In this video, I’ll show you how to make money online with ChatGPT AI bot, which is one of the best ways to make money online. Making money online wherever you are or working from home, is the ultimate dream. There are multiple legit ways available on the Internet which you can earn money in your spare time or even in your sleep. Anyone, even without previous experience can do this and make money online.

Is it really possible? Yes, and in “TheProdigy” YouTube channel, I share strategies that work for everyone to make money online, build passive income, or even create a sustainable online business.

In this video, I’ll be showing you how to make money online with ChatGPT AI bot, which is one of the easiest ways to earn money from home. To know more about the strategy, how it works, how to set it up for absolutely free, and how to use your laptops and mobile phones to make money consistently, make sure you watch the full video to learn every step.

To stay up to date with innovative and proven ways to earn money online, make sure you subscribe to “TheProdigy” YouTube channel today. Make money online with the best work from home jobs.

🔥My #1 Recommendation to Make a Full-Time Income Online

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✅How to Make PASSIVE INCOME with AI (ChatGPT & Midjourney)
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I recently discovered a brand new way to Make money online with chat GPT no one Has ever talked about this method before Anywhere this is my payoneer account and As you can see here I have just received 1512 just by using the exact method that I’m going to show you today now if You’ve been leaving under a rock and you Don’t know what chat GPT is basically It’s an AI chat bot that you can ask Questions and it will then answer them For you all you have to do to access Chat GPT is just type its name in the Search bar and then click the first link Right here it will take you to this page Then just click try chat GPT and now if You don’t have an account already just Hit sign up to create one once you do That and log in then this is how your Chat GPT dashboard will look like now Like I said to use these bot all you Have to do is to just ask them anything In the chat right here and then just Click this icon and it will then answer Whatever question you might have so now That you are familiar with chat GPT Let’s move to the first step on our Video and we will need to use for this Amazon affiliate marketing and this Program on Amazon is called Amazon Associates now you can also use other Affiliate programs instead of Amazon Like ClickBank or DG store 24 or Something like that but in my case since

I have used Amazon Associates to make Money myself so I will also use Amazon Associates in this video so if you are Not familiar with Amazon program then Just type in the search bar Amazon Associates and click the first link Right here and it’s going to take you to This page now as you can see here there Are only three steps you sign up and Then you recommend products and then you Earn commissions now don’t worry about The Second Step here because I will show You exactly how to recommend products With chatgpt all you have to do here is Just scroll up and then click here where It says sign in to create your account Now here you can actually just sign in With your normal or regular Amazon Account if you have one and if you don’t Have an Amazon account at all then just Click here to create it now once you Have signed in then you will just have To answer a few questions like how you Are going to get paid and stuff like That so once you create your Amazon Affiliate account the next step now is You are going to need your own website Now don’t panic I know some of you will Be like I don’t know how to create a Website I don’t have money to pay for a Website Etc listen this is gonna be Extremely easy I will show you how to Create a website just like this one Right here for completely free and in

Just under 10 minutes so like I said the Website that we’re going to be creating Is going to be just like this one as you Can see here it says best laptops you Can buy now let me explain to you what’s Going on here basically what this Website here does is they write blog Posts about different products for Example in this blog post they are Talking about the best laptops and if we Scroll down here you will see that They’re right about the features of each One of these 15 laptops they also write About their prices and pros and cons of Each laptop and stuff like that so for Example the first laptop on the list is Apple MacBook Air and then the second One they have is MacBook Pro and number Three HP number four Asus all the way Down to number 15. so this is exactly What we’re going to be doing as well but Don’t worry you’re not going to write Any of these blog posts yourself so now Here’s the thing what I did myself and What this website owner does to make Money is having affiliate links this one Is an affiliate link and this one is an Affiliate link this one is an affiliate Link as well they literally have an Affiliate link for each one of these 15 Laptops and if we just click on one of These laptops links for example let’s Click on the first one right here it Will then take us to this page so now

Everyone that bought this MacBook using Their affiliate link they will get a Commission from the sale the website That they are using is Best Buy you can Also sign up as an affiliate for Best Buy if you like in my opinion I think Amazon is better but it’s up to you and What I like about laptops is that their Price is a little bit higher so you can Earn up to 200 commission for each sale So now let’s move to the most exciting Part which is creating your own website And by the way if you guys still Watching the video comment your country Below also make sure you watch till the End as I will reveal my own secret trick Of how I made this amount of money with This method so the easiest way to create Your free website is you want to head Over to this website that is called and once you open the site Then the first thing you want to do is Creating your free account so just click On get my free account and then you can Enter your email address here and click This box so once you do that and verify Your email then just log into your Account and it’s gonna look something Just like this now like I said this is Going to be extremely easy just do what I do and click what I click and you will Be able to create your website in just Five minutes so now the first step is You just want to click here where it

Says blogs and once you are here then Just click create and now all you have To do is just name your blog for example You can say something like Electronics Blog and here this will be the link for Your blog you can name it whatever you Like in my case I will just say Electronics now before you click save Here they have done for you templates That you can choose from so I’m just Going to select one of these templates That actually fits the affiliate Marketing style so I think this one Looks really cool so I’ll just click Select template and after you select the Template then click save and as you can See it just created it all you have to Do now is just log into the blog change The text and the images and start Promoting your affiliate products so now Just click here on the name and it will Then take you to this page and if you Just click view blog you will see how Your blog is going to look like so this Is how it looks like now let’s just Click on one of these for example let me Just click on the first one and as you Can see it looks really dope and to edit These six blogs just go back here and Select the blog post that you want to Edit in my case it’s this one so I’m Just going to click it and now as you Can see I could change these images I Can change the text Etc all you have to

Do is just double click it and then you Can type here your own text so I’m just Going to type anything here and after You do that just click save changes and If you want to see how it’s going to Look like after the edit just click here To preview it so as you can see here is The changes that I made this is how Simple it is you don’t have to buy Domain names or anything like that they Already giving you everything for free So now that you know where to get your Affiliate links and how to create a Website there is only one step left Which is how to make articles like these And also what products to promote and For this we’re going to use chat GPT to Do the work for us so now here’s an Example as you can see I ask chatgpt to Give me a list of 10 most popular Laptops and it just answers my question With the top 10 popular laptops and like I said before laptops have high Commission so make sure you also go for Higher priced products to get high Commission once you have this list then You want to ask chat GPT to give you a 300 words blog post on each of these Laptops giving you the benefits the user Interface the pros and cons of each one Then you can take that and put it into Your blog post so as you you can see Chat GPT has created the blog post for Me so now you just want to do the same

Process with all of these other products Right here and once you do that then Just combine all of them into one Article that you can then post to your Own website and you can also post your Affiliate links that you will get from Amazon as for the images it’s not a big Deal you can just download some images From Google but before you publish this Text make sure you also double check it With just to make sure There is no grammar mistakes and stuff Like that and once you do all that your Blog will also rank on Google so now you Can click to watch this video to Discover how you can earn twenty one Thousand dollars per month with AI also Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel And like this video

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