I explain how to make money online using ChatGPT as a complete beginner. Make up to $100 per day using these 3 different business models that I use in my online business.

One of these methods make purely passive income with chatgpt. Another is can make money online for you TODAY. And the last one has the best change of being an enormous and sustainable online business – not just a side hustle.

Online Business-Builders Community:

How to Use ChatGPT For Beginners:

🤖 ChatGPT – Get started RIGHT NOW:
📈 Zik Analytics – 7 day trial:
🟣 Aweber – Free account:
👑 Empire Flippers – Sell your website:
🐬 Flippa – Sell your website:

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This content is for entertainment purposes only. Matt Phelps does not provide tax or investment advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors.

In this video I’m going to show you how To use chatting DP to make money online Today and get paid today as a complete Beginner within my first three days I Was able to get up to a consistent Profit of about 30 bucks a day it’s a Lot more now but the best part is you Don’t need any money to get started Because this is an AI automated Cash Cow Machine that is built entirely on free Software does that sound too good to be True it is there’s a catch whenever a New business opportunity like disappears That doesn’t require any money all you Need is a computer and you don’t really Have to work that hard a lot of people Jump on it with tons of people doing the Same thing it’s pretty hard to stand out And that opportunity is competed away Unless there is no competition what the Wise do in the beginning fools do in the End nobody seems to be talking about This Ai and business model yet it’s Probably because I’ve built similar Businesses in the past so I think of This one first before others do but all The competition will eventually Pile in And this opportunity will vanish so You’ve got about three to six months to Make as much money as you can with this Business model no you know what I’m Gonna share three check GTP business Models if you’re not 100 sure what chat GDP is it’s an AI discussion tool that

You can have a conversation with and ask Questions and it will give you back a Detailed answer using all the Accumulated knowledge of humankind and The internet It’s amazing And there’s Some specific ways we’ll be using it to Make money but unfortunately for you This business tutorial isn’t free you Have to pay for it I’m showing you the Inside of my online businesses and Making competitors for myself so please Honor the gentleman’s agreement by Liking this video do that for me and I’ll happily show you anything you want All of these three businesses of course You’re going to need a chat GTP account Google search open Ai and then click on Introduce and chat GTP you want to try And chat GDP and then you’re going to Have to sign up and create an account And this takes two seconds so this is The simple interface that you can use to Talk to the most powerful entity in the Entire universe let’s start with the First way to use chat jtp to make money Which I tried out just for a bit of fun I’m just testing the idea and now I’m Already making 900 bucks a month from This one you know you’re under something Really good when you start making money Without even trying and with this one There’s also a way that I can make 30 Times that 900 bucks so twenty seven Thousand dollars if I pay my cards right

This business model uses a combination Of Amazon affiliate marketing and Mediavine Display Network advertising The first thing you’re going to need is A website I don’t get scared away Because that sounds like a whole bunch Of work that you didn’t bargain for it’s So easy to do these days and I’ll show You the easiest way possible to do it When we get to number three here’s one Of my websites steeljawlinegun.com it’s Made for people that want to improve Their jawline that’s mainly men so every Article on this entire site is around That topic for example how to get a Chisel jawline in seven steps how to Grow your masseter muscles 100 naturally Now let’s say I want to add an article To this website what I do is I go over To chat GDP and I ask it what are the 10 Most sold exercises on Amazon here we Are we have 10 of them and then I asked It write me a listicle article about These 10 jawline exercises so here it’s Written me this article it looks a Little bit short so I’m going to ask it To expand on these points and make it a Bit larger add some pros and cons for Each dual line exerciser and then I’ve Taken that article that it’s written for Me and pasted it into here on my website I’m using Shopify for this website which Is an awful choice for this type of Website I’ll show you a better one later

For this thing this type of thing Checked out the grammar and changed it Up a little bit added some emojis and Made it all nice nice to look at then What you need to do is create an Amazon Affiliate account and once you’re up and Running whenever you’re on Amazon now You’re going to see this gray bar at the Top it will always be there whenever we Go on to a a product we can just copy a Link let’s just have a look at this site Someone comes on here they click my link It opens Amazon they decide they want to Buy it and then I get a commission on That sale what happens if you make this Website people come to it and nobody Clicks on anything and buys anything did You make that whole article for nothing No that’s when you put mediavine display Ads this articles 10 celebrities Withdrawal lines I couldn’t promote any Products in so instead I put these ads On it so you’ll see them here and people Come under this article and they don’t Have to do anything I get paid just Because they opened it and they saw my Ad I use mediavine to show ads on my Website they just do everything I just Have to tell them which articles to put Ads on and which not to otherwise you Could use ezoic ad Thrive or Google AdSense now the best part of this Business model is that it can be sold Really easily actually the whole

