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Google Hack Pays $210.16 Per Day Using ChatGPT! *NEW 2023* | (Make Money Online with Google)

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Hey guys it’s Nando RC and Welcome to my channel the Affiliate Side Hustle. On this channel I teach you how to make money online with affiliate marketing! In todays video I am breaking down a never before seen strategy to make money using free google tools! If you have any questions drop them down below but over all this is a New Google Hack Pays $210.16 Per Day Using ChatGPT! *NEW 2023* | (Make Money Online with Google). I post videos everyday showing you how to make money online by going over websites and apps that you can use to earn money online fast and free. So if you like to make money then Subscribe! Back in 2017, I realized it was possible to make money online and since I loved working with computers it was like discover a gold mine for me. There are so many ways you can make money from home simple with a click of a mouse and getting started is easy. So I created this channel to help share my experiences and show you how to make money fast just like I am doing now. I go over many ways to make money online using strategies that can work worldwide. So there will always be an easy ways to make money online for everyone! I also go over work from home jobs and other home based business ideas. If you would like to start working from home and generate real online income then I want you to Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss out on any of my future videos! Get Started with real online jobs today SUBSCRIBE ON YT! ►

DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you. Fernando Rosales – Business Brand DBA Affiliate Side Hustle Inspired by
Ryan hildreth smart money tactics Dave Nick
#makemoneywithgoogle #affiliatemarketing #makemoneyonline #workfromhome #earnmoneyonline #workfromhomejobs

So you’ve seen people making money with Google Maps and you’ve probably seen People making money with Gmail but did You know Google has over 40 free tools You can start making money with today I’m going to show you how I just got Paid over 200 online using a brand new Google Hack that I’ve never shown on my Channel and you don’t need thousands of Followers to get started or even have to Make any crazy videos so if you want to Be one of the first to make money with This strategy all you need is a Smartphone or a computer and the first Google tool we’re gonna use is called Hey what’s up guys it’s Nando and two Years ago I was still working a 12 hour A day job living paycheck to paycheck so Just like anyone else I decided to get Online and search for better ways of Making money on this channel I go over Everything I discovered and show you all The strategies I’m using myself so if You like learning new ways to make money Make sure you hit that like hit that Subscribe button so I can notify you Every time I drop a new video and Alright guys the tool we’re gonna start Making money with is called Google sites And if you heard of this before stick Around because I’m going to show you a Completely brand new strategy so what This basically is is a free website Builder from Google where you don’t have

To learn any programming learn any Design skills this is an easy drag and Drop Builder that you can use to build Websites for products articles any type Of website you want to start making Money with so if you’re brand new and You don’t want to pay for a website Builder like Wix or Squarespace all you Want to do is come over to Google’s Sides and you’re going to see that People are literally using this free Tool to build fully Decked Out websites Where they’re getting new clients where They’re selling products and basically Finding different ways to make money From them check out this article right Here 28 examples of Google sites where They’re basically going to show you People that are running their Business Website using this free Google sites Tool and again these are fully Decked Out websites with images text color Everything a website needs to start Making money and with over 8 billion Google searches per month I’m going to Show you how to find the least Competitive ones now don’t forget this Week I’m also doing a free cash giveaway So make sure you stick around to learn How to win some free money and alright Guys the first website you’re gonna use Is called ubersuggest.com now I’ve shown You guys how to use this website to find Hot keywords but today I’m going to show

You a brand new way to make money with It so all you want to do is create a Free account once you’re inside then After that you’re gonna click on keyword Research right here and instead of Clicking on keyword ID videos click on Keywords by traffic after that you’re Going to see the search bar pop up and Inside of the search bar all you want to Do is copy and paste the Google sites Website so copy their website without Anything after the forward slash so make Sure you erase anything after that and Once you’re done click on search what’s Going to happen next is this tool is Going to start showing you all the Hottest Google sites that are making Money and how many visits they’re Getting per month so check this out some Of these sites are literally getting Over millions of visits every single Month and again all of these were made For free using this free Google tool so All you want to do is come over to Ubersuggest and once you’re inside of Here you want to start going through These keywords and what you’re basically Going to see is the exact keywords People are searching to start finding These sites on Google so for example Let’s take this one right here on block Game free whenever somebody searches This keyword on Google this Google sites Pops up and this is basically a free

