Karpathy has recently departed from OpenAI’s team amidst the exciting developments surrounding ChatGPT’s enhanced memory capabilities. This departure raises questions about the impact it might have on the future trajectory of the project. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Karpathy’s departure and explore the implications for the advancement of ChatGPT.

Karpathy Leaves OpenAI as ChatGPT Gets Memory


In recent developments, OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence research laboratory, has witnessed the departure of one of its prominent researchers, Andrej Karpathy. At the same time, OpenAI has also made strides in expanding the capabilities of its language model, ChatGPT, by introducing a new memory feature. This article will provide an in-depth review of the video created by The AI Breakdown, which sheds light on these exciting developments.

Heading 1: Andrej Karpathy’s Departure from OpenAI

OpenAI researcher Andrej Karpathy has made the decision to part ways with the organization. Known for his contributions to the field of artificial intelligence, Karpathy had been working on an AI Assistant project in collaboration with the company’s head of research. Prior to his tenure at OpenAI, Karpathy played a significant role in leading the development of Autopilot software at Tesla. Now, he intends to dedicate his time to pursuing personal projects, marking the end of his journey with OpenAI.

Heading 2: ChatGPT’s Memory Feature

OpenAI has recently unveiled an exciting addition to their language model ChatGPT—a memory feature. This new capability allows ChatGPT to retain and recall information shared during conversations, enhancing its ability to engage in more contextual and meaningful exchanges. The AI Breakdown’s video delves into the intricacies of this development and highlights some key points.

Sub-heading 2.1: Five Ways to Manage ChatGPT’s Memory

To effectively utilize ChatGPT’s memory feature, users have five ways to manage it. These methods enable users to manipulate the memory snippets according to their needs. They include:

  1. Remembering: Users can inform ChatGPT to retain specific information for future reference.
  2. Forgetting: ChatGPT can be instructed to discard specific information to clear up memory.
  3. Deleting: Users have the option to remove individual memory snippets from ChatGPT’s recollection.
  4. Updating: Information stored in the memory can be modified or updated.
  5. Resetting: Users can completely reset ChatGPT’s memory, erasing any stored information.

Sub-heading 2.2: The Experimental Phase

It’s important to note that the memory feature introduced in ChatGPT is still in the experimental phase. As AI Breakdown highlights in their video, OpenAI is continually working on refining and improving this capability based on user feedback and interactions with the model. This iterative process aims to enhance ChatGPT’s overall performance and responsiveness in utilizing its memory.

Sub-heading 2.3: Learning from Interactions

With each interaction, ChatGPT’s memory will evolve and refine itself, becoming more adept at accurately referencing past information. This learning aspect is a significant stride in bridging the gap between natural language understanding and contextual comprehension. OpenAI acknowledges that there is still much room for improvement, but they are optimistic about the future advancements in ChatGPT’s memory capabilities.

Heading 3: Sierra – Building AI Agents for Customer Service

OpenAI’s Chairman of the board, Greg Brockman, has recently announced a new endeavor called Sierra. This new company aims to develop artificial intelligence agents specifically designed for customer service. Brockman’s announcement revealed that Sierra will focus on creating human-like conversational agents capable of delivering exceptional customer support experiences. While the video does not provide extensive details about Sierra, it hints at the vast potential and impact this company could have on the customer service landscape.


In conclusion, The AI Breakdown’s video provides valuable insights into the recent developments at OpenAI. Andrej Karpathy’s departure marks a transition for both him and the organization. Simultaneously, the addition of ChatGPT’s memory feature showcases OpenAI’s commitment to enhancing the model’s contextual understanding. The experimental nature of this feature underscores OpenAI’s dedication to iterative refinement. Furthermore, Sierra’s entry into the AI landscape for customer service opens up exciting possibilities for more advanced conversational agents in the future.


  1. How does ChatGPT’s memory feature work?
  2. Is ChatGPT’s memory feature customizable?
  3. Can ChatGPT retain information indefinitely?
  4. How will Sierra’s AI agents benefit customer service?
  5. What is Andrej Karpathy’s next endeavor after leaving OpenAI?