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4 Side Hustles To Make $900 Per Day From Your Phone Using ChatGPT | Make Money Online

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In today’s video I’m going to show you Four side hustles that you can start Doing right now to make one thousand Dollars a day using chat GPT and the Best of all all of these side hustles Are free and they require zero skills to Be done so if you have a computer and an Internet connection let’s get to it We’ll be escalating through different Levels of difficulty throughout this Video so it’s gonna go like this Extremely easy very easy slightly easy And easy sounds very hard right so let’s Start with extremely easy and make sure To subscribe to the channel so you don’t Miss the future opportunity videos to Make money on this channel so I was Doing some research online and I found This guy his name is Levi Newman and This guy here that you’re seeing on the Screen right now made 1.2 million Dollars from 2014 to 2022 or a hundred And fifty thousand dollars per year on Fiverr writing product descriptions how Crazy is that this guy literally got Interviewed by Business Insider and There’s a whole testimonial of it online And you know what the beauty of doing This side hustle here are four things Number one and most obvious is that he Doesn’t have to have a nine-to-five job He literally works for him himself Second he can do it from anywhere in the World third there are thousands of

People getting similar results to him And fourth you can literally automate This using chat GPT now I’m Gonna Leave The link to his article Down Below in The text file so you can read his story If you want to and then an entire year Has 260 working days let’s pretend that This guy here worked for eight hours a Day which I highly doubt that he did but If he actually did work all of these Hours he made 72 dollars per hour that He worked and if you head over to Fiverr Which is where he made all of his money You’re going to see that people are Charging anywhere from 20 bucks to 250 Dollars to write product descriptions on Fiverr crazy man and you know what let’s Get something here on average let’s go Through this 70 Bucks starting at 70 This person has 687 5 Star reviews so I Guess these guys here are in the most Demand and I think it’s because they’re In the average they’re in the middle of The price let’s click on here and see How much money these people are making So as you can see right now these people Have seven orders in queue so they’re Obviously in high demand and as you can See also on Fiverr they don’t just have This basic price they have the basic Standard and premium if you go to Standard you’re going to see that the Price jumps from 70 bucks to 165 dollars And if you go to premium it’s 185 the

Reason why this service costs so much is Because you’re doing services for Businesses in the product description That you write for the business is going To impact directly on how much money the Business is going to make so let’s say That people are paying these seven People here are paying this standard Product the middle price and let’s do 165 times seven so 165 times 7 is 1155 just for these seven orders here That they have in queue and right now I Can already see what you’re saying to Yourself but Reese I don’t know how to Write product descriptions and you said I didn’t need any skills well my friend Let me put your fears to rest and go Ahead and show you how to do this eight Hour a day job in five minutes using Chat GPT so to make this easy to Demonstrate I use chat GPT to generate a Description for my product which is YouTuber Pro my YouTube course I asked Chatgpt to write a very persuasive Product description for my YouTube Course YouTuber Pro and use these Benefits here so I actually gave it the Benefits and if you’re wondering to Yourself where are you going to get all Of these benefits from well actually the Person that hires you to do the product Description are going to tell you every Single thing that their product has After they do that just follow my lead

Do what I did here to chat GPT and this Is what chat GPT came up with Introducing YouTuber Pro the ultimate YouTube course that will transform your YouTube game with YouTuber Pro you will Learn how to automate your YouTube Channel to generate passive income Effortlessly and it goes on and on and On after you have the product Description all you need to do is just Copy this put it into a Google doc file Save it in PDF and give it to your Customer and get paid for it it’s as Easy as that so if you’re looking for a Side household that is very easy to get Started requires zero money up front and Zero skills to do this is a side hustle For you using this method here you can Start making money right now today let Me tell you something Fiverr is a Platform that does not discriminate it Accepts people from all over the world Just like Levi that you’re seeing here Right now the guy made a full entire Testimonial you could potentially be Looking at a salary of a hundred and Fifty thousand dollars per year or more Even if you end up making half of this For a side hustle that you barely have To do anything Chachi PT is going to do All of the heavy lifting for you 75 000 A year is still a pretty good salary or In simple words six grand a month now With the next side hustle we’re moving

Up to easy now with this side hustle That you’re going to see right now People are making thousands of dollars a Day including me and a lot of them are Making millions of dollars a year and When I say the side hustle you’re Probably gonna go in your mind but Breeze you’ve already spoken about this Side hustle here so many times it’s Getting boring but if I’ve spoken about The same side hustle here on the channel Is because I truly believe in it and if You’re not making money with it yet then I have to continue pointing out the Benefits and in this video I would pay Attention if I were you because I’m Gonna show you behind the scenes of how You can do the same thing that I’m doing On millions of people out there so take A look at this channel Mulligan Brothers This is a motivational YouTube channel And if you know anything about me then You’ll know that I love motivational Videos these guys here have pulled 2.4 Million views last month on their Motivational Channel which is completely Faceless and they don’t even have their Voice on the channel now you probably Know it at this point but socialblade is Complete BS when it’s estimating the Amount of money that channels make on YouTube for some reason which I don’t Know why it always low balls the amount Of money that YouTube channels make so