Game so if we click on this website Right here check it out it’s basically a Free game website so all you’re Basically doing is going through this List right here finding a hot keyword With a website and checking out their Website to see if it’s one that you can Start making money with so you’re Basically getting an inside look on all The websites that are making money right Now and what keywords people are using To find those websites so next start Going through a list like this and find The keyword that has low competition but It’s still getting thousands of searches Every single month so for example check Out this keyword I just found best Audiobook site so this keyword right Here is getting searched over 300 times Per month it has low competition and if I click on their actual website check This out all it is is a basic article Going over all the best book sites Audiobook websites that people can use And whenever somebody signs up to one of These websites the person that made this Free Google site is gonna start making Money so what you’re basically doing is Finding hot keywords with low Competition Edition and seeing if you Can create their website using Google Sites so you can start making money from This hot market right now because you Know people are actually searching for

It you know it has low competition so You can jump into this market right here And start making money from It Yourself By simply recreating your own Google Site so all you’re doing is using this Free tool right here to find how Keywords people are searching for and Seeing if you can recreate their website So you can start making money with it so Go ahead and find the hotkeyword so I’m Gonna go with best audiobook site once You find the keyword that you like and You found a good website that you can Recreate next go to step number three But real quick guys I do want to show You this extra feature right here where You can start filtering out by keywords So let’s say for example you wanted to Find all the keywords that had the word Happy in it that are using Google sites All you would do is click on the keyword Filters at the top enter in the keyword That you want then click on apply and It’s literally going to show you all the Google sites with that exact keyword so If you’re searching for a specific Market like weight loss or maybe money All you want to do is either include or Exclude keywords to start finding more Sites that you can start making money With so there’s going to be so many Different variables and so many Different sites out there that you can Start finding so go ahead and use this

Free tool right here to get started for The next step we’re going to be using AI To help us write an article for our Website so go over to Google search for A website called open AI click on the First one that pops up and you guys will Probably heard of this tool right here It’s called Chad GPT this is a free AI Software that’s literally taken the Internet by storm so many people are Using it to make money making videos Around it and today I’m going to show You a completely brand new strategy with It so come over to chatgpt click on try Right here create your account and once You’re inside your account you’re gonna See the chat box at the very bottom and All you want to do next is have this Software write an article for you just Like the one we found on Google sites Going over all the best audiobook Websites people can start using for Example audible brinklist scrib you want To have this software write an article Just like this so you can start making Money using their exact same strategy so I’m literally showing you a secret hack That you can use to get an inside look On how markets that are making money Right now with low competition and again Most of the work is going to be done for You using this free AI software so come Over to the chatgpt and at the very Bottom you’re going to type something

Like this write an article going over The five best audiobook websites that People can use so check it out it’s Literally going to start breaking down Every single audiobook website or at Least the top five ones and exactly what They’re about how they work and how People can get started with them so you Can already see audible at the very top After that scrib after that Libre box These are ones that were already Mentioned in the article that we found So all we’re doing is tapping into this Market right here that has low Competition in and making money with it Ourselves by using AI software so go Ahead and have it write an article for You like this and once you’re done go to Step number four and hey guys just want To jump in real quick to do this week’s Giveaway so if you want to win some free Money follow these Three Steps step Number one hit that subscribe button Like I’ve shown you guys before YouTube Does show me all my recent subscribers So make sure you don’t skip over any Step step number two follow my brand new Tick tock page I created this brand new Page to go along with the channel so if You want to reach out to me ask me any Questions just follow my page and send Me a message finally step number three Comment down below make money online so I know you did the first two steps and

Also let me know where you’re watching This video from so I can give you your Own shout out so again if you want to Win some free money follow those three Steps and I’ll be announcing a winner Next week on Monday’s video and alright Guys for the next step we’re gonna use a Secret hack to actually make money from Your article because you already know so If you try using content that was Created by AI Google is not going to Rank your article and people will never Actually find it so what we’re gonna do Is use this secret hack called quill bot To rewrite this article that was created By AI so Google thinks an actual human Wrote it so check this out if I copy a Paragraph from this AI article and paste It inside of this box right here click On paraphrase it’s going to rewrite this Paragraph right here where it’s actually Going to seem like a human wrote it and The way you’re going to check this is by Using this website called crosspeg.com So come over to this website right here And let’s say for example I copy one of These AI written paragraphs and paste it Inside of this box right here check this Out click on check at the very bottom And it’s going to show you right here That all of this text was mainly written By AI so Google is going to be able to Know if you actually wrote the article Yourself or if you’re just using AI