Business can be sold the whole website Head over to flipper or Empireflippers.com and you can sell this Type of website for about 30 times Monthly profit the second method is Built around something that people are Already paying between 100 and 500 bucks A month for that you can now do better And for free with chat GTP the business Model is selling a winning product in a Winning Niche that chat GTP uses all its Data to find for you the hardest part by Far about e-commerce is knowing what to Sell and now you can get the answer in 20 seconds most people are never going To do that do you know why they don’t do The obvious most likely to work thing Because it doesn’t make them feel smart They want to invent and innovate and wow They’re friends with their new product Idea more than they actually want to Make money so I started a new chat and I Asked a specific question what are some Items that sell super high volumes on EBay and Amazon you told me Electronics Fashion and items Home and Garden most Interested in electronics because They’re small expensive things easy to Ship so I asked it what are the highest Selling items in electronics and then it Gave me six products based on its Enormous knowledge so once I have some Ideas and inspiration from chat GTP I Want to take it a bit further and do

Some product research think a little bit About how much can you sell this for and How much it actually costs to get and How much the shipping will be is it a Big item that doesn’t cost a lot so Shipping takes up a large part of the Cost and then I want to head over to zic Analytics and once again this will take One to two minutes to set up an account There’s a link in my bio you get a seven Day free trial do some research on some Of your product ideas for example a Charging cable oh wow this is sweet so The sell-through rate is extremely high Just this month there’s been a hundred And sixty thousand dollars sold on eBay This is amazing a successful listing Rate of a hundred percent so that means If you list a charging cable you have a Hundred percent chance of actually Selling some of those items so we can Scroll down and actually look at the Products that are listed on eBay here They are you’ve got an image of them the Numbers sold and the price yeah 35 000 There’s a lot of this month sold but It’s only for three bucks I’d prefer to Have a little bit higher price here this One’s for nine bucks and twenty five Thousand are sold that’s great yeah 23 000 total okay 33 sold just in the last 24 hours so then what I want to do is I Want to get this product and I want to List it on eBay and start selling it so

Then I head over to Alibaba AliExpress CJ Drop Shipping there’s a bunch of them To try and find this product and I’m Going to ship and sell on eBay the last Chatpe business model is by far the Fastest way to get large amounts of Money deposit into your bank account Really quickly and it’s also the most Scalable and that is with ClickBank Affiliate marketing specifically using Tick Tock to drive traffic this Step-by-step process is very simple Highly scalable first thing you need to Do is sign up for a ClickBank account Out is you’ll find a link in the Description it only takes two minutes to Sign up and it’ll completely change your Life go to it now and then I’m going to Click on top offers here what you can do Instead is you can see all the different Categories so if you feel like selling Something in the cooking Niche you can Click on that and check out all the Different offers that you could Potentially sell but I want to go to top Offers and just see what’s already Selling like crazy and I’m just going to Sell something that’s already selling And then here they are here are all the Top offers and I want to rank them from High to low by their gravity score Alpilene is number one up here with an Insane gravity score which is basically A measurement of the conversion rate of

This offer or this product people are Seeing this and buying this like crazy 139.15 average commission earned if you Have this link and you’re promoting this Product and someone clicks on it and They they convert and the average amount Of money you’ll make from that is about 140 bucks so you don’t have to sell a Lot of people before you start making a Bunch of money I want to go check out What it is see see if it’s something I Can sell the losing belly fat inner body Temperature but a whole bunch of studies It looks really legit and we know it’s Selling like crazy so what we’re going To do is we’re going to give away a free Ebook on Tick Tock to get people’s Emails which at GTP comes in they’re Going to write that ebook for us so I Asked it can you write the book and then It gave me the outline of the six Chapters and a conclusion it would write So I said okay well write the first Chapter and then I did write the second Chapter so it gave me this whole book That I’m going to make turn into an E-book about gut health so here it is I’ve just made a start it’s not Formatted and pretty but here are the Six chapters I’m going to call it not Your fault how an imbalanced gut Microbiome is holding you back from the Body map body of your dreams okay so Here I have chapter one and I’ve added

It all in here so then what we’re going To need is a cover for the ebook so head Over to canva.com and they’ve got a Whole bunch of templates for you oh that One’s bright and that one stands out a Lot so I’m going to use this one now What we’re going to have to do is we’re Gonna have to create a landing page to Drive this traffic to tick tock from Head over to aweber or aweber Lincoln Description it’s totally free it’s by Far the best way to get a website up and Running for these type of things so here I have the ebook cover a little bit of Copywriting here to entice them so once It was designed and built the landing Page so that we automatically send out The ebook and we collect that email then We follow up with some email sequences And in those emails we talk about the Same topic that they’re interested in And that’s why they signed up to get the Ebook with persuasive copywriting and we Promote those ClickBank offers when Someone clicks on it and buys then we’re Going to earn our commission there and This isn’t some little business idea for Teenagers this is what morning Brew the Hustle and the milk Road do there are Dozens of millions of dollars every Month this is a big business idea really Scalable just creating content driving Traffic and then promoting other People’s products you don’t even have to

Make your own product I love this and You can do the same thing with free Tools on the internet and just a little Bit of your time so there’s many ways to Make money online with this AI chatbot These three are the most beginner Friendly but not necessarily the most Profitable or sustained if you want more Detailed explanations and other ways you Can use chat GTP to make money online Then join self-paid which is my Newsletter I share my latest businesses And learnings with you for free so click The first link in the description for That and thank you for watching this Whole video and honoring the gentlemen’s Agreement by liking it you are exactly The type of person I made this video for And I’m glad to have you around I hope The rest of your day is amazing and I Look forward to seeing you soon bye

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