uploads and you want To upload any audio that you went and Got created whether it’s a voiceover you Might not want to use your voiceover but If you’ve got a voiceover made this is Where you’re going to upload it now what We can actually do is we can go to Elements and we can click on of videos And what we can do is we can actually Find videos of beaches that we can go Ahead and use so I’m going to go to here And I just copied this one here to make Sure we actually had some ketanoi beach And we’re going to post it into here And go search for katnoy beach and we’ll Just drag this one in here And as you can see it’s literally given Us an image that we can use you can Actually try the pro version as well so You can do a trial and we can go ahead And use this now if we go ahead and find Another Beach real quick Maya Bay We put this one into here as well We just drag it in Now we literally have two image clips That we can go ahead and use in our Video and all you’ve got to do is you’ve Just got to do that seven times on each Of these ones here we have another one As well This is just right I’m just picking the Random ones

And there we go I assume this is it You’d probably need to double check Might not be it but We’ll see but either way you literally Have this ready to go now you can also Get audio from here so you can get music If you like as well and you can put Music over your videos so let me just do That real quick I’ll just put this one Here this obviously isn’t the right one There you go So what you can just if you don’t want To do a voiceover you can actually do These um these stock images stock videos I should say And if you wanted to you could actually Go ahead and you could put in some text So we could go something like we could Put in like this one here And I can’t remember what beach this was Called I think this is I think it was Mayor Bay Maya Bay however that’s Pronounced We’re going to go ahead and paste that In there And we can change this color to Something like a Red And there we go we can drag that around And we now have some text there So that is how you can go ahead and make These videos with canva you can Literally make a video with canva you Don’t have to download any software and

What you can do is you can actually go Ahead and see what kind of stuff these Guys do They do like a little bit of an intro With their name And all they do is literally put the Clips together and have a voice over you Can have a voiceover or maybe you don’t Want to have a voiceover now once you’ve Gone ahead and created this video all You do is go to share And download And then it downloaded in the quality Which would be 1080p HD this will be the Perfect quality that you want to Download and then you can go ahead and Download this now I would recommend Paying for canva because you get so many Options with canva that you can use on The paid version but there is a free Version as well now once you’ve gone Ahead and made your video all you need To do is go ahead and upload it to YouTube now if you do if you look at These guys here you’ll just see that all They do is a little bit of a description Nothing too crazy and then they just Have some tags here which is Beach Beaches shipwreck and a few other things I would recommend optimizing your videos A little bit better than this but you Can go and watch tutorials on my channel On how to optimize YouTube videos to get More traffic alright guys so that’s one

Of the ways you can go and use chat GPT To make money online by doing faceless Videos that you can go ahead and upload To Youtube don’t forget to subscribe tap That notification Bell smash that like Button for my next chat GPT video

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