Tools to write it so to go undetected Use this software called quill bot Because once you have copy this brand New paragraph right here go ahead and Copy the paragraph that was Rewritten For you paste it inside of this tool and Check it out you’re going to see that It’s going to detect that this text was Mainly written by human so what you’re Going to do next is use this software Called quill bot to start rewriting the Article for you so Google doesn’t detect Any Ai and it can actually start ranking Your article so come back to chatgpt You’re Gonna copy the rest of your Article have it Rewritten for you using Quill bot and once you’re done for the Last and final step you’re going to Start building your website so you can Start making money with it now I do want To give you guys a quick disclaimer this Is an easy strategy for beginners to get Started with but if you are looking for A more advanced strategy to start making Bigger money an extra thousand or even Nine hundred dollars per day click that First link in my description and I’m Gonna send you my number one recommended Income stream and show you the exact Strategy I’m using to make a full-time Income online instead of working a 12 Hour a day job so again if you’re Looking for an easy way to make some Extra money follow along this strategy

But if you’re ready to make a full-time Income click that first link in my Description for my number one Recommended strategy and alright guys Once you’re inside your Google sites Account all you want to do next is at The very top click on template Gallery Right here and you’re going to see all The free templates you can start using To build your own Google site so the one I like to use myself is Club this is a Real easy one to start with that’s Mainly around articles just like the one We just found so I’m gonna go with Club Go ahead and click on this template Right here it’s going to open up the Website builder for you and inside of Here again all you got to do is either Drag and drop click and remove click and Delete you can literally start building Your own custom website around the Article that you just found and the Keyword you’re going to be making money With inside of Google sides so for Example the very first thing you want to Do is give it a good title like best Audiobook sites in 2023 plus their free Trials give it a nice title that’s going To get people’s attention 10 then after That you can go down to the bottom and Start writing your article so all you Would do is go through the right hand Side where you see text box add that on The screen it’s going to add its own

Text box in and you can literally add it Anywhere you want so let’s say I click On this image right here and maybe I Want to add a button all I got to do is Come over to the right hand side click On the button right here it’s going to Ask me for the name let’s see example Give it a link facebook.com all you’re Basically doing is using this free tool To again build your own custom website And you have all the tools on the right Hand side to do so so go ahead and add a Text box in write the rest of your Article that you just rewrote using this Free tool and once you’re done it’s Basically going to look like this where You’re gonna have website number one Number two number three and the way You’re gonna start making money is by Adding affiliate links to this website So for example the one that we found Earlier whenever somebody goes to this Website right here and let’s say they Click on this 30 day free trial link Right here once they click on this link They’re gonna get a free 30-day trial to Audible but the person that made this Website is gonna start getting paid for The sign up so you can start getting Paid just by featuring websites and Featuring links on your article and all You have to do is go over to their Affiliate programs and sign up so check It out you can go to Google search for

Audibles affiliate program then after That click on the first link that pops Up and you can sign up for audible’s Affiliate program using your website and Again every time somebody signs up You’re getting paid five dollars anytime Somebody creates a gold membership You’re getting paid ten dollars so once You sign up to the audible affiliate Program you’re gonna have access to your Back office where they’re not only going To give you links they’re also going to Give you banners that you can feature on Your website and whenever somebody Clicks on the banner on your website and Signs up again you’re gonna start Getting paid for it so check this out Let’s say I want to feature this Banner Right here any random Banner all I got To do is copy their code then I can come Back to the website builder click on Embedded right here it’s going to open Up in a better a code box click on Embedded code then paste that code Inside of here click on next you’re Going to see the image pop up then just Click on insert at the bottom and check It out again it’s going to add this Banner to your website so whenever Somebody clicks on the banner or clicks On your link it’s going to take them Through Audible and once they sign up You’re going to start getting paid for It so all you want to do next is go back

Sign up to the other websites affiliate Programs like Scribd Blacklist whatever Websites this AI bot featured all you Want to do is sign up to their affiliate Program and feature their program inside Of your website so you can start making Money and once you’re done just click on Publish at the very top so here’s the Website I just built published and I Didn’t make it too long you guys can see I didn’t make it as professional as the One that we found so you do want to make It a little bit more Pro make it look a Little bit more nicer add some extra Images on there but again all you’re Basically doing is opening up your Website and you can see inside of your Website you can click on this Banner Link which again is going to take me to An audible trial and alright guys all You have to do next is come over to Ubersuggest find secret websites find on Tab markets that you can start making Money with and again use Google sites to Build your own website that you can Start making money with and alright guys If you got some value from this video If You enjoyed the content and you stuck Around to the end make sure you hit that Like hit that subscribe button so I can Update you every time I drop a brand new Money making video

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