Mark Zuckerberg, the renowned technology entrepreneur and philanthropist, has set his sights on a revolutionary endeavor. He envisions a future where Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becomes an open source platform. In his quest to push the boundaries of technological advancements, Zuckerberg aims to democratize AGI, making it accessible to researchers and developers worldwide. With this ambitious vision, he seeks to unlock the limitless potential of AGI and promote the collective progress of humanity. Join us as we delve into Zuckerberg’s aspiration to build an open source AGI, exploring its implications, challenges, and the path he envisions for a more inclusive and collaborative future.

H1: Zuckerberg Wants to Build Open Source AGI


In a recent video by The AI Breakdown: Artificial Intelligence News, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, announced the company’s new goal of creating open-source Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This revolutionary approach aims to build general intelligence and make it widely available to benefit everyone. In the video, Zuckerberg emphasizes the importance of open-sourcing AI, highlighting Meta’s commitment to transparency and collaboration. Let’s delve deeper into this groundbreaking announcement by Meta and explore the potential implications of open source AGI.

H2: Meta’s Goal of Open-Source AGI

In his address, Mark Zuckerberg outlines Meta’s ambitious objective of building AGI and open-sourcing its technology. AGI refers to AI systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various domains, similar to humans. By making AGI open source, Meta aims to democratize access to advanced AI capabilities, allowing developers, researchers, and businesses to leverage its potential.

H2: Open-Sourcing AI for the Benefit of Everyone

Zuckerberg emphasizes the significant advantages of open-sourcing AI. He believes that by sharing AI technology with the global community, collaboration and innovation will flourish. Open source not only encourages transparency and accountability, but it also enables diverse perspectives in AI development. By involving a wide range of contributors, Meta hopes to address biases, enhance safety measures, and ensure that AGI benefits everyone, regardless of their background.

H2: Meta’s Heavy Investments in Computing Resources

To bring their vision to fruition, Meta is investing heavily in computing resources. By the end of the year, the company plans to have over 350,000 Nvidia h100 GPUs at its disposal. This substantial computational power is essential for developing and training advanced AI models. With such immense resources, Meta aims to accelerate AGI research and development, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

H2: Glasses as the Ideal Interface for AI Assistants

As the metaverse gains traction, Zuckerberg predicts that glasses will become the preferred interface for interacting with AI assistants. He envisions a future where people can seamlessly access and communicate with their AI counterparts through wearable devices. Glasses provide a more natural and immersive user experience, effectively integrating AI technology into our daily lives. With open-source AGI, the possibilities for AI assistance and interaction within the metaverse are endless.

H2: Gradual Arrival of AGI

Contrary to popular belief, Zuckerberg envisions AGI arriving gradually rather than through a singular groundbreaking moment. He compares the development of AGI to the evolution of the internet and mobile phones. Just as these technologies evolved over time and became an integral part of our lives, AGI is expected to follow a similar trajectory. By adopting an incremental approach, Meta aims to ensure the responsible and ethical deployment of AGI, thereby minimizing potential risks.

H2: Meta’s Approach to Openness

Meta’s commitment to openness starkly contrasts with other companies in the AI industry like OpenAI. While OpenAI focuses on competitive models that remain closed-source, Meta recognizes the importance of collaboration in accelerating AGI development. Zuckerberg highlights the need to address issues like unequal access to opportunity and value in AI. Meta’s open-source stance presents an opportunity to mitigate these concerns by fostering inclusivity and shared benefits.

H2: Addressing Concentration of Power in AI Development

Another critical aspect of Meta’s open-source stance is its potential to address the concentration of power in AI development. Zuckerberg acknowledges the current risks associated with a few dominant players controlling the trajectory of AI. By embracing open-source AGI, Meta aims to distribute influence and decision-making power across a wider community. This approach promotes collective intelligence, reducing the likelihood of asymmetrical power dynamics and ensuring a more equitable AI landscape.

H2: Meta’s Leaning Towards Open Source

Zuckerberg suggests that Meta will lean towards open source when it comes to AGI, but the video doesn’t make a definitive commitment to full open sourcing. While the company is actively encouraging collaboration and sharing, the extent of open sourcing AGI remains uncertain. Nevertheless, the emphasis on openness and the positive implications of such an approach highlight Meta’s commitment to harnessing AI for the greater good.


Meta’s announcement of building open-source AGI marks a significant milestone in the AI landscape. By democratizing access to advanced AI capabilities, Meta aims to ensure that AGI benefits everyone and fosters collaboration and innovation. The company’s heavy investments in computing resources and its focus on glasses as the ideal interface further solidify their commitment to shaping the future of AI interactively. While open-source AI remains a complex and evolving topic, Meta’s approach offers promising possibilities for addressing power imbalances and shaping a more inclusive AI ecosystem.


  1. What is AGI?
    AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence. It refers to AI systems that possess human-like abilities to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across multiple domains.

  2. How will open-source AGI benefit developers and researchers?
    By making AGI open source, developers and researchers can leverage advanced AI capabilities, collaborate with a diverse community, and foster innovation in AI development.

  3. Why are glasses seen as the ideal interface for AI assistants in the metaverse?
    Glasses provide a more natural and immersive user experience, seamlessly integrating AI technology into our daily lives. They offer a convenient interface for interacting with AI assistants within the metaverse.

  4. What is Meta’s approach to openness different from other companies like OpenAI?
    Meta’s commitment to openness extends to AI development. While other companies like OpenAI focus on competitive models that remain closed source, Meta emphasizes collaboration and sharing to accelerate AGI development.

  5. How does Meta’s open-source stance address the concentration of power in AI?
    By embracing open-source AGI, Meta aims to distribute influence and decision-making power across a wider community, reducing the risk of a few dominant players controlling the trajectory of AI.