We are excited to delve into the fascinating world of website UI cloning using the cutting-edge “Vercel” AI technology. Join us as we explore the insightful demonstration by Sherry Jiang, the co-founder of “Peek.money.


When it comes to coding and website development, the process can be both challenging and time-consuming. However, with the advancements in technology, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating websites has become more accessible to a broader audience. Recently, we stumbled upon an intriguing video where Sherry Jiang, the co-founder of “Peek.money,” showcased the incredible capabilities of AI in recreating Google Finance within a short time frame.

The Power of AI in Web Development

In the digital era, learning to code has been revolutionized by AI tools that enable rapid prototyping and experimentation. Sherry Jiang’s journey exemplifies this evolution, as she harnessed AI to test and iterate new features swiftly. Through the use of AI, anyone can now create websites by leveraging coding generated by intelligent software.

With the aid of a tool called b0 Dev, Sherry embarked on the task of replicating Google Finance’s user interface in under an hour. This tool not only brainstormed UI elements based on Google Finance screenshots but also provided React code and a live preview of the interface. The ability to iterate on the UI within the tool allowed Sherry to make real-time adjustments seamlessly.

Recreating Google Finance’s Structure

Sherry meticulously analyzed the screenshots provided by the tool and made modifications to match the original layout more closely. By copying the code generated by b0 Dev, she initiated the process of creating and deploying the website. The efficiency and accuracy offered by AI in replicating intricate web structures are truly remarkable.

Leveraging AI for Efficient Website Building

The utilization of AI in rebuilding websites and applications presents a plethora of benefits. Not only does it accelerate the development process, but it also ensures precision and consistency in the final output. Sherry’s experience highlights the immense potential of AI in transforming the landscape of web development.


In conclusion, the demonstration by Sherry Jiang of using AI to clone Google Finance’s UI through the Vercel platform is a testament to the innovative possibilities that AI brings to website development. The seamless integration of AI tools like b0 Dev showcases how individuals, regardless of coding expertise, can create sophisticated websites with ease, revolutionizing the way we approach web design.


  1. Can anyone, even without coding experience, utilize AI tools like b0 Dev to create websites?
  2. How does AI streamline the process of replicating complex website structures?
  3. What are the key advantages of leveraging AI in web development, as demonstrated in Sherry Jiang’s video?
  4. Is AI capable of generating code that accurately mirrors the design elements of existing websites?
  5. How can AI tools such as Vercel enhance the efficiency and accuracy of website cloning processes?