It’s telling here that this channel Makes around 10 grand a month which is Already not bad but if you want to know How much money these motivational Channels actually get paid I found this Guy here online selling his YouTube Channel for 16 000 Euros his channel is A motivational Channel as you can see Here with 27 000 subscribers only and if You go through the images here you’re Going to see that his channel is getting Paid a RPM RPM just means how much YouTube pays the Creator and a CPM here Of 16.58 so this is how much YouTube Gets paid a nine dollars four cents Which is 55 of that amount is how much The Creator gets paid so now if this guy Here with a 27 000 subscribers YouTube Channel can make 12 835 imagine Mulligan Brothers with 1.6 million and Subscribers The reason why I’m showing You this channel right here is because I Want you to know that you don’t need Millions of subscribers to make Life-changing money or even a few money If you want to so we don’t have to keep Guessing this guy here has an RPM of Nine dollars so this is what people on The motivational Niche get paid right so Mulligan Brothers pulled in 2.34 million Views in the last 30 days if we use the Same RPM of the other YouTube channel on A motivational Niche we can know and Estimate that Mulligan Brothers is

Making twenty one thousand dollars every Single month YouTube is a side hustle That can quickly pull you out of your Nine-to-five job that you hate that You’re thinking about right now into Doing something that you love very very Fast now for the ones that are skeptical And think that this doesn’t or for the Ones that think that this isn’t true Look up my YouTube Journey if I go to my YouTube analytics and show you my YouTube Journey which is the one that You’re seeing on your screen right now I Started my YouTube on June 10 June 11th To be more specific as you can see here On the first month my channel wasn’t Monetized but on the second month Literally on the second month I made 258 Bucks on third month I made 765 bucks And on the fourth month I made 10 grand 4 months and on the fifth month it Literally tripled to 30 grand a month Now if you’re thinking but Reese you Only get paid that amount of money Because you’re in the finance Niche I’m Gonna show you my RPM but before I do That I want to show you two more YouTube Channel and the first one is called Motiversity and this is another YouTube Channel that I’ve been following for Years so multiversity is a YouTube Channel with 2.91 million subscribers And socialblade is estimating that They’re making 30 grand a month and I’m

Gonna try to guess here let you guessed As well socialblade is probably Lowballing the amount of money that They’re making let’s go scroll down here 7.445 million views last month let’s use Our nine dollars four cents RPM from the Guy with 27 000 subscribers on the Motivational Niche and based on the Number of views that motiversity has on The last 30 days this is the amount of Money that they’re making in one month And let me remind you you don’t need Millions of subscribers if you can get a Lot of views you can make a lot of money And the last channel on this list is Another channel that contributed to my Personal oh your entrepreneur your Journey so much I’ve learned a lot from This channel I’ve been following it for Years now hey looks as a channel that Now has 4.31 million subscribers when I Started following this channel they had 900 000 socialblade is estimating that This channel is making 18 000 per year They’re on the finance Niche same niche As me and they looks is a channel that Makes faceless videos all they have is a Narrator and b-roll and take a look at The videos that they make 15 sides you Have a rich life 15 signs of a cheap Life 15 signs you have no control over Your money 15 signs you control your Money 15 signs money controls you and I’ve watched these videos I watch all of

Their videos make no mistake they are Really really good videos and these are Videos that you can make right now by Using chat GPT to do the heavy lifting For you so let’s go back to socialblade Here and they have 4.5 million views in The last 30 days and just by estimating The finance RPM for this channel they’re Making 50 Grand last month and if you’re Thinking to yourself but Rhys you must Be exaggerating how can this RPM be so High you’re lying to me the number of The RPM that I use to calculate these Views are eleven dollars and the reason Why I know this my friend is because I Too am in a finance Niche let me tell You something I’m being quite Conservative with this 11 RPM let’s go Back to my YouTube analytics if you take A look at my YouTube analytics you’re Going to see that the average RPM for my Channel is 17.55 and I can confidently Tell you that the alux channel has a Higher RPM than my channel has because They speak a lot more about reinvesting Which is something that I don’t speak a Lot about and that pays a lot more if You see here the average RPM of my Channel is 1755 but every single video Has a different RPM and as you can see On my screen right now some videos Literally have a RPM of 42. 42 so now You can see how generous I’m being just Averaging 11 RPM for their Channel this

Is the power of YouTube and if you’re Thinking to yourself again but really These guys have millions of Subs look Alux has 4.32 million Subs come on man What’s going to be the next excuse that You’re going to use not to start doing This right now my channel has 297 000 Subscribers yeah it’s a lot right now But if you take a look at my analytics Here you’re going to see that my first 10K month was literally on September Which is literally four months after I Started my channel and if you look here How many subscribers I had at the time At the beginning of September the 1st of September I have 8 000 subscribers and I Finished off the month with 52 000 Subscribers so with eight eight thousand Subscribers I was already making 10 Grand a month what is your excuse right Now and now let’s go ahead and look at The month that I made my first 30 grand Which was just one month after that on October I literally start the month with 55 000 subscribers and I end the month With 142 000 subscribers so with 55 000 Subscribers which is not impossible at Any means trust me it can happen I was Literally making 10 grand a month on That by the end of the same month I was Making thirty thousand dollars four Months after I started my channel I was Making ten thousand dollars a month how Much do you make on your job right now

Imagine if you just started a business Right now and in four months it was Generating you at least ten thousand Dollars a month and imagine if you Started the business right now and Invite months you were making thirty Thousand dollars a month YouTube is Something that doesn’t shrink it’s Growing every single day by the time you Watch this video right now I have 297 985 000 subscribers by the time you’re Watching this video I’ve probably hit 300 making ten thousand dollars a month With eight point five thousand Subscribers on my channel is just Mind-blowing to me it just scares me That people don’t start YouTube channel They make so many excuses not to start a YouTube channel don’t you like money now Come on think with me don’t you think That you can reach 8 500 subscribers and Make ten thousand dollars a month if you Really think that you can’t do it alone Just join my YouTuber Pro course that’s My Flagship YouTube core in that course I teach a to z every single thing that I Use on my channel to have that fast Growth I’m teaching it myself it’s me on The videos and I teach all my secrets And in fact the price of the course is Going up in two weeks so if you want to Get in I’d highly recommend that you Join fast and the reason for that is Because when you join you get lifetime

Access even to the Future updates so if The price goes up you’re going to have Access to that without having to pay a Single penny next up the slightly easy Side Hustle this method actually blew my Mind when I saw that people are actually Making eighty thousand dollars a month By writing blogs I had to do some Research and obviously I know that chat GPT can make writing blogs a breeze but Eighty thousand dollars a month now That’s something that I wanted to see How people were doing and I found this Blog online that explains how people are Actually hitting these 80 grand months And what I found was by reading these Blogs and articles I found that people Are not just running ads on their blogs But they’re monetizing it through Affiliate marketing selling digital Products email marketing running ads on A Blog doing sponsored posts and also Selling e-commerce products on their Blogs when I saw this I thought to Myself man this is kind of like a YouTube channel in a certain way because Just like the YouTube channel you can Monetize a Blog in several different Ways now another thing that I clearly Know is that these people are definitely Outliers not everyone that has a Blog is Making 80 grand a month so I read a Little more and I found out that the True average that people make from blogs

A year is around 250 000 to 350 Grand Per year now let’s say you’re very Unlucky let’s say you don’t know know How to do a Blog at all and you still Have that learning curve and you make The low end of this let’s say you make Half of the low end of this that’s still 125 000 a year that you’re doing just From writing your blog from the comfort Of your home bear in mind that Vlogs are Something that lives forever once you Write a blog post and you post it out in The internet it lives forever obviously You have to keep putting out new blogs With updated information but every Single blog post that you make stacks on Top of the other and creates that Snowball Effect and that’s exactly how These people are hitting eighty thousand Dollars a month the magic of compounding Baby let’s say you write one blog a week And you take eight hours of your day to Write this article which you definitely Won’t because I’m gonna hand you a done For you blog and to create articles for That you can easily go into chat GPT and Do that in minutes but let’s just play Pretend here and pretend that you spend Eight hours a week to do one article and That job will make you a hundred and Twenty five thousand dollars in one year To do that amount you will have to work 416 hours per year which will make your Hourly rate 300 an hour now how would

You feel working from home one day per Week and making a hundred and twenty Five thousand dollars a year or three Hundred dollars an hour but what you Might not know is that you can easily go Into chat GPT give it a few prompts and It spits out an entire blog article for You that you can easily use to implement Some affiliate links grab people’s Emails to do email marketing and even Run ads on the blog so when people are Reading your blog you’re literally Making money as they’re reading it you Can literally start doing this process Now with let’s say 30 minutes of work And if you stay until the end of the Video I’m gonna hand you a done-for-you Blog so you don’t even have to create One yourself and to monetize that blog You can sell your own products you can Sell sponsored posts on your blog and if You don’t know what a sponsored post is Like you know when you’re watching a YouTube video and the Creator goes this Video is sponsored by X company right That is a sponsored video in this case You’re going to do a sponsored blog post Now going into easy territory this side Hustle here has people making from 15 to 40 000 every single month now check out This woman here that I found out online She’s making 17 a month by selling low Content books on Amazon and she Literally got started with this side

Hustle as she mentions here with zero Design experience and when she literally Started doing it she was overworked and Actually put it herself on a dead-end Job making ten dollars an hour and the Husband was on a contract driver Delivering medicine to nursing home six Days a week and you know what’s crazier She mentions that she started making Money on her first month with only 10 Designs posted now when I say designs You might be thinking but I need to have Design experience just read her Testimonial she has zero design Experience I literally have an entire Video here on my Channel showing you Step by step in depth how you can just Copy and paste these designs into Amazon And low content books mean nothing more Than coloring books journals those kind Of things now if you want to see my Step-by-step video in depth on how you Can create those low content books or if You want to see my video on how you can Create a faceless YouTube channel then Click one of the two videos on the Screen right now I’ll see you there work Hard play harder